Monday, August 23, 2010


BLAAAAH yellow. Yeah.

A while ago (like three years) I made a little diagram thing of colors. It wasn't necessarily a diagram of the names of when the colors were combined, because obviously, when red and yellow are combined they make orange, not rellow. but it was more like, when you see two colors next to eachother, instead of bothering with saying both, just say them together.

here is a key for future reference.

Orange and Yellow = Orellow
Blue and Orange = Blorange (my personal favorite)
Purple and Yellow =Purpellow
Red and Blue = Bled
Red and Green = Reen
Red and Yellow = Rellow
Blue and Purple = Blurple
Blue and Pink = Blink
Red and Orange = Rorange
Red and Pink = Rink
Red and Purple = Rurple
Green and Blue = Grue
Green and Orange = Oreen
Green and Yellow = Grellow
Green and Pink = Grink
Green and Purple = Grurple
Blue and Yellow = Blellow
Orange and Pink = Orink
Orange and Purple = Plorange
Yellow and Pink = Yink
Pink and Purple = Pinkle

You're set!


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