Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who are these nerds?

Yeah, thats right, I'm making a post that has something to do with facebook. AGAIN. But I don't have a problem, and you shouldn't either, because we all know that facebook is a big part of your life too, so no complaining.

So, status's. They're pretty cool sometimes. Sometimes people tell jokes or boast, or pop the question or tell everyone they're pregnant on facebook status's.

In fact, via status, I recently found that a 18 year old friend of ours that I haven't seen in a really long time is engaged. Conga-rats.

But mostly, when I look at status's of my friends its really funny.

For example, I got onto facebook and heres what I saw,

So and So Well, a lot of caaaars are Japaneeeese.

So and So are there such thing as birdie diapers?

So and So Someone come read me a bedtime story

So and So Ug, I hate the way my pinky cramps up from holding the Nintendo nunchuck to long!

So and So Little did I know that riding my bike though mud puddles is making it look like I poo'd my pants.

So and So Piranha plants are pretty epic.

So and So How old is Link in fairy years?

So and So "Did YOU rub my lamp? Did YOU wake me up? Did YOU bring me here?"

My friends. Something is wrong. With ALL of them!

OOOOOH my gosh. I just remembered.



Bye Bye Bye is the song. Awesomeness is the dance. Its gonna rock everyones socks off. EVERYONES.


Monday, May 24, 2010


I am lost, because of LOST.

What I have heard of Amy and Angela's ramblings about this six season show that is made up of the simple story line of people crashing on an island, it sounds pretty pathetic.

Heres one thing I hate. When shows or songwriter/singers or anything of that sort just...keep....on...GOING.

So, time travel? Yeah. No.

I started thinking that when the people wrote the show they named it lost not only because they got lost on an island in who-knows-where-but-it-probably-has-something-to-do-with-the-Bermuda-triangle-or-something-equally-mysterious-because-no-one-has-come-to-find-them, but because when people get past the first two seasons they will get lost in what is happening. They will start to think things like "Is the enemy in this episode creepy time travel?" "That guy who is going crazy? Is HE the villain now?" "The lady who is pregnant can't have the baby...right? How the heck is she gonna manage to live though that one! Ooooooh, that guy is a doctor too...yeah...yeah, that makes sense...." "OHMYGOSH RABID SPIDERMONKEYS!" "The mangos....they...I bet its the mangos this time...They almost had me fooled last time with the coconuts, but I'm sure its the mangos....Dumb ninja mangos..."

The only thing I'm starting to believe Lost is good at is brainwashing people into thinking the show is worth it.

As soon as I heard that Charlie died, I lost the small amount of nonexistent respect that I had for the show, even though I have never watched even one episode all the way though.

One day, when I was going to my friends birthday party, my dad started giving me the drill, you know, "Help Mrs., don't make a mess, be nice, be a good example," and then at the end he said, "And if all of your friends jump off a cliff...don't follow them."

So today, when everyones status's on Facebook were about LOST (and I almost puked on the keyboard) I did all of my respectable friends a favor...and didn't post a status about LOST.

Don't worry, guys-who-watch-LOST, not all is lost (HAHA), when i become president of the world, you may come to me and I will decide if you shall be sent to mars...or if you shall stay on earth doing wonderfully amazing things for me for as many hours as you watched LOST.

Thats a lot, right? Good.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Books, movies and whatever else makes up my life

Yeah, yesterday I read the Red Pyramid, by Rick Riordan. It was great, though I'm sure I would have enjoyed it better and understood it better if I hadn't read it all in one day.

Before I started the book I kind of had a fear that I would start replacing my craze for Greek Mythology with a craze for Egyptian magic. I think I was thinking that reading this book would determine if I was crazy about Greek Mythology just because the Percy Jackson books are so cool. I still like the Percy Jackson books better, I think he carried out the Greek-Mythology-is-real better than he carried out the Egyptian-Magic.-TODAY!

These kids could do the magic, but you (the reader) didn't know its limits and didn't know how it worked. You didn't understand when it would work or what they had to do mentally for it to work. You didn't know if they had to speak in English or Egyptian, and you didn't know when they had to use their wand and staff.

There was a part when they were approaching a river, and they knew there was some kind of monster in it, and I was thinking, 'No biggy, he can just use his awesome water powers,' and then I was like, 'wait. This isn't Percy Jackson, who can Always do stuff with water, this is Carter and Sadie who have unpredictable magical powers that may totally wipe you out and you'll be (a) knocked out, or (b) unable to use magic for the next couple of hours and be completely famished.

Not to mention they had no training, so you aren't the only one who doesn't know if they are going to go completely blank while trying to defeat the Set Monster or something.

I don't know, maybe I will understand it all better when I read it the second time. Taking at least a week (but I will have to wait to do that until I finish reading the Sea of Monsters and the rest of the Percy Jackson books).

Wednesday was our brothers birthday, and we went to some dinner and went to see Robin Hood. I wasn't excited about seeing it. Aside from the show, Robin Hood has been one of my least favorite legends. Medieval/middle ages or whatever time that was, is my least favorite time in history. I wasn't excited about going to see a movie about it, not to mention, in the beginning I wasn't a Russell Crowe or Cate Blanchett fan.

But the movie was so well done I can't complain at all. The acting was very nice, and there was a strange twist on the story line, like it kind of went away from what the legend is. But who cares, I mean, its a legend.

When I first thought back on it, I realized that there wasn't really a Guy of Gysborne, but then I found that Godfry, played by Mark Strong, was supposed to be based on him.

And I would just like to say, Prince John, (played by Oscar Isaacs) did a wonderful job, and I'm sure, my eyes, in not everyones, he will always be a lazy and pathetic lion.

But not all I do is sit around and watch movies and read books, I watch a bunch of Drake and Josh! Haha, just kidding, I mean, I have been watching a bit of that, but thats not what I was going to say. I've been making togas and doing school online.

Yeah, for co-op we are having a big feast day, and I we have to make togas, and then wear them...I'm going for more of the nobles look. Mom says it looks like something Egyptian. I'm down with that. Better that than a toga. I'll also try to get pictures for that.

Regarding school online - I'm going to be taking my highschool school on Monarch. Its pretty cool, I guess.

The pictures for my wedding are still at the printing place, my photographer is being awfully slow about that.

But it was great, it really was. You guys went above and beyond with the presents.

Really proud of you all! =)


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Leading Up To Something Great. Don't Worry.

Its eleven o'clock and there is no possible way I can tell everything that has happened.

Actually nothing has really happened,

And that is why I was able to start and finish the Red Pyramid, today.

Mostly all that has be happening is getting excited about things that are going to happen in the next week, month, year etc.

There is no possible way I can review the Robin Hood movie that we saw yesterday, and the Red Pyramid and tell you about all the amazing things that are going to happen in the next week, month, year, etc.

And on top of all that I got married to the blog today, and it was just historic.

I'll post pictures when I get the time. Hopefully tomorrow, when I also hopefully have time to write a colossal post and make toga's for Saturday. (I'll explain later.) And explore a cyber class of World History (that too).

I just feel terribly guilty that Amy and I have less posts for this month than there are weeks in the month. I'm so sorry that we haven't been posting, I'm not going to say that we are busy, because the truth is we aren't.

Just neither of us want to venture down to the cold cave that sports both of the blogspot-not-blocked computers.

And that is the simple truth of it.

And I'm just so sorry, but I'll try harder in the future. Summer is supposed to be a care free and un-busy time, right?

A clue: No.

It always looks like that, coming right out of the school year, but the summer has its own annoying way of making itself less enticing than it looks from a distance.

So tomorrow, we shall connect for reals.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today has just been one of those days...

(This is gonna be good)

It was a sunny morning, in north-west Missouri, when the Sullivan family were walking into a small town church. The youngest of the Sullivan bunch, a tall girl named Michelle, walked along the gravel parking lot toward the small brick building. Her short hair blew in the wind. Her three inch heals crunched menacingly on the gravel.

It had begun like any other Sunday. She had woken up around nine, she had gotten out of bed and gone to her sisters room where she sat on the bed and pet the cat for a couple of minutes, then she made her way to the couch and took a doze there. After about thirty minutes of all that, she changed, went into the bathroom, washed her hair and put on some earings. It didn't feel like that day would be any different. But it was.


As she sat in the pew, and the sermon began, she remembered that she had forgotten breakfast, again, as the pastor mentioned something about a potluck. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and tried, once again, to find a comfortable sitting position (keep in mind that she has had a terrible tail bone injury.) After a few minutes Michelle begins to feel a little hot, and she rests her head on her sisters shoulder, as she refrains from throwing up.

Soon she rests her head on the bench in front of her, feeling exceedingly hot and uncomfortable. The thought of fresh air is getting more and more enticing by the moment.

She lifts her head, and though her eyes are wide open, she can see only black, and the sound is being blurred in her ears. She begins to get a headache from the terrible head rush, and she puts her head back on the pew in front of her, still unable to see. She lifts it, once again, thinking, now, of only the cool concrete stairs leading up the the church and the chilly breeze on her face.

She catches a moment of vision, and she grabs it. Standing up, unaware of the fact that all 76 pairs of eyes in the church are on her (she also happens to be in the front row) She walks two feet down the side isle.

The next thing she knows is her head is against scratchy material. she thought it was the pew that she had rested on. She opened her eyes but she still can't see anything. She is crying.

She hears the voice of her father, and many other people around her. forehead and chin are throbbing.

She begins to remember getting up in a half crazed will to get fresh air. There are people asking if she is ok, but she can't answer. Shes crying too hard.

She hears the pastor leading the church in a prayer for her, and she hears someone ask if she wants to stand up. She answers that she wants to go home.

She is being led out of the church by her father, who is holding onto her tight, telling her that he doesn't want her to get dizzy again.

she is lead into their car and given a glass of metallic tasting water. Her mother gives her a blanket and pillow, while her father goes into the church kitchen to look for something that she can eat.

He comes back with a bottle of orange juice, but she can hardly drink it because she is shaking so badly. After a moment she feels something in her mouth and removes a bracket. Her mother told her it must have been knocked out when she fell.

It was dramatic. And traumatic.


Sorry about the cheesy written-by-a-teenager-and-self-published style of writing, but I had the idea and I just couldn't pass it up.

The whole story is true, BTW.

Its just been one of those days...


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hot like Mexico

Wondering what the post will be about from the title?

Did Michelle and Amy go to Mexico?

Is Michelle hot like mexico?

No, it has nothing to do with either of those, (but just if you were wondering, the answer to the first one is no, and the second one: YES.) I just have that line stuck in my head and i can't think of a title that will work for what I'm going to tell yaaa'll about.

Yesterday, I was at youth group, and somehow, either by the back corner of a chair or the side of a stair, I hit my tail bone really hard. How do I not know when it happened? Well you tend to not notice things when you have an infected splinter in your heal, two bleeding trampoline burns on your ankle and a hurting back.

Well, it was really hurting last night, but it didn't really get bad until I woke up at three o'clock in the morning.

I couldn't turn.

And my arm was in a strange position and I couldn't feel it. I couldn't even move.

It took me five minutes to move my arm. You'd think if it was a tail bone problem it wouldn't hurt when you move your arms, but it does, because you tense your back and your tail bone when you want to lift something like an arm from under you.

Then I went to sleep and I woke up a couple more times, then I got up at about eight and layed down on the couch. BIG mistake. I got about half way up and then I realized that I was stuck. Stuck.

I got really scared, just about then, and I was in a ton of pain. I was super scared because its always when silly little things like this happen that you start imagining what it would be like if you were stuck in one position because of the pain and you had to go to the ER.

So I tried to relax, and I eased myself onto the floor, laying on my stomach.

And I got stuck there, too.

I can't move my legs because the only time they don't hurt is when they are relaxed, so I had to use my arms to lift my legs into a position where I could get onto my hands and knees from there. Well, turns out, you use your "tail bone muscles" to use your arms to move your legs.

Sucky. Its even kind of hard to walk. I have to do this weird strut thing.

Finally I got out of that one. Then Amy and I had to go to the orthodontist. I wore my skateboard shoes because I thought if I wore those I would seem like more of a swagger person, and they would think I actually just walked like that, rather than me having a terrible tail bone bruise. (BTW THERE ISN'T A BRUISE. DUUUUUMB) Amy told me, after a while, that it actually looked more like a limp/waddle.

After a while, though we made it back home and into the house, where I had to pick up groceries from the floor. I reminded myself of a nine-month-pregnant woman (actually, I thought of that part on the emperors new groove, where Chicha, Pacha's wife is nine months pregnant and she is trying to retrieve a spilled cup of tea off of the floor.)

So peace out everyone, and try not to get really bad injuries. Because they hurt. Badly.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Morning, Neverland

Here is a summation of my life in the past month in the form of a highly repetitive list:

Do silly things with Michelle

That's the long and short of it. One thing that I did do this week other than those things is cut my own hair. Eek! It's all gone now. I thought I would have regrets, but so far it's been four days or so and I've never looked back. I guess I just really didn't like having to deal with that old bramble.

Ooh! Another thing. I've been reading the Shadowmarch series by Tad Williams. So far I'm on the third book, Shadowrise, and it's freaking intense. I mean, you'd think that with a four-piece series where each book is 700+ pages long, there'd be some time to sit back and get bored, but maaan. I've bitten my fingernails down to the quick. It's taken me a couple of weeks to get to the third book due to a lot of other stuff I've been doing, but if it was like the Days of Old, I would have pushed all other priorities away and eaten those things up in a matter of days. I never thought I would become one of those people who doesn't have the time to read what they want when they want. The realisation that I'm on my way there is an unhappy one. However, it makes me value my reading time more, so that's something. So anyway, if you happen to like extremely long, extremely involved fantasy books and can muster enough interest in them to actually keep track of all the characters without having to look in the index whenever you come across a name you know you should know, then by all means, go read Shadowmarch. The language is possibly more dated than J.R.R. Tolkien, but it's also easier to understand. And there aren't any conlangs, which could be good or bad depending on how hardcore a fantasy reader you are. One thing I really liked about Shadowmarch is that it has its own races, instead of the standard dwarves, elves and fairies. Those get old after a while.

Today on the radio I heard a funny interview that Justin Bieber had in Britain where he couldn't understand the guy who was asking the questions because of his British accent. Haha. You know that little ghetto-girl voice he puts on? Something about him going "What?" several times and laughing apologetically a bit was really hilarious. Anyway. In honor of Canadians, I give you a Canadian comic! Not by me, regrettably.


EDIT: Had to fix the link, and also correct myself that the interviewer was not British, he was in fact from New Zealand. An unforgivable mistake on my part. Sorry, Bret.