This is definitely one of my favorite pictures of all time.
Yeah, I got a camera, so the pictures will be more often. Will happen more often. Will...Yeah. I love this picture though, its awesome.
So you know how instagram is a big thing now? Like making a picture look totally awesome without really trying at all? Well, there is a setting on my camera called "toy camera effect" which is what this is.
Does this look like a toy camera to you? No. But its cool.
This last picture means nothing except to say...this is what my desk has looked like for a while now, and its pretty horrible. I'm pretty disgusted with myself. I mean, like seriously, michelle, pictures of Thunder, Joon and GO but not SeungHo? WHERE DO YOUR LOYALTIES LIE?
No but seriously. This is gross. As soon as my legs and INCREDIBLY sore from doing popcorn squats (ie FAST SQUATS ALLL THE WAY DOWN TO THE GROUND), I'll clean my room.
Maybe. if I feel like it. (I'll do it when Explosion wednesday becomes a thing. HA!)
Is it wierd the the only thing that really bothers me about that picture is how bad my hair looks?