Thursday, March 25, 2010


So, I got braces today, and I'm going to give you a step by step.

So I don't know if any of you guys are like me, in that even though everyone you know who has had braces was in so much pain, you kind of think that you theres a chance that you won't be. Well, I thought that. About everything.

Maybe braces really won't hurt.

Maybe I won't have to have them for more than a year.

Maybe I won't have to have rubber bands for more than a year.

Maybe they will knock me out for the whole thing.

Maybe I won't get sores.

Well, I'll tell you what. I was wrong. Big time.

So I get up in the morning, seven o'clock, and its still dark. When I got out of the shower, it was still dark. DEPRESSING. So I get in the place, and I go into this little room, and they give me these yellow-orange safety glasses so that the ultra-violet light wouldn't hurt my eyes.

Then they cleaned my teach with a lot of strange substances that make your gag reflex kick in, and then they have to spread it around with that little thing that vibrates, and it hits your tooth in such a way that it makes the nerve do something weird that really hurts.

Then they gave me this cheek-stretcher thing, and its hooked up to this little thing that is like a cradle for your tongue, and its connected to this thing that is really loud and constantly sucking your mouth dry.

Then, while those things are in, they put you're brackets in, after messing around with the glue and toothpaste for a while.

They put these two "turbo brackets" on the back of my two top front teeth. They are like little metal things that stick out horizontally so my bottom teeth rest on them when I bite down. Currently they are the only contact in my mouth.

And they give me a lisp.

Then I get the weird tongue holder backer and the cheek stretcher out.

Then they get this curved needle and they get all of the glue out from the 'contacts' which is, I'm guessing, the place where one tooth touches the next. Then, when they couldn't get all of that off, they had to get this -

(don't forget, throughout this whole time, they are constantly taking that little water sprayer, and the mouth sucker and doing the dentists work)

-needle thing that spins like a thousand turns per second, and they had to scrape my teeth with it. It was the worst part, because every once and a while they would touch my gums, and it really hurt and made them bleed, just because of the friction of the needle.

Not to mention it made my teeth-nerve thing go again.

And it smelled like burning rubber.

And I thought it was going to start a fire in my mouth.

And it got all the plaque of my teeth, and it made them look gray, and there are these two teeth that don't have brackets on them, that they didn't get the plaque off of, and they look very nice, but they all look gross together.

then they put the wire in. And then they put the rubber bands in. And then they left me out on the cold street to endure my pain in the cold.

No, they didn't actually throw me out, but they did let me go, and then I came home and thought about how it would be nice if someone would host a pity party for me. =) Any volenteers?


Hang in there, people who's lives are awesome because you don't have to get braces.


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