Happy Easter, everyone, even though its like two hours till Monday, and you probably won't see this until tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever, but I'm saying it anyway.
Today I woke up on the floor, with a giant stuffed animal dog, Frank, and a big whale, Panda, a T-shirt sheet wrapped around me, a Tiana blanket up against my face, and Trock On! playing softly in the background.
No, but this really did happen, and I was on the floor because I wanted to shake things up a little bit. (actually, I was on the floor because my MP3 player is out of batteries/half broken, and I didn't have time to charge it up, and so I was going to listen to a CD in my coolio big hunky the-speakers-aren't-attached-to-the-main-body CD player, but its super hard to unplug and bring next to my bed, so I decided to move myself to it, instead of moving it to me.) And then after a while I realized that it was, magically, EASTER MORNING!
Then I got up and helped clean the house while sneakily checking around for eggs, even though we were supposed to clean the house, and then do the hunting.
I know what you're thinking.
(1) Aren't egg hunts supposed to be outside?
Yeah, they usually are, but I think how it happened that we started having them inside is because (a) the grass is a really dumb place to hide eggs unless you are like two and can't see above the level of the grass, and (b) because its always windy outside, for some reason, on easter, and (c) inside is just more cozy and nice.
(2) You're the youngest, Michelle, and you're like 14 or something, why are you still doing egg hunts?
The whole 'little kids do this and big kids do that' is almost as bad as the 'girls do this and boys do that'/ non-mixing. Infact, its worse.
So then I got a lot of candy, and somehow managed to eat it before the afternoon was up.
Then we had some family over and la-deda-deda, then we watched X-men. eheheh.
Oh oh! When me and Amy were sitting in the waiting room at dance, there were these two little like seven year-old girls talking about Easter. One of them was talking about Jesus, and the other one was talking about candy. Neither of them cared what the other had to say, they both just wanted the other to hear them. The one that was talking about Jesus suddenly said, "You know why they have eggs for Easter? Because of God. Three Gods, One God. Three things in an egg, one egg." (yoke, shell, white)
Mind status. BLOWN.
Yeah, so Easter (resurrection) was set on the day dedicated to the god of fertility, and all of the fertility-god signs stuck, like the rabbit, and the eggs, and so I always thought that the egg was a totally different thing that had nothing to do with resurrection and such. It was so cool! And she was only like seven!
I wish that I was that cool when I was seven. But I wasn't. All I did was cry and brag about anything I could. And cry some more. And throw another fit.
Little last note, we went to see Clash of the Titans last night, and I really liked it. Everyone, go see it. Ignore rotten tomatoes and all the other reviews and go see it. Also ignore Amy who will soon write a post-review about it and say that the acting was a little "wooden".
The only thing was the mythology was a little messed up... First, Hades didn't create the Kraken to help bring down the titans, in fact, he didn't create the Kraken at all (BTW, Ralph Fiennes as Hades. PERFECT), Zeus and the other gods defeated the Titans by sheer coolness and lightning bolts and such.
Then, Io had nothing to do with Perseus. At the time of him, she was being chased around the desert somewhere around Egypt as a cow by a mayfly.
And YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO READ THIS IF YOU PLAN TO SEE THE MOVIE. SPOILER SPOILER. Andromeda and Perseus really did get together, duh! Thats the whole reason he defeated the Kraken and killed Medusa (way better as Uma Thurman) was so that he could get back his lady, who was being chained to a rock to be sacrificed to "A terrible sea monster" as all of the mythology places say.
Something tells me that the Kraken wasn't really a Greek Mythology thing...
AAAANNYWAY go see it, even if you do have a problem with Sam Worthington not being Australian again and failing, again, at an accent of any type. I mean, He's Sam Worthington, who cares about his accent? ITS AUSTRALIAN! Who cares what anyone accents are supposed to be if they are Australian. Australians are awesome. Almost as cool as the British.
Cooler than America.
Cooler than New Zealand,
But not as good as Britain.
So, happy Easter, all, even though this is a little late for that.
Eat a lemon,