Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fringe Fashion Week

Fringe, the designer line that Amy and myself have had for the last couple of years has just had its first fashion week, and we are hoping to be able to have one every year. around the third week of June.

I wanted to show you all the best shots I could (sorry that like half of them are sideways, I tried to fix it like five times, but it just went back.), But there are just too many. So here are a couple good ones.

Amy, being shot for her dramatic prom scene.
This is my Beach Music album cover. The album, The Sand, includes the best seller single, As We Walk, don't miss out on this one!
This is my awkward home school eighth grade dance picture.
This is something special fringe came up with just this year, the shline, which combines colors, styles and emotions. (Harhar, that red thing is something that Amy sewed for one of the Lord of the Ring movies that my family went to opening day.)
And last but not least, we welcome Indian dress back into the fashion world.

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