Thursday, April 29, 2010

Psycho Kaitlyn

Usually, after about two weeks of not doing any blog posts, I would have something interesting to blog about, and today -

Is no exception!

I would like to tell you about Kaitlyn, my friend, who I recently found is psychic and has been making me do things I can't remember doing.

I found out when I posted on facebook that I had a "Sea of Monsters book shaped hole in my heart" (Sea of Monsters is the second Percy Jackson book. If you haven't read it, do it now) because I couldn't find my book and I wanted to read it.

So Kaitlyn comments and says, I'm sorry that you noticed, I stole it from you because I couldn't find it anywhere else, like the library.

How odd, I haven't seen Kaitlyn in a long time!

So I open a chat with her and after about thirty seconds, what I thought had been amnesic memory loss was actually some kind of mind manipulation!

I've been stealing things and finding things, breaking things and killing things, all by her bidding!
Turns out I found a labyrinth under some sink at school and I awoke a terrible beast and it is pillaging the students!

I've never felt so terrible and guilty!

Luckily the swooniest kid named (Aaah rack the brains!) ...Harris Peterson (friend of my brother, Robsid Woozlid) saved me AND the school!

Thanks to Psychic Kaitlyn, Harris Peterson has finally noticed me. * siiiiiiighhh*

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Haiku Kung Fu

Recently, my amazing friend Kaitlyn told me about a contest sort of thing that they are having on a site, where people are to submit haiku's about Doctor Who and they would get $50 worth of merchandise on the site.

So when I opened the chat with her on facebook, after screaming for a couple of minutes about how Rachel is going to be 15 on Monday, she told me about the haiku thing and we both started sharing ones that we made up on the spot.

Heres how it went. Kaitlyn would think for a long time of one, and it would be amazing, and pretty much sum up the whole show, and then I would think for like two seconds and have a really stupid one that hardly even had anything to do with Doctor Who.

These first two are Kaitlyn's:

I, into TARDIS,
Burn through space and time.
Crap, Daleks - Again.

Police of space,
The Shadow Proclamation
Ro-jo Kum ro-mo.

Then I made one really quick,

Let me travel too
Through time and space we travel
Forever by you

Then another one...

Always running fast
He'll think of something to do
As they attack us

Then I made haiku's about haiku's about Doctor Who

I love them so much
I do them every day
...Doctor Who owns you

And another one about just Doctor Who,

He fly with him now
He will till the very end
TARDIS is too cool

Then I just started making haiku's about anything that worked...
Doctor Who for you
A flavor of Ice cream too
Ownage is too cool

Then Kaitlyn came up with another brilliant one...

Pin-striped suit, no name
Blue box, an unearthly wind.
Children of earth, cry.

Then I got a little obsessed with the concept of haiku's...

I try to make cool
It isn't working well now
What the heck get out

Then I made one for Kaitlyn,

Kaitlyn is so cool
She is totally the bomb
I love you to bits.

And another one of Kaitlyn's:

Metacrisis, glow
DonnaDoctor, prophecied
Bad Wolf comes, always.

I want to see some of you guyses haiku's, so make one and comment, or comment anyway, =)

And the poll is done, and it has been determined that polls are awesome, because Michelle likes them.

Thanks, guys.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Market

So as Amy said, the market starts on saturday!

So I've been going to the market since I was like five, and selling little plants to people.

Heres what its like to go to the market.

So we get up at four or so on saturday and we drive to Overland Park, which takes like an hour, then we have to set up, which takes about another hour, and it starts at about six (it may start at seven and we may get up at five... Details details, who cares.) Then we sit around in the cold shadow on our little lawn chairs and freeze our little back sides off and watch the people with the coffee and breakfast stuff put up their little tenty thing. (somehow, people that are grandfathered in thing they can get there late and set up late. DUUUUMB) and so then we go over and get a blueberry muffin and some delicious hotchocolate, and we wait for the people to come.

Mostly the people that used to come to the market were old people and runners, who come at six in the morning to check things out.

Now its oldER people (because all the senor citizens have been a groooown up in the last five years) More runners, and those really in shape newly wed/mother of a nine and five yearold people come who are real complete organic freaks.

So no about, these old ladies will buy five pots, instead of six, because there is totally a cool deal when you get six, and so they will buy five, and they will give you like, a fifty, and you are like, what the heck, I've never even hardly touched a fifty dollar bill before, and they will be all, " So how much is this?" and I will tell them, and then I will have to stuggle for about three minutes or more while I try to take some weird number out of a fifty, and they will be smiling and nodding this whole time because they are old and they know how to do that kind of stuff quick, and they will be like, "And a dime, honey, and then a quarter.... now put the paper money on my hand and count back, then the cents." and I'm practically grinding my teeth, here, and then, out of the blue, your mother or father comes to save you!!!

On a good day. sometimes they don't come, and you have to count back from infinity to the little old lady with the walker that has a grocery bag holder in it.

Then you sell a lot of stuff, and get some yummer watermelons and stuff, and then you go home at about one, and crash on the couch. Crash. I'm not joking.

So be glad you don't have to get up at 4 this saturday, and sympathize with Amy.

I'll be happily in bed until about ten or so....

Eat A Lemon,


Our Love Affair is One of Passion

The phrase "Our Love Affair is One of Passion" may catch the eye, but is it really the best tagline to put on a paper Roasterie cup? Wine's supposed to be the sensual beverage here, guys, not coffee.

However, the coffee in the cup is delicious. My love affair is one of MMM GOOD.

So I logged into our blog today and found that in my absence, many things had changed. For instance, the other half of this twinsaurus is too budget-conscious to send invitations in the mail. I mean, what's up with that? Plus, polls? Facebook tidbits? I didn't even know that stuff was possible!

Anyway. Now that spring is here in earnest, I have searched my drawers and, besides finding a lot of clothes to take to Diana's clothing exchange in a few weeks, I was horrified to realise that I don't own a single pair of shorts that are suitable for anything besides sleeping in. (Question: When in reference to a single item that can be referred to as a "pair", like pants, underwear, or glasses, is it proper to say "single pair"? This is important. Seriously.) Back on topic. So I took out all my jeans and a few other sundry trousers, and I cut a couple of them off. Usually the prospect of cutting up my own clothing terrifies me (I'm really pretty bad at altering clothes), but this was an emergency. Now I'm set for any warm weather that may arrive.

This Saturday, the market starts up again, and I'm going to be heading up the operation with Daniel. Besides being terrified because I have no idea how to do anything retail-related besides smile and nod, I'm going to try not to panic when I pick out all the herbs to take. Do I have too much rosemary? What if I run out of basil? What if I freeze up halfway through a transaction (totally happened before)? Stuff like that. Hopefully all will be well after the first Saturday has been got past.

Life News posts like this can be pretty boring. I tried to add a picture to make it more fun, but school computers are lame and it wouldn't let me. Instead, I will link!
But I am so bored.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Its time to forget

So you remember that one time I said that I was going to try to write at least 25 pages of a play/script? Well, you have two choices, you can (1) choose to forget that I ever said that or (2) start thinking about it a lot, so that it may have the effect of saying "I believe in fairies, I do, I do" on Peter Pan, except you would be saying something more along the lines of writing a long play/script in half a month.

Preferably you choose option one, because I really don't want to work that hard, but its up to you.

No pressure.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wedding Invitations (formally)

You and all yo peeps are invited to the union of Michelle Sullivan (no hints on the middle name, I mean, it IS the internet) And Blogger: Twinsaurus, given by their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan and Mr. And Mrs. Blogger, at Blogger: Twinsaurus's home, (which doubles as anything you want, and now, its a church. Thats right) on the twentieth of May two thousand and ten (we will have two years together before Y2K12, for rizzle)


And don't forget to bring us presents.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Wedding Colors Are Green and Pink

It just so happens that I am in love with this blog, and it happened to propose to me last Saturday.

Anyone who wants to join this cyber wedding can, you are all invited.

Its may 20th 2010.

The colors are green and pink, if thats what y'all want to wear, and if you choose to buy us a present then thats cool too.

We're registered at Gap, American Eagle, and the Crayola store.

The wedding party consists of: Amy, Facebook, Gmail, LOLcats, poke the penguin, and Blogs in General.

The invitees are all of the followers.

The best thing about this cyber wedding is, if you can't really miss it!

You'll be stuck reading about it! But don't worry, it will be beautiful.

Eat a Lemon


School is Overrated

So we went and saw Clash of the Titans the other night. It was pretty cool except the acting was a little wooden. Sorry Michelle, couldn't resist. To give you a little taste of how mild my opinions actually are, let me share with you a little excerpt of a review of the movie that I read on one of my Varry Sekrit Internet Haunts:

"There’s nothing subtle, complex, or witty about this film in the slightest. The best non-CGI element was Mads Mikkelsen, who unfortunately has to deal with a heavily-cliched character. Not even considering the original, this just feels like it was slapped together and is capitalizing on the God of War frenzy. Compared to the original, however, it just gets worse. Perseus is now a brooding anti-hero, Hades is once again erroneously portrayed as the devil, Calibos is relegated to a ridiculous and shallow caricature of vengeance, Medusa is just one big bloody joke, and the whole movie is overflowing with this forced subtext about militant gnosticism (the complaint being that it was forced and spoon-fed to the audience every two minutes). Io was a pointless addition, as were the Djinn characters. To be frank, there was something about the overall film I found insulting, but I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it’s because I’m going through a Greek Mythology class right now." -Rocky

Probably all true, but would have put it in milder language. Whether or not it was mythologically correct, the Kraken was pretty brilliant all around, as were the parts with the pegasus. Plus, the costumes! Not sure how I feel about the guys with little tunics, but Io's and Andromeda's clothes were awesome. Even though Io was a contradiction just being there.

Anyway! As Michelle said, Easter was yesterday. A little while back we decided that we were going to get each other presents $5 or under on all the holidays like St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, etc. It's a good thing posters are only $5. And right now I'm wearing these blue hoop earrings that Michelle got for me at Wal-Mart (the best place to get useless accessories - but the earrings are cute).

This weekend, I'm going to take the ACT again. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm not fantastically prepared, but somehow I always get distracted when I sit down to study for it. It's less about smartness than about your problem-reading-and-comprehending skills, since the questions aren't actually that hard, so whatever I do will probably not help me that much since I already know what's entailed. Last time I got 28 and this time I'm aiming for a 30. We'll see how that goes.

But as for now, it's time to go to my College Algebra class. NOT FUN. College algebra is like a pistol that my teacher is holding, and she's shooting logarithms at me, and they're burrowing painfully into my brain, doing a lot more harm than good. My motor functions, not to mention my memory storage capabilities, have been severely debilitated. Just so you know, there's blood everywhere.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs

Happy Easter, everyone, even though its like two hours till Monday, and you probably won't see this until tomorrow, or the next day, or whenever, but I'm saying it anyway.

Today I woke up on the floor, with a giant stuffed animal dog, Frank, and a big whale, Panda, a T-shirt sheet wrapped around me, a Tiana blanket up against my face, and Trock On! playing softly in the background.


No, but this really did happen, and I was on the floor because I wanted to shake things up a little bit. (actually, I was on the floor because my MP3 player is out of batteries/half broken, and I didn't have time to charge it up, and so I was going to listen to a CD in my coolio big hunky the-speakers-aren't-attached-to-the-main-body CD player, but its super hard to unplug and bring next to my bed, so I decided to move myself to it, instead of moving it to me.) And then after a while I realized that it was, magically, EASTER MORNING!


Then I got up and helped clean the house while sneakily checking around for eggs, even though we were supposed to clean the house, and then do the hunting.

I know what you're thinking.

(1) Aren't egg hunts supposed to be outside?

Yeah, they usually are, but I think how it happened that we started having them inside is because (a) the grass is a really dumb place to hide eggs unless you are like two and can't see above the level of the grass, and (b) because its always windy outside, for some reason, on easter, and (c) inside is just more cozy and nice.

(2) You're the youngest, Michelle, and you're like 14 or something, why are you still doing egg hunts?

The whole 'little kids do this and big kids do that' is almost as bad as the 'girls do this and boys do that'/ non-mixing. Infact, its worse.

So then I got a lot of candy, and somehow managed to eat it before the afternoon was up.

Then we had some family over and la-deda-deda, then we watched X-men. eheheh.

Oh oh! When me and Amy were sitting in the waiting room at dance, there were these two little like seven year-old girls talking about Easter. One of them was talking about Jesus, and the other one was talking about candy. Neither of them cared what the other had to say, they both just wanted the other to hear them. The one that was talking about Jesus suddenly said, "You know why they have eggs for Easter? Because of God. Three Gods, One God. Three things in an egg, one egg." (yoke, shell, white)

Mind status. BLOWN.

Yeah, so Easter (resurrection) was set on the day dedicated to the god of fertility, and all of the fertility-god signs stuck, like the rabbit, and the eggs, and so I always thought that the egg was a totally different thing that had nothing to do with resurrection and such. It was so cool! And she was only like seven!

I wish that I was that cool when I was seven. But I wasn't. All I did was cry and brag about anything I could. And cry some more. And throw another fit.

Little last note, we went to see Clash of the Titans last night, and I really liked it. Everyone, go see it. Ignore rotten tomatoes and all the other reviews and go see it. Also ignore Amy who will soon write a post-review about it and say that the acting was a little "wooden".

The only thing was the mythology was a little messed up... First, Hades didn't create the Kraken to help bring down the titans, in fact, he didn't create the Kraken at all (BTW, Ralph Fiennes as Hades. PERFECT), Zeus and the other gods defeated the Titans by sheer coolness and lightning bolts and such.

Then, Io had nothing to do with Perseus. At the time of him, she was being chased around the desert somewhere around Egypt as a cow by a mayfly.

And YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO READ THIS IF YOU PLAN TO SEE THE MOVIE. SPOILER SPOILER. Andromeda and Perseus really did get together, duh! Thats the whole reason he defeated the Kraken and killed Medusa (way better as Uma Thurman) was so that he could get back his lady, who was being chained to a rock to be sacrificed to "A terrible sea monster" as all of the mythology places say.

Something tells me that the Kraken wasn't really a Greek Mythology thing...

AAAANNYWAY go see it, even if you do have a problem with Sam Worthington not being Australian again and failing, again, at an accent of any type. I mean, He's Sam Worthington, who cares about his accent? ITS AUSTRALIAN! Who cares what anyone accents are supposed to be if they are Australian. Australians are awesome. Almost as cool as the British.

Cooler than America.

Cooler than New Zealand,

But not as good as Britain.

So, happy Easter, all, even though this is a little late for that.

Eat a lemon,


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April? What?

Remember how this one time I said that I was going to attempt to write a 25 page script for script frenzy this month? Yeah, on top of school and work and Oh My Gosh I'm MOWING Tomorrow. Super excited in an annoyed way, because that means I'll be listening to my MP3 player, and that means I will have to turn the volume up, and that means that I won't be able to turn it back down again (If you remember me saying the volume down button is broken) and then I won't be able to use it any more because it will huff and puff and blooow out my ears. ( and the three little jayhawks said, "Not by the hair of my chinychinchin! Goooood times)

So anyway, script frenzy...hasn't happened yet, but hopefully I can get to it (even though I'm working from nine to four like three days a week...).

So yeah, I kind of got caught off guard by April 1st, which just happens to be.... APRIL FOOLS DAYYY! totally misted that until like, noon, and the only thing I had time to do was completely convince Isabella that it was Friday, not Thursday. It was funny.

This day, I began to read The Importance Of Being Earnest which is a play. A good book, and a good movie. Its funny. I'm reading it to widen my script/playwriting skills.

Weird day, I found out that my brother is moving back in. Today. Weird. No one tells me anything.

Everyone wants to hear my new deal. Here it is: The plan is that every time I log into facebook on this computer (the fact that Blogspot is blocked on the laptop only makes things more complicated) I will log into Twins: Everyday Thoughts of Grandeur, and I will write a very worthwhile post about something amazing that has happened. And if nothing amazing has happened, I will make something amazing happen, (like rolling down the hill in a culvert pipe, which I did on Tuesday night)

Or if it makes everyone happy, jumping in that disgusting pond that is in the field. But I will do many other things before I do that. Yuck. Amy and I once made a story about this algae monster that lived in that pond, and it had a tunnel in the bottom, and it could go to other ponds, but it really just lived there, and it hid in all of its algaeness awaiting a dipping child, or perhaps, horse. So I never want to go in that pond. Its freaky and no one knows how deep it is. The only thing its good for is ice skating on.

How did I get so off subject? Whatever. Anyway, I need to buy a new MP3 player, Ipods are fine I guess, but it would be cool if someone could tell me what to get because I am completely lost about it all.

Eat A Lemon,
