Monday, June 28, 2010


On Friday morning I was shocked to find that Coach Kyle had signed me up for a 200 IM for the meet on Saturday against Butler (the smallest team on the league). For those of you who don't know, a 200 IM is death. IM actually stands for individual Medley, which means a little bit of all four strokes, or as I like to put it, a lot of all four kinds of torturous death.

You start with Buttefly, which is the coolest looking stroke, but the hardest to do. It is made up of the dolphin kick, (or as they used to call it back in my day, the mermaid kick) and a pull that involves bringing your arms up from your sides, out straight, and back into the water in a dive-ish position. (wow, you guys may have thought that was a terrible explanation, but I'm very proud of it.) And you do a fifty of fly. (a fifty is fifty meters, or two lengths of the pool.)

Then you do backstroke, which is pretty fast, but I mostly like it because you can breath all you want. And you do a fifty of that.

Then there is breast stroke, which is probably the funnest. If you don't know what breast stroke is, its the one you naturally do when you are trying to swim up. (like if you happened to be being drowned by mermaids!) And you do a fifty of that.

Then theres freestyle, and this is what you do naturally when you are panicking because there is a shark after you, except your head goes in the water. Not flailing around like another arm. And you do a fifty of that. And then you are done. It was death. I got disqualified because I did my backstroke turn wrong, but it was worth it I guess.

That meet was against the former Butler Torpedoes, which, as of this season, are known as the Aquabears. They changed it because torpedoes are too violent. OH YEAH, LOTS MORE VIOLENT THAN A FREAKING BEAR. wow. Some people.

On other news, my parents are out of town today, to some other far away place in Missouri.

AAAAND I'M GOIN TO OHIO ON THE NINTH! super excited. Super. Super excited.


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