Thursday, December 30, 2010

No ordinary blog

I've decided that I'm going to do something that will keep the blogs interesting.

Every blog that I write I will have a "What Michelle Learned Today (or in recent days past)" place where I will tell you something awesome or not so awesome that I learned and that you should know also.

I'm also going to start a "Michelle's Random Opinion" where I will tell you my random opinion on something. I'm going to say that usually its going to be a new opinion that I have or an opinion that i have that I have just become aware of.


What Michelle Learned Today (or in recent days past):

Today I learned everything anyone will ever need to know about left handedness on Wikipedia.

I'm left handed, if you forgot. All the coolest people are.

Did you know that out of the last seven presidents, all the left handed ones that ran were the ones that won? Pretty cool, eh?

Here's what else I read, in the "positive connotations" section. Which, I might add, was much smaller than the "negative connotations" section.

"The Third Sapa Inca - Lloque Yupanqui -- was left-handed. His name when translated from Quechua means "the glorified lefthander." (However, this cannot be considered a positive connotation, since Lloque was known as "The Unforgettable Left-Handed One" due to his reportedly horrifying ugliness"

Wow. Thats...nice.

and then I read, (in the same section) something that really was positive. Or at least I thought until I got to the last part. I'm so confused about everything because of it. I don't know what to think about anything ever again. Here it is:

"In Russian, "levsha" (lefty, lefthander) became a common noun for skilled craftsman, after the title character from "The Tale of Cross-eyed Lefty from Tula and Steel Flea." written in 1881 by Nikolai Leskov."

I'm going to write a book about a left handed person, and its going to be very positive towards his lefthandedness, and I'll call it The Tale of Cross-eyed Lefty from Tula and Steel Flea. Yeah, that's it. A title like that will draw anyone in!

Oh Nikolai. You have so much to learn.
But I guess it does draw people in. It drew me in. I mean, there's nothing I want more now! (Kristin, if you were wondering, this book is now on the top of my wish list for late Christmas. I hope they have it in English.)

No but really beside being unable to cut anything straight or have good handwriting, being left handed is the booomdigityboom.

You know in baseball the pitcher has an advantage if they are different hand than the batter, and the batter has an advantage if they are the same hand, so often a team will whip out a secret agent left-handed pitcher to win the game for them. That may be the best thing I've heard all day!

Michelle's Random Opinion:
Keanu Reeves is a terrible actor.

Excuse the font change, I couldn't fix it. :(


  1. So Michelle, you know how you introduced me to that funny wimpy kid movie? You haven't by chance read the books have you? I read the first one the other hour and it was totally the funniest thing ever. Two things reminded me of that. One is that I've been thinking about it all day in reference to you and the other is that Amy wrote about resolutions. The beginning of this book is about resolutions. Aren't you glad I explained to you why I remembered that?
    There was something else important that I wanted to communicate with you besides the three times you called me today in quick succession while I was on the job and trying to be professional with this buzzing. And then I thought someone must have died or something for it to be so important. Imagine my disappointment(is relief a more appropriate word in this context?) when all you wanted was to see if I could shop with you at Macy's.
    Oh yeah...should I blog? I've been feeling very bloggy lately. I always feel bloggy when I'm in a good mood for like four days in a row with almost no let-up or substantial homework.

  2. I read part of that book and I've been wanting to read the rest ever since I saw the movie. I thought it was funny.
    You leave long comments.
    I only called you twice.
    Yes you should blog. Its good and I can keep up on all your thoughts that you don't say out loud that way.
