Tuesday, November 1, 2011



There's almost nothing worse than reading a book with some awesome awesome character that is totally unappreciated. That's what its like reading The Hunger Games.

And I just looked it up, and Josh Hutcherson is TOTALLY playing Peeta and I am TOTALLY excited about it.

Oh, yeah, sorry I haven't been blogging. I've been busy reading.

I read like the entire Neptunes Son yesterday. I was a little iffy about it at first, but I really liked it because percy was one of the main characters, and it wasn't in first person, and it was nice to have it be about percy from someone elses perspective. Ne was still funny and joke-y and puntastic as always.

The other characters were awesome, and I'll TRY not to give a ton away, but their "curses" or "gifts" or whatever were a LITTLE weird in the beginning. But then it all worked out. Also, I didn't really like how they introduced Nico in the beginning and deceived us into thinking that he wasn't going to be some kind of big character or something.

AND I didn't like how Percy's memory came back gradually. I wanted more anger and annoyance at not being able to remember anything, you know, like, what would actually happen. And I wanted there to be an amazing realization moment when he remembered EVERYTHING.

Also I didn't like how the whole book was pretty much leading up to him and Annabeth being reunited, but then the book ended RIGHT before it, so I KNOW they aren't going to have it in the next book. Ugh, I mean, I waited like 500 pages for that reunion.

And just because Nico wasn't a big character doesn't mean that theres not going to be a rap. You aren't going to get out of beatboxing THAT easily.

But I know what the next book is going to be about and I'm totally PSYCHED.

SO ANYWAY, I'm reading the hunger games. Wow. WOW. WOOOOOW. oh my. Gracious. The whole premise makes me want to hug our country for being so not-horrible.

I hate those fatalistic people, I know you said you're one, and thats probably true, but GOSH. I mean, people are all "Oh yeah, we're all going to get engulfed by the sun, or die via dictation from horrible ruling powers, but heres what I say:

DUDE, we're doing really FREAKING GOOD! We made the atom bomb and there wasn't even any apocalypse. And you dude, back there, bein' all "actually, the depression--" I don't want to hear it. We made it out fine and trees still cover 29 percent of the the dry land!

But I still like reading these crazy post-apocalyptic books. I think its because the thought of starting new and being able to do whatever you wanted as a people is pretty fascinating, even though I've got to say, having teenagers fight to the death for entertainment is kind of one of the last things that I would think of having a post-apocalyptic book be about.

I really like the thought of these mockingjays. When I write a book like that, instead of them breeding birds and birds for spying reasons, I'm going to have them breed birds and horses, and narwhals and horses, so I can have a pretty sweet army of unicorns and pegasi. Wouldn't that be sweet? Yeah, it would.

 Anyway, back to reading. See you friday!

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