Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh, hey there.

Yeah as far as blogging goes I've kind of...not been doing it.
Usually I don't blog unless Amy isn't near, so I can tell her all the happenings, but since Amy moved back for the summer I've just told her everything to her face, but that doesn't mean that I've got plenty of things to tell YOU.

Lets see, last time I blogged was the middle of may? Lots of things have happened since then.

Like, swim team started. I have mixed feelings about it, still. You'd think that by three weeks in I would have decided weather or not I hate getting up at five and freezing/working really hard for two hours, but I haven't.

Things I like about swim team:
1. swimming?
2. winning.
3. Coach Kyle
4. the people. They're all cool.
5. Getting totally ripped.
6. Getting totally tan.
7. Boasting about how I'm still alive even though I get up at five every morning.

Things I don't like about swim team:
1. Getting up at five.
The first ten minutes are like the worst thing that ever happened, literally, and then you wake up and its OK. Its really not the tiredness that I hate about it all, its the coldness, which is my second point.
2. The coldness.
Swimming in a pool that is less than 80 degrees is like swimming by an ice burg with a wet suit on. Except there are no ice burgs and there are no wet suits.
On monday the water was 76 degrees, which is like six degrees away from being the exact opposite of a volcano. Meaning if it were 70 degrees we would have frozen where we stood.
3. There are a couple other small things I don't like, such as some of the other pools that we go to, but I've told myself I wouldn't complain about those because I never want to feel the wrath of Kyle again.

In other news, I'm, like, driving. Its crazy. I'm 15 and now I'm driving. I can hardly believe it. But what is even more ridiculous is that mom is letting me drive to swim team at five thirty in the morning. I totally have it under control but I still feel like it should be illegal or something.

I'm also playing the drums again. I watched a video of like seven-year-old Justin Bieber playing the drums and it was preeettty inspiring, but not inspiring enough for me to actually do anything about it. So then I watched some Nick Jonas playing the drums and then I listened to some Muse and I've played the drums like an hour every day since then.

Beside all that I'm really doing nothing but sleeping. When I get home from swim team I eat like a boy and then I fall asleep for like three hours. Its the kind of sleep where you wake up and you feel like you've become one with the bed, and then you get up, and you sit down somewhere else, just so you can wake up the rest of the way without falling down, and you end up falling asleep there, too, and then your groggy for the rest of the day.

Stay Classy

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