Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hot like Mexico

Wondering what the post will be about from the title?

Did Michelle and Amy go to Mexico?

Is Michelle hot like mexico?

No, it has nothing to do with either of those, (but just if you were wondering, the answer to the first one is no, and the second one: YES.) I just have that line stuck in my head and i can't think of a title that will work for what I'm going to tell yaaa'll about.

Yesterday, I was at youth group, and somehow, either by the back corner of a chair or the side of a stair, I hit my tail bone really hard. How do I not know when it happened? Well you tend to not notice things when you have an infected splinter in your heal, two bleeding trampoline burns on your ankle and a hurting back.

Well, it was really hurting last night, but it didn't really get bad until I woke up at three o'clock in the morning.

I couldn't turn.

And my arm was in a strange position and I couldn't feel it. I couldn't even move.

It took me five minutes to move my arm. You'd think if it was a tail bone problem it wouldn't hurt when you move your arms, but it does, because you tense your back and your tail bone when you want to lift something like an arm from under you.

Then I went to sleep and I woke up a couple more times, then I got up at about eight and layed down on the couch. BIG mistake. I got about half way up and then I realized that I was stuck. Stuck.

I got really scared, just about then, and I was in a ton of pain. I was super scared because its always when silly little things like this happen that you start imagining what it would be like if you were stuck in one position because of the pain and you had to go to the ER.

So I tried to relax, and I eased myself onto the floor, laying on my stomach.

And I got stuck there, too.

I can't move my legs because the only time they don't hurt is when they are relaxed, so I had to use my arms to lift my legs into a position where I could get onto my hands and knees from there. Well, turns out, you use your "tail bone muscles" to use your arms to move your legs.

Sucky. Its even kind of hard to walk. I have to do this weird strut thing.

Finally I got out of that one. Then Amy and I had to go to the orthodontist. I wore my skateboard shoes because I thought if I wore those I would seem like more of a swagger person, and they would think I actually just walked like that, rather than me having a terrible tail bone bruise. (BTW THERE ISN'T A BRUISE. DUUUUUMB) Amy told me, after a while, that it actually looked more like a limp/waddle.

After a while, though we made it back home and into the house, where I had to pick up groceries from the floor. I reminded myself of a nine-month-pregnant woman (actually, I thought of that part on the emperors new groove, where Chicha, Pacha's wife is nine months pregnant and she is trying to retrieve a spilled cup of tea off of the floor.)

So peace out everyone, and try not to get really bad injuries. Because they hurt. Badly.



  1. That is sooooo weird because a few nights ago I woke up and my tail bone hurt really bad! I could still feel everything but I had to lay on my side to make it stop. I don't know how I hurt it....


    a few nights ago I moved to get out of bed, and I stood up, and all the breath got knocked out of my when I started to stand because I couldn't straighten my back. it cramped really bad and I fell back onto the bed. then I got up again and was fine. it was really weird though.

    this is crazy...we all have back problems.

    and remember when I was at your house and we were talking about the emperors new groove?


  3. Aliens. I know it. They have to be behind this.

