Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jumping on the Resolution Bandwagon


Hello, everyone. Hello especially to you there in the back. Yes, you. The one I'm pointing at. The only one in the room.

So I've been pretty sick. I went through a few steps, the most recent one being this morning, where I phased into recovery only to jump a few steps back into awful nausea while at work. Don't worry, it went away without incident. And now I'm (almost) as good as new.

Basically last week was Christmas! Michelle and I got some cool stuff, but of the two of us, my stuff was definitely better. And I was more thankful for it. Like my hats. I got two hats for Christmas and I love them, but Michelle got hats and said, "I got too many hats." DUMB.

Kidding, kidding.

I also got about 1500 pages worth of Tad Williams books, which will keep me happy for roughly the rest of my life.

So the real reason I wrote this blog post is to share with you that I'm one of those New Year Resolution people. Actually, I'm not. I never have been. I'm going to start though. And as I was sitting here, trying to think of what my New Years resolution would be, I realised something: not only am I going to be one of those annoying people who makes resolutions, I'm going to be the one with the dumb, run-of-the-mill resolution that everyone else has (hint: it's not "I'm going to lose X pounds this year by going on a diet of worms and rice"). I'm going to stay in shape!

I sort of did this last year, only after dance and swim team were over, things sort of petered out into shameless vegging. This means that this year, not only do I have to keep limber in the spring (yoga) and the summer (swimming), I also will have to come up with a plan for the fall/winter when I'm at UCM where opportunities for vegging will probably abound (let's face it - I'm not going for the part of "college experience" that involves socialising). There's a gym and all, but the real battle will be making myself travel the quarter mile to get there.

So that's the marching order for the year. I hope all your resolutions are equally corny.


  1. Hm, I haven't made any resolutions yet- in fact it didn't occur to me until I saw your post. But it reminded me that I DO want to stay in shape, something that is extremely difficult for a sedentary-bodied person such as myself. Which is all the more apparent in contrast to Andrew's triathalete regimes. Maybe we can keep each other accountable this year!

    I am moving particularly slow this morning. We're at a bed and breakfast in Indianapolis and I just got out of the steam shower and am now sipping coffee and trying to clear the phlegm from my head from a cold/flu I've had for a few days. Moving veeeeery slowly- as Andrew just said, as slowly as a molasses sloth walking through an elmers glue swamp drinking honey. What could be slower than that?

  2. I'm here to communicate that new years resolutions have been a wonderful part of my life so far. As you know I like challenges and in order to be happy i must be not doing something I have to be happy to do. If that doesn't make sense it's because it doesn't make sense. So a couple of years ago I did an awesome 'no new clothing' thing that lasted for most of the year but I ended up in France where the weather is cold and the packing was light. Then I had this other one the next year which was 'no new books PLUS fifty books in a year thing'. Well, I only read 25 and I actually remembered that I bought Outliers on sale when I was a Target. So to get back in touch I am go back to the cutting out of vices that will make me my life better. By cutting them out that wasn't clear. So I'll tell it to you when I see you next year. You're gonna flip.

  3. Kristin, you're a very in shape person, and you eat all the right foods.
    Angela, yeah you have had pretty good resolutions, but what do you mean "cutting out vices"?

    And why am I going to flip?
