Monday, March 8, 2010

Everything, Everywhere.

First, for Kaitlyn, I'm going to say, to everyone that needs to hear it (AKA everyone) that internet talking, such as chat, or wall posting, or IM is not for the every day "hey," "Hey," "Whats up?" "Nothing, you?" "Same," kind of conversations, but are for things that are worth bothering someone about.
Do you really want to bother someone to ask then "Whats up," when you know they have also been on Facebook for the last three hours, and have taken just as many quizzes as you, and are just as bored as you? You shouldn't unless you really have some colossal news.

For instance, today I had to quickly open a chat box with Kaitlyn because I had to ask her if she though my "catch the chinchilla thats out back" plans were all good.

So for the sake of everyones time (and a lot of other things) , go a little deeper and try a little harder.

Any-who, Today I read one of Elise's blog posts, and I want to post something about it.

Writing is not as cool as everyone makes it out to be. Today its all about blogging and novel-ing and texting and English papers and creative criticism and reviews and fanfic and journaling.
But after you get sucked into them, you realize that they aren't all they were said to be, and finally you get to this point where you start tacking pictures of Rick Riordan and JK Rowling and CS lewis on your walls in hope that one day you will get you're books published and made into movies. Or you blog posts published because, what the heck, this is the 21st century, or even you're fan fic published, (yeah, all you fan ficers, "Mr. Darcy," and "Sense and Sensibility and Sea monsters" and "Pride and Prejudice and zombies" were not hits. They were just written by rebellious teenagers who finally did the math and found out that the books really were fifty years old, and they though the names sounded cool. Let me tell you, books like that where the titles just work I'm guessing that the title usually comes first. The plot and everything else comes after.)

Its pretty terrible. Thats why I have a huge dry erase board in my room for drawing pictures in bright red. "To excite agitation" and I also have five awesome movie posters, because thinking about movies is always good when you're feeling down about writing.

Playing games is good too. Shoots and ladders.


  1. Hmm, so the moral is...don't try writing? I'm confused.

    I wasn't talking about writing books or anything. If I were ever to make some great endeavor to mark the art/entertainment world, it would be film. So you can write a book and I will make the movie for it. I'll even adapt it to a screenplay. That's the hardest part, right?

    By the way, I finished the Lightning Thief and it was awesome. I am now going to delve into whichever one comes next.
