I have a funny story. So do you remember those times when I would recommend a book to you and you would read it (I remember this happening with the later Harry Potter books as well), and then when you were finished, I would be all, "Remember when this plot point happened, and it was so funny/horrible/sad?", and you would be all, "Wait, that happened? I completely missed it because I don't know how to read."
Well, you didn't say it like that, but you really used to have a habit of skimming over things if they had too many big words or something. So the reason that this is relevant to today is because I've realized that you don't read my blog posts very thoroughly, which I wouldn't mind only you get mad at me for things I've explained in previous weeks. Let me direct your attention to this post I made over a week ago. It is even tagged appropriately. See how easy that was?
I don't really remember what you said in your talking video. Come to think of it, I don't really even remember what I said. I just sat down and spouted off whatever came to mind.
And I'm truly sorry about that Dream High debacle. I thought you would be mad if I watched the episode before you did and I reasoned that if I just didn't say anything it would all pass without incident.
However, your drama queen gifs warmed my heart.
Today in my Literature for Adolescents final, the three Korean girls in the class made a little speech about what a good time they had and how much they'll miss everyone now that they're returning to Korea, and then they handed out boxes of Pocky to everyone. I was already in love with them, and that made me love them more, but they also hand-wrote a personalized note on the back of every box in Korean and English. Let me share the joy with you.
Basically, it was the sweetest thing ever. I'm just sad that their Korean handwriting is virtually unintelligible.
The other thing we did for the final was show each group's final video project. I had an inner debate as to whether or not I should link this, and I decided that I should, if only to show you a little bit of the shenanigans I partook in this semester for that class. Basically, it is the corniest thing I have ever done (I have done a lot of corny things. For your viewing pleasure. Just know that the reason I'm only in it for about two seconds is because I was holding the camera most of the time. You probably don't know this because you never watched Crocodile Hunter, but Terri was always the voice of reason. I'm a method actress.
It isn't all that hot today, but it is so humid that I got all icky and damp when I was carrying things out to my car. The quantity of stuff I own seems to regenerate and when I've taken a load of it out and return to my room, it's like there's not even a dent in my possessions. I think I need to swear myself to a life of poverty, like the monks do.
P.S. I am in love with this guy's voice and I am in love with this song.
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