Monday, May 24, 2010


I am lost, because of LOST.

What I have heard of Amy and Angela's ramblings about this six season show that is made up of the simple story line of people crashing on an island, it sounds pretty pathetic.

Heres one thing I hate. When shows or songwriter/singers or anything of that sort just...keep....on...GOING.

So, time travel? Yeah. No.

I started thinking that when the people wrote the show they named it lost not only because they got lost on an island in who-knows-where-but-it-probably-has-something-to-do-with-the-Bermuda-triangle-or-something-equally-mysterious-because-no-one-has-come-to-find-them, but because when people get past the first two seasons they will get lost in what is happening. They will start to think things like "Is the enemy in this episode creepy time travel?" "That guy who is going crazy? Is HE the villain now?" "The lady who is pregnant can't have the baby...right? How the heck is she gonna manage to live though that one! Ooooooh, that guy is a doctor too...yeah...yeah, that makes sense...." "OHMYGOSH RABID SPIDERMONKEYS!" "The mangos....they...I bet its the mangos this time...They almost had me fooled last time with the coconuts, but I'm sure its the mangos....Dumb ninja mangos..."

The only thing I'm starting to believe Lost is good at is brainwashing people into thinking the show is worth it.

As soon as I heard that Charlie died, I lost the small amount of nonexistent respect that I had for the show, even though I have never watched even one episode all the way though.

One day, when I was going to my friends birthday party, my dad started giving me the drill, you know, "Help Mrs., don't make a mess, be nice, be a good example," and then at the end he said, "And if all of your friends jump off a cliff...don't follow them."

So today, when everyones status's on Facebook were about LOST (and I almost puked on the keyboard) I did all of my respectable friends a favor...and didn't post a status about LOST.

Don't worry, guys-who-watch-LOST, not all is lost (HAHA), when i become president of the world, you may come to me and I will decide if you shall be sent to mars...or if you shall stay on earth doing wonderfully amazing things for me for as many hours as you watched LOST.

Thats a lot, right? Good.



  1. I'm just going to say this and I hope you would know that I would say this but, anyone who has no experience of something and then criticizes it with no real legitimate criticism automatically loses all credibility. And this is not even me defending lost.

  2. I knew one of my sisters was going to say something along those lines.

    But no hard feelings, you know? Its all good here.

    I usually hate it when people do that too, but I couldn't resist when I saw my facebook homepage.

