So I've been going to the market since I was like five, and selling little plants to people.
Heres what its like to go to the market.
So we get up at four or so on saturday and we drive to Overland Park, which takes like an hour, then we have to set up, which takes about another hour, and it starts at about six (it may start at seven and we may get up at five... Details details, who cares.) Then we sit around in the cold shadow on our little lawn chairs and freeze our little back sides off and watch the people with the coffee and breakfast stuff put up their little tenty thing. (somehow, people that are grandfathered in thing they can get there late and set up late. DUUUUMB) and so then we go over and get a blueberry muffin and some delicious hotchocolate, and we wait for the people to come.
Mostly the people that used to come to the market were old people and runners, who come at six in the morning to check things out.
Now its oldER people (because all the senor citizens have been a groooown up in the last five years) More runners, and those really in shape newly wed/mother of a nine and five yearold people come who are real complete organic freaks.
So no about, these old ladies will buy five pots, instead of six, because there is totally a cool deal when you get six, and so they will buy five, and they will give you like, a fifty, and you are like, what the heck, I've never even hardly touched a fifty dollar bill before, and they will be all, " So how much is this?" and I will tell them, and then I will have to stuggle for about three minutes or more while I try to take some weird number out of a fifty, and they will be smiling and nodding this whole time because they are old and they know how to do that kind of stuff quick, and they will be like, "And a dime, honey, and then a quarter.... now put the paper money on my hand and count back, then the cents." and I'm practically grinding my teeth, here, and then, out of the blue, your mother or father comes to save you!!!
On a good day. sometimes they don't come, and you have to count back from infinity to the little old lady with the walker that has a grocery bag holder in it.
Then you sell a lot of stuff, and get some yummer watermelons and stuff, and then you go home at about one, and crash on the couch. Crash. I'm not joking.
So be glad you don't have to get up at 4 this saturday, and sympathize with Amy.
I'll be happily in bed until about ten or so....
Eat A Lemon,
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