Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In Which I Take Hypothetical Things to a Whole New Level and Then Question My Sanity.

Ah, well, Touch Korea sent me an E-mail that told me to tell them all my personal information.

Not personal, don't worry parents. Just like my name and my blood type and my height and my eye-color and my address.


I guess now that you, Amy, signed up too, you got all this information too. Everything changes now! Ahahaha, Well, I guess I can include you in my wonderings.

So, I got the tour dates, And its pretty much goes like this.

1/3rd and 1/6th of the cool and an AWESOME tour.
3/3rds of the cool and a pretty awesome tour.
1/3rd of the awesome and a not so cool tour.
I saw this and my reaction was like, 

( His hat says "trust your instincts." I can understand that on a shirt, kind of, but why is it on a hat?)

If I ever have to choose, I think...bad things will happen. I'd almost them rather just, pick one for me.

How do they expect the winner to pick? Fan girling doesn't work like that. We have bias's but not like that. I'm pretty sure there's not a single person whose like, "That's what I want to tour AND those are the three people that I want to meet." Good for them, if that happens.

And where is Nichkhun this whole time? Probably hanging out with Victoria or something laaame like that. What, are these people too busy to meet crazed fans?

When I'm rich and famous, I will always make time for crazed fans. Unless they're like Jonghyun crazed fans and cause you to go to the hospital and miss like half your tour.

First world problems.

Last night I attempted to count how many people had under 100 views on their videos but I got bored around 400. There are still those crazy people who have like 3,000. What are they, famous? Cheaters? I don't get it.

I know its not going to happen, but it'd be pretty cool if we both got picked. I can still dream! I would be, like, the coolest thing ever.

Also, I like CN Blue. Mainly because they're happy and their album is called Ear Fun.


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