Monday, January 30, 2012

Homework-Induced Procrastination Which I Cannot Afford

You're in Oklahoma now, where they probably don't have internet (I know nothing about Oklahoma. How am I to know if they have even a primitive social structure to their name? Do they even speak English?). I, however, am in Warrensburg, a utopian educational society where the residents dutifully see to the betterment of their minds at all hours of the day and night.

No wait, that's just me.

I am going to be up late tonight, again, because I have a lot of writing to do for tomorrow. I have most of the reading done, it's just that I have to write these papers. They're only a page, single-spaced, which doesn't sound like much, but both of my teachers are absolute sticklers for conscientiousness and if you don't ponder every word and thought exhaustively, they'll know. Land sakes, they'll know. I can't just BS these things like I used to. College: it seems easy at first, but then you get teachers who actually care.

Luckily, I have had all afternoon and I have the rest of the night to do said homework, and I'm maybe halfway through it. The reason I'm not further is because I'm really good at keeping my mind off of the utter monotony of it all by doing things like looking at facebook, reading about the cultural reasoning behind the differences in mindset that America and Asia have towards cosmetic surgery, listening to 2PM just being swoony in general, wondering if I should cut my hair again, and, of course, writing this blog post. I also tried to take a nap, because my sleep has been, to put it mildly, absolute crap the last few nights, but it didn't work for some reason even though I'm desperately tired. I don't know why my sleep's been weird, but I suspect it is connected to stress, because I'm stressed out, and also I am losing weight. And that's just stupid. I'm sure things will get better after I'm done with this whole teaching thing (the 16th), so I'll put it on the calendar, and make sure to have biscuits and gravy for breakfast whenever possible.

I realized about a week ago that I've reached this amazing place in my quest to learn Korean - I was watching Iris (though I haven't had the chance to watch anything for a while, except when I was home with you all) and for some reason there was about a twenty-minute segment where the subtitles just cut out for some reason. And you know what? With context and the verbs I know (I made sure to learn the most common ones first), I was able to figure out roughly what they were saying most of the time. And it was awesome and exhilarating. Obviously I have a ridiculously long way to go, since I've hardly scratched the surface of this whole Korean thing, and actually formulating a sentence that makes sense is still a huge challenge, but this small, happy reward was beautiful and motivating.

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