Strangely, after a few weeks of promising spring ish weather during the beginning of March, it snowed more than four inches. SNOWED.
Let me let that sink in for a bit.
And guuuess what? It just happened to happen on the first day of spring!
Ohh irony.
Yesterday we (Amy, Elise and myself) went to Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was just about the best thing ever.
We went to the Palace on the Plaza. That place is amazing too. There weren't really any other white people, and all the black people were awesome. I'm so jealous. Being white is SOO over rated. When we got out of the movie it was snowing, and there were like five people standing next to the window freaking out, and this one girl started singing a Christmas song. It was cute.
When we got back to the house I had the whole basement to myself, and I was so bored that I just got on facebook and stared at the screen with Mor Mors glasses. It was pretty fun, but anything can get boring if you're doing it for a half an hour.
Then I found out the terrible thing.
My Sansa Clip, that i have had for something like two years, Volume down button is broken. OOOh the sorrow!
Then we went to Costco and I was being bitter about how the only MP3s they sold there were Ipods, and so I ate some meat and cheese thing they were handing out. At first it was like the best thing I had ever had, and then it started tasting REALLY bad. I had to wash my mouth out with coffee it was so bad. Turns out it was tilapia. The fish. The fish that smells. When I smelled it I didn't think it was going to taste like that! If you have ever smelled tilapia but never tasted it, here is my advice: DON'T! It tastes JUST like it smells. TERRIBLE.
So thats whats been happening. Meep.
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