I don't think I mentioned this before, but a couple of days ago I cut my hair. I don't really know what I was thinking, honestly. I didn't start until it was about 11pm, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking clearly at the time or something. Anyway, I only narrowly avoided disaster and instead arrived at absolute mediocrity. This has got to be the most boring haircut I've ever had. I didn't even think to keep it at least a little longer on top. I took a picture to document this occurrence.
Sexy, right? I'm taking selcas to the next level.
While I'm sharing pictures, here's one from a couple of weeks ago of the white board we have on the outside of our door. I wrote 안녕하세요 (crookedly, I know) but someone else wrote what's underneath it.
It made my day (week), anyway.
11:30 - 2NE1 is awesome. But their band is awesomer. Imagine being so famous and great that you get to just go to a recording session and sing with musicians like this.
I started reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. You can tell it was written by someone at least slightly bitter about their childhood. Here is an excerpt:
Harry had been sent to the best elementary schools - and when that didn't work out, he was provided with tutors from the endless labor pool of starving students. Always Harry had been encouraged to study whatever caught his attention, bought all the books that caught his fancy, sponsored in whatever math or science competitions he entered. He was given anything reasonable that he wanted, except, maybe, the slightest shred of respect.So you know how I was talking earlier about how weirded out I am when famous and/or talented people are younger than me? The same is true when I meet actual peers who are younger than me (basically my entire floor save one). I think this disorientation comes from growing up with almost everyone around me being older. I didn't have any friends who were younger than me. Besides you, I didn't even have any family who was younger than me, and so I always automatically defaulted to the youngest, or one of the youngest. Like, me and you and Joseph are still "the kids", and you and me are "the girls" (at least we've graduated from "the little girls"). It's ingrained in my mind, so being the unnie on 4th Hosey is odd. And people know I'm older, so they keep coming up to me to ask exactly how old I am in case I'm old enough to buy them alcohol. It's profoundly unsettling.
12:35 - Biscuits and gravy for lunch. Yes.
So here is what has made today so great (so far). I have been listening to my dance playlist all morning while I do all this stuff. I don't listen to my dance playlist often because it makes me feel restless sometimes, but on a sunny morning like this when I'm doing fun things, it is perfect. I put on those huge headphones and turned the bass all the way up, because I can. I am slowly refining all my playlists and they are getting good. You should check them out. "Smooth" is currently my favorite. I took the "kpop" off the front of the title because I put a JB song on there and I may add more. After all, it would be silly of me to abandon all the other music I like in favor of kpop.
Okay, pause writing while I listen to Digital Bounce. I think I've only actually heard this song all the way through two or three times, so it is pretty cool right now.
...and, TOP. Awww yeah.
In other news, I just saw this picture and I think it might prevent me from sleeping at night.
I don't have anything against Niel, and honestly his voice is pretty good, but I don't know if I will ever get used to whatever he has going on with his face and hair.
2:03 - 2PM's My Color may be my new favorite song.
And I realized that in GD and TOP's "High High", they spell out ghetto at the end, and then electro. So it's "ghetto electro"? Makes about the same amount of sense as the rest of the song.
6:17 - I got tired of sitting down, so I am following the advice of office-space gurus everywhere and putting my laptop on top of the dresser. It is actually at exactly the right height for typing.
Today, I finally got around to finishing Coffee Prince. I'm glad I didn't abandon it. I wasn't ever a huge fan of Han Gyul (he always seemed a little whiny and desperate, even though he was funny and sweet), so I was tempted, but the supporting characters gave me hope. By the end I was in transports of joy. I'm glad that not everyone got a perfect ending, and I'm glad that the Japanese guy could find happiness even though that lady left him after everything (that sucked). And I definitely cried a lot when the three guys were saying goodbye to her right before she left for Italy. Ha Rim, so sweet.
Apparently, Yoon Eun Hye (the actress who plays Eun Chan) is like one of Korea's national treasures and everyone is in love with her. I guess she's pretty cool. She was pretty cool in Lie To Me too, but I think I'd rather see her in a movie. I will have to look one up.
I should go, because I think I might actually do homework tonight or something. I have been reading this book for World Literature, it's called Madame Bovary and even though it is chock-full of admirable moral lessons, it is still exactly the sort of crash-and-burn romance novels I despise. Maybe I despise it even more because I can see myself in the main character (who is, incidentally, a terrible person). I will prevail, however. I suspect that she will die in the end, because it is that sort of book.
To be honest, I have been hoping that she'll die for at least the last hundred pages. I suppose that's too much to hope for, though.
P.S. 7:55 - I'm putting this at the end of the post because I feel like if anyone else reads this they will abandon the chore of getting through it before they get here, and I will be spared undue shame. I just wanted to relate to you that last night, the dining hall closed at 6:30 and I was so hungry that I wasn't satisfied just with the ramen I made at 8:30... I had to put ranch on it. I know. I'm sorry.