Saturday, April 17, 2010

Haiku Kung Fu

Recently, my amazing friend Kaitlyn told me about a contest sort of thing that they are having on a site, where people are to submit haiku's about Doctor Who and they would get $50 worth of merchandise on the site.

So when I opened the chat with her on facebook, after screaming for a couple of minutes about how Rachel is going to be 15 on Monday, she told me about the haiku thing and we both started sharing ones that we made up on the spot.

Heres how it went. Kaitlyn would think for a long time of one, and it would be amazing, and pretty much sum up the whole show, and then I would think for like two seconds and have a really stupid one that hardly even had anything to do with Doctor Who.

These first two are Kaitlyn's:

I, into TARDIS,
Burn through space and time.
Crap, Daleks - Again.

Police of space,
The Shadow Proclamation
Ro-jo Kum ro-mo.

Then I made one really quick,

Let me travel too
Through time and space we travel
Forever by you

Then another one...

Always running fast
He'll think of something to do
As they attack us

Then I made haiku's about haiku's about Doctor Who

I love them so much
I do them every day
...Doctor Who owns you

And another one about just Doctor Who,

He fly with him now
He will till the very end
TARDIS is too cool

Then I just started making haiku's about anything that worked...
Doctor Who for you
A flavor of Ice cream too
Ownage is too cool

Then Kaitlyn came up with another brilliant one...

Pin-striped suit, no name
Blue box, an unearthly wind.
Children of earth, cry.

Then I got a little obsessed with the concept of haiku's...

I try to make cool
It isn't working well now
What the heck get out

Then I made one for Kaitlyn,

Kaitlyn is so cool
She is totally the bomb
I love you to bits.

And another one of Kaitlyn's:

Metacrisis, glow
DonnaDoctor, prophecied
Bad Wolf comes, always.

I want to see some of you guyses haiku's, so make one and comment, or comment anyway, =)

And the poll is done, and it has been determined that polls are awesome, because Michelle likes them.

Thanks, guys.



  1. I always forget how many syllables go where in Haiku so i have to remember my favorite one just to remind me. It goes like this:

    haikus are easy
    but sometimes they don't make sense

    But usually when I say that one I don't have to type a freaking five syllable word. And the thing about all those Doctor Who ones is that they require at least a minimal memory of anything that ever happened in Doctor who which, reading over those, I realize I don't have.

    DoctorDonna is
    Totally ridiculous
    Russel Davies: suck

    Frozen planet snow
    Doctor listen to Ood Sigma
    Are you my mummy?

    Keep the Doctor safe
    Give him the watch now Martha
    Don't let me leave you

    So thats my....definitly my first three haikus ever.

  2. I just realized I miscounted on no. 2. I guess you could take out the Ood in it.

  3. one of those haikus of mine isn't actually a haiku. it goes 5/5/5 instead of 5/7/5. it's the first one I did.
    and it's not a Doctor Who haiku contest, it's just a haiku contest and you have to submit your geekiest haiku. DW is pretty geeky, yeah.

    and SHUCKS. I love you.<333


  4. OOOOOOOOOH it was any haiku? I didn't get that. Oh well!
