Monday, October 18, 2010

Two kinds of human beings

If you can't read it, at the bottom it says, "there are basically two kinds of human beings."
It made me chuckle.

Amy. Your lack of blog posting is disheartening.

Did you see that? I spoke in Amy-language!

Anywho, on other news, we're going to Texas on friday, its totally awesome! Earlier in the year I was looking forward to the trip because I thought that it would be totally cold here, and it would be like a nice change, but NOOOO its like 85 degrees or more and its terrrrible. I mean, its the middle of October, earth, you can do better than that!

Then later in the year, like in august, I was not happy because we wouldn't be able to go to the ocean because of the spill. But oil is oil, am I right, and the gulf is pretty much made of it, so if you wanna swim in the "ocean" (people tell me that the gulf isn't actually the ocean, but I toootally think it is.) then you can get the whole effect.

I'm also happy because then I can add it to my list of states that I've been to! Which isn't very many. Its like 15 or something.


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