Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hi Michelle. Sometimes I feel lonely, like I'm the only one making posts on this blog.

...oh wait. I am the only one making posts on this blog! And posting videos too, for that matter.

Don't mind me though. I obviously have a lot more time to kill than you do especially now you have your own personal student of American culture to teach things to.
There are a lot of things about UCM that are extremely inferier to the very same things at JCCC, namely the print system, the Writing Center and the age and functionality of the buildings, but I will say this about UCM: in the computer lab they have Windows, Apple and Linux computers for anyone to use. So that's cool.

I'm planning to film a video sometime in the next day or so, and this one's going to be more well-structured than some of my other videos have been in the past. *cough* At least, I hope it'll turn out that way. To be honest I film a lot of videos but I only actually post about half of them. The rest will never see the light of day, and for good reason.

I remember that you said that Windows Movie Maker wouldn't open your video, which is weird because the format of it is in .wmv to begin with, I think. One thing you could do is try opening it in VLC or some other program just to make sure that your camera is actually working. If it is, try downloading Windows Live Movie Maker and see if that works. Also, once you're finished editing a video, make sure to select "Save Movie" and not "Save Project", otherwise it won't upload to YT.

Anyway if you have any questions you can probably call me. And make a post.


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