I think about food a lot. In fact, whenever I am not eating food, I am thinking about food. Even if I am not consciously thinking about food, my mouth is thinking about food. It doesn't matter if I'm full or not, I am always thinking about food.
In my special education class, we leaned about a genetic disorder that causes you to think about eating/food constantly to such an extent that you will never not be thinking about food and you'll try to devour anything remotely resembling food (chalk, paper, leather, coal). I was like, that much be what I have only a little milder. Because I think about food so much, and I think maybe I should keep track of what I eat in the interest of health or longevity or something, I have decided to take a picture of what I'm eating whenever I eat something new (I eat the same thing a lot, so this will be incentive for me to branch out). For instance, I took a picture of my first dinner on Tuesday to give you a taste of what I often eat when I am absolutely voracious:
That is two cups of cooked rice, half a can of black beans, salt, garlic powder, sriracha, and doritos. I cannot stress to you enough how delicious this is. I said it was my first dinner because after my night class I came home and had exactly the same thing sans doritos plus a granny smith apple because those things are amazing. I wish I had taken a picture of my fruit bowl before I devoured it, because it was awesome. I got this gift card from Dad for Parker's and among other things I bought a really big bag of mixed fruit. I was kind of afraid that the fruit wouldn't keep when I was just keeping it on a bowl on my desk, but so far it's been almost three weeks and every apple/orange I have eaten in that time has been just as crispy/juicy delicious as it was on the day I bought it, so that's awesome. I only have one orange left and I'm saving it for this weekend when I'm horribly alone (it is going to be awesome, everyone is leaving for Labor Day).
Anyway. Another thing I eat often is ramen. I know that stuff is pretty junky so I don't have it every day, or even every other day. But when I do eat it I am in transports of joy, because that stuff is so. good.
And there isn't much of it in a serving so it's not too bad. I have it with siracha, because I have everything with sriracha. I bought a few different flavors for the sake of variety, but so far the only good kinds have been the chicken flavors. Beef and Oriental are quite frankly disgusting.
Also, I found this at Parker's:
They have a British Foods section! Well, perhaps it was more like a "teatime, wot" section, because most of it was tea or biscuits and spreads. They even had Jaffa Cakes. And marmite. I have no idea what marmite really is but according to some it is some kind of spreadable, edible tar. Apparently it is an acquired taste. I bought the Rich Tea biscuits on the right because they weren't ridiculously expensive and they make me feel sophisticated if I drink them with tea. They taste like animal crackers.
Next I have to take a picture of the soup I make with rice. I can't believe I forgot to today. It was Southwestern style and tasted like heaven because I put in extra garlic. :3
I am putting off going to the actual kitchen because it is kind of gross and there's no microwave. But I would like to fry up some potatoes because that sounds so good I can't even think about it right now.
To the dining hall! The sandwiches there are from another world (only because they have banana peppers on).
P.S. I'm pretty sure this post was of interest to only one person in the world (hint: it's me). But I sure had fun writing it, so you'll just have to deal.
'Teatime, wot'!! Makes me excessively happy for some reason. We must all have this disorder... at least, Diana and I both have it. Why have we not talked about this before? I chew on everything, it's disgusting. But sriracha...so wonderful. Write more about food! I love it.