Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear Amers

So, yeah about the self esteem thing. I can't bring a dictionary because that is way too much of a Jack thing to do.
Last night they DID talk about self esteem and Mr. Dearing said that esteem is when you lift something/someone up in appraisal.
And I was like, nuhhuuhhh!
Just because someone said they "Highly esteemed" something doesn't mean that the word esteemed by itself means high regard too.
I just looked at the definition of esteem by itself and it says, "The regard in which one is held, most commonly used positively."
And it annoys me so much because every single week we go there and they're like, "Do you think self esteem is a bad thing or a good thing?" and I'm like, "Its necessary," and they're like, "But self esteem means you think a lot of yourself," and I'm like "NOOOOOOO it is what you think of yourself. Positive or negative! GET IT RIGHT!" and then Jack always says something like, "Can you define some words for me? Because Self-esteem means you think highly of other people and you put other people before yourself, but selfISH-esteem means you're selfish." and then everyone looks sideways at each other and them Mr. Dearing says, "And thats a great point." and then moves on.

I presented my Island thing, it was totally awesome and everyone loved it. Some of the other ones were really funny and cool.

Me and Angela watched camp rock 1&2 back to back and it was like the best thing we've ever done together.

Can you believe it, we're actually BONDING without you!

And she has hardly said anything about how dirty the bathroom is ALL WEEK! Its a miracle or something.

Yesterday I drove to peculiar with Angela. It was awesome except on that curve on that hill in freeman we past A HOUSE. YEAH. A trailer house. ON THAT HORRIBLE CURVE!

I almost died! Thankfully there was a driveway that I was able to pull over into a little bit, but HO my gosh it was horrid. It was like he was driving on my side of the road, and then the house was like overhanging the trailer by like five feet. It was so bad, and then Angela was laughing because the guy driving was on the phone and she thought it was like the most unfortunate funny thing to happen to me.

I, personally, was scarred for life.

On other news, Joseph got some of those little magnetic balls that the Packinghams have, and after working at it for like three hours over the span of like three days, me and angela BOTH made cubes and its totes awesome.

And on OTHER news, you haven't called me enough. I want you to know that you can call me anytime because I never do anything.

Unless its on wednesday any time after 3. But ANY other time I am completely free, and you should call me because I never know when you're free, and I'm always like, "Oh I should call Amy! Wait shes probably at work, or school or something equally horrible that has to happen."

Angela is leaving early early early on friday, so you need to rush back home because I will have no one.

Stay Classy

It is almost 4:00 AM

Just thought you might be proud of me for staying up all night like this. It was out of necessity, I assure you. And it pretty much turned out exactly how I predicted it would in my last post (my eyes are indeed red-rimmed, and my brain is indeed oozing vital liquids). However, I'm amazed at how long nights are if you're not spending them sleeping, and how much time there is to get things done. For instance, I was able to write a speech, preactice my speech, compose a Powerpoint presentation (an AWESOME powerpoint presentation) to accompany it, finish all my Neitzsche reading and questions, and still have a couple of hours to spare. I think I'm going to clean my room next, since the cleaning ladies are coming later.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and say hi. Hope you're having a really good night's sleep.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear Michelle,

Your ideas are all good. The only problem is that even though I really want to do all those things so I can stop being sad, I don't actually have the time to dance to Imma Be at the moment. Actually tonight I'm planning on imbibing massive amounts of hot, caffeine-saturated liquids, then turning my burning, red-rimmed eyes to the evaluation of the flowery, elitist philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche. And when I've finished pounding at my brain with a giant cast-iron tenderizer, when it is seeping vital fluids, prostrate in a position of abject, miserable submission, I shall sit down to write the speech that I have not yet begun, which I will be delivering tomorrow at half-past 11. And when the sun finally climbs over the horizon, and I'm still slaving away, I shall recycle yesterday's outfit and head off to open at work, beginning yet another day of this long, long week.

It's cool that you get to write about Communism. It's good to know about these things. I read the Communist Manifesto the other day for school, and it was pretty interesting. Way better than Nietzsche, who is a big fat meanie-faced elitist toadstool.

You're right, it is kind of dumb to talk about self-esteem for so long. From what I remember, it seemed like, yeah, those people don't really know what the definition of self-esteem is. Because I'm such a nerdy nerd, I looked it up. Self-esteem: a realistic respect or favorable impression of oneself. I bolded it for emphasis. Maybe you should bring a dictionary next meeting and read it aloud to them.

I have to go. Tonight I put my foot in my mouth and agreed to go to Bible study with the girlies. So now that I'm well and truly screwed on homework, I may as well just resign myself to not getting any sleep at all tonight.

Imma be

If you're not feeling good, theres a number of things can do.

1. Go to Edward Monkton site ( and watch the little videos.

2. Listen to Imma Be.

3. Dance to Imma Be.

4. Wear more make up.

5. Watch fun movies. Like Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Things to do if you want to feel horrible.

1. Read A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. ( You should read it because its like a "classic" or something. Keep in mind while you're reading it that Mrs. Finley had us read it OUT LOUD in literature class. It was horrid.)

2. Watch "Its Friday,"

3. Do school.

4. Work in the freezing cold/smoldering heat.

5. Write a paper about Communism.

Yeah neither of those lists had anything to do with my week. At all.

OK FINE, I pretty much did all those things this week. The paper was actually about Anti-communism, but in order to write about that you have to write about communism. It was not awesome.

So I hope you have a good week.

I'm going to drive to freeman today. I'm going own the road.

I'm also going to Youth Group tonight and if we are talking about self esteem for the FOURTH WEEK IN A ROW I'm going to eat someones head off. Probably my own. I don't have a problem with self esteem. No one in the group has problems with self esteem. How many hours are we going to spend talking about other kids problems? Lets talk about OUR problems! Hahaha just kidding, I would rather talk about self esteem than talk about our for real problems.

I have a question. What do you call that....emotion? that is like you being worried about what other people think of you? Like I don't think thats self esteem.
Because self esteem is like what and how you think of yourself, right?
So what is it when its you worrying about what other people think, right?
Like when your worried that everyone will make fun of you for wearing something bold?

I don't think thats self esteem. Maybe it is.

Pathological liars are crazy weird. I don't understand how they can live with themselves.

Stay classy

PS the other day I heard a song that said "physique" and it made me think of you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This one describes my mindset about three days out of the week. I couldn't make it smaller. Those little drawings were the bundles of joy I needed to rise above my melancholy. Who is this Edward Monkton guy? When can I marry him?

It's funny that we posted at like the same time. Now my post is buried beneath a pile of delicious snippets of wisdom, and I'm okay with that.

The interesting thoughts of Edward Monkton

Edward Monkton: My favorite person. Here are some (LOTS) of his amazing works.

Bring you some joy? Yeah!

-Stay classy

Homework Eats my Soul

I had to post all the poems so I could get some sort of approval from you. I like to think that I'm an island, but in reality I crave affirmation at every turn. I probably should have showed you my short story before I left, because now I'm really super insecure about it, and I'm handing it in in a little under four hours. I just started printing it out (19 copies, 9 pages each). It's going to take FOREVER, and there's going to be SO MUCH PAPER. I'm really killing trees here. There must be a better way to do this whole peer review thing. The earth is crying simply because I'm required to kill it's children in order to express my creative self. If there was the option of printing double-sided at school (which there isn't), I would definitely be doing that.

Okay, so I just went to grab my stuff off the printer. You know how many pages 19x9 is? 171. A hundred and seventy-one fractions of a carbon footprint that makes a bunny cry. On a side note, paper fresh from the printer is the same as clothes fresh from the dryer: warm and delicious and environmentally homicidal.

I'm going to be giving a speech in Personal Communication on Thursday and since the teacher really didn't like my unconventional approach to the art and skill of asking great questions, I need a new plan of attack. So I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to which species of questioning skills I should focus on speaking about. I made a list of a few possibilities of settings in which a different set of problem-solving questioning skills are needed:

Academic setting (student/teacher)
Job and workplace setting (coworkers/boss)
Justice setting (prosecutors/defense/witness)
Law enforcement setting (interrogator/suspect)
Personal/emotional setting (romantic/family relationships)

I'm leaning towards the law enforcement setting simply because it'd be the most interesting, but I'm pretty sure that my teacher really isn't going to like it. We shall see. Anyway, stay classy. I might be making more posts than usual this week because I'm so lonely.


P.S. I don't know why the computer won't let me post this without paragraph breaks, but it just won't. So sorry for the wall of text and the apparently random topic changes.

P.P.S. Fixed!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What is with these poems?

I like all the poem/things that you wrote they are all very cool.

Speaking of Sheba, I will write you a poem about all the cats to update you on their happenings.

Ebony is as fat as ever,
She really likes to purr,
She has very black fur,
She has an infection
so she can't have fun.
Her eye is in pain,
and is emitting rain.

Sheba likes to steal
my annoyance is real.
She takes hair things,
And chews on my rings.
She meows at my window,
But I love her so

Ali has really bad arthritis
I want to give her a kiss.
She is a very pretty cat,
She could not catch a rat,
even if she really wanted to,


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Post Script

I wrote another poem today (I think this will be my last one for Creative Writing). I wrote it during Personal Communication, so it might be sort of depressing. Sorry about that.

History is a memory,
like how the smell of clean rubber
still brings to mind
hardwood floors and mirrors,
and cold hearts in denial.

History is in people.
My son made the decision
to pull the plug on his comatose daughter.
Her absence is a chasm between us...
I can hardly look at my son.

History is in notebooks
stacked carefully in a closet;
stored, but not forgotten.
They chronicle a long life:
a woman, weary under the weight of her mistakes.

History is now.
I didn't used to know that.
I wish I had.
I would have spoken of my love for them
so that, now, I wouldn't be so alone.


Brooding Betty

Not to be a total pooper, but today hasn't been what I would call fantastic either. I committed a big no-no by submitting a paper in Personal Comm that was all rebellion and no teacher suck-ups. I usually suck up to the teacher in my classes because I want to get a good grade, but as you know I've been pretty fed up with PC altogether, so I wrote this paper that was a bit unconventional. Even though I freely acknowledged that my paper was rife with moral turpitude, my teacher handed the paper back with a long lecture on it explaining just how awful it is that I would write a paper like this (she may not have used the word "awful", but it came across that way). Eventually I had to stop reading her extensive notes, because 1) I'd already anticipated what she was going to say, 2) it was getting really long-winded, 3) I had better things to do (like study for Western Civ! AAAAA-), and 4) I was trying really, really, really hard not to care. At all. Not even kidding, through half a semester of not caring in that class, I still have a good grade in it, which is a pretty amazing amount of fail on the teacher's part.

There is a long display cabinet on the third-floor passageway between OCB and LIB that I pass almost every day. The display cabinet belongs to the fashion department, and the sheer amount of stupid displayed within it is, at times, very surprising indeed. The display changes in some way almost every week, so I get to witness an astonishing amount of lack of judgment on a frequent basis. For instance, a few weeks ago there was a display of designer mascara, with words written on the window: "THY GIVETH AND THY TAKETH AWAY."


At the moment, there's a display of twenty or so bras that have been altered in some way, "altered" here meaning slathered with glue and encrusted with cheap craft glitter, rhinestones, and synthetic feathers in garish colors. How these people have the nerve to call themselves a fashion department is beyond me, especially when their idea of acceptable advertising involves dressing a mannequin in a Cavs cheerleader uniform that's about four sizes too small for it.

I'm really mean today, aren't I? You should post something wonderfully placating and kind to balance me out and cheer me up.

I have to get back to work.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Long Day

I'm making another post because I have word vomit and because I'm trying and failing to avoid going crazy about this test tomorrow. Also because Ondrej said I look "horrible" and stressed, and that just won't do. Stress is so bad for my complexion.

So far this week has been pretty stressful all around. I had a ton of homework due yesterday and I wasn't able to get it all done. Sometimes I feel like my creative writing class gets shunted to the sidelines a lot because I don't deem it as important as my other classes. So my short story is going to be a week late. Also I seem to be having a lot of moments where I get to my car and I can't find my keys in my bag and I have a horrible few seconds where I think I locked my keys in the car. [insert expletives of choice here]. Excuse my French. Eventually everything turns out all right but I've had too many scares.

I wrote a poem about Sheba. It goes like this:

Regally self-important
and dressed in a robe like forest shadows,
she lies
draped upon the chaise with an air of sovereign grace
languid and lithe.
The electricity of her power is hidden,
only betrayed in the tiniest charged movements
and in the way her yellow eyes follow you
observing with veiled interest.
Her limbs, long and shapely, are revealed
as she unfolds herself from her repose,
drawn by your beckoning hand,
to knead;
her needle-sharp claws digging
as she purrs a homely song for your love.

I know Sheba doesn't have claws but I put it in anyway for the sake of style. All writers are liars anyway. It's sort of supposed to start out just sounding like a pretty lady or a queen or something, and the cat part is supposed to come as a surprise. Tell me what you think.

I have to go take a nap or something now. I wish there were Cheerful Motivation pills. There probably are but I don't want to get busted for doing drugs.


Flash Drive Caps

That's the phrase for the day. For some reason, people have a really hard time remembering to grab the little caps for their flash drives before they leave. I've seen two orphaned caps today already.

I was thinking about this semester today, and I came to the realization that we're already halfway through it. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with that because to me it feels like the term just started. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because I don't have many classes this semester and it feels like I haven't been doing as much work as in the previous semesters. Whatever. Anyway, I'm glad that time is flying because I would like to get college over with and get on with my life.

Your rap was amazing. I think you should snag yourself a beatboxer so you can record it.

I don't have a lot to write today because I'm burnt out. I've been at work for four hours and I've helped so many people with their papers that if anyone tries to talk to me now I'm afraid I'll snarl at them. Also I inadvertently got into a long conversation about PCs versus Macs (it was only long because it was mostly one-sided - I don't know much about either, so I had little to say). I also talked about cars for some reason. One of the other tutors has a dream of fitting a Prius with the engine from a Corvette and zooming his way down the road yelling "suckers!" at all the people who believe that Priuses stand for all that is good and right and green in the world. I'm off duty right now but I can hear him still talking about it to the other tutors. Everyone thinks it's a grand idea.

I'm having a panic attack about Western Civ. Tomorrow I have an essay test and I'm NOT READY. So rather than writing this post, I should be going to a table, spreading out all my books, and studying until my eyes fall out. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A poem about nothing but me

(I'm writing a long poem in rhyming couplets for you, and the easiest subject to write a long poem about - beside Percy Jackson - is myself)

A Poem For Anyone Who's Listening
By Michelle Sullivan

You want to know? I'm just a fifteen year old girl
Another one who desperately wants her hair to curl.
I like playing any games that don't involve a ball,
My favorite seasons are spring and fall,
It don't like too hot and I don't like too cold,
I like to think my clothing taste is bold,
Someday I'm going to be a triple threat,
And I want a narwhal for a pet.
Pop culture is important to me,
I like most stuff that kids my age like, if you can't see.
I watch a lot of different kinds of TV shows,
My taste in entertainment is very wide
I love roller coaster rides.
My favorite book has got be Harry Potter,
But Percy Jackson is a close second, yes sir.
I don't have a favorite movie, or five movies,
When I hear a jammin' song I get the groovies,
I like Batman and I want to be a Superhero,
I've got 1million life points, you've got zero,
I've never been on a ferris wheel,
Everyone always says, "Are you for real?"
I'm more for real that you could ever wish to be,
I'm going to be president of the world, you'll see,
There will be more taco bells than starbucks,
And everywhere there will be...ducks.
One day I'm going to be a rapper,
I'll trump eminem and kanye, durr
I'mma not let kanye finish, I'm takin' the stage,
Just sayin', Rebecca Black's music video is all the rage,
She totally should have won the VMA instead,
After I am at the top I will go to space,
What will the spaceship have on it? My face.
Yeah I have ideas of grandeur, thats just me,
If nothing like that happens I'll still be cool, you'll see.
I'll go into psychology or maybe dance.
Maybe I'll meet famous people and move to france.
Sometimes I just say things because they rhyme,
And because I don't want to spend too much time,
And sometimes I do this, "I want to eat and orange."
AAAAHHH! Oh no what am I going to do?....blorange!
Wheeeh that was close! That was almost a little scary.
What rhymes with scary? Maybe fairy?
You know what else nothing rhymes with? Purple.

ThE eNd

I hate it when people do that every-other-letter-caps.
I Also Hate It When They Do This.

Peace out homeslice

Monday, March 21, 2011

I don't got The Mondays todayy

You know how sometimes you're having a horrible day and you don't really know why, because you're doing school like every other day, and you're doing everything else like every other day of the week, and then you realize: It's monday. I've got The Mondays. Sometimes you can get The Mondays on other days because the mondays is pretty much just an attitude toward life that most people get on monday.

Sometime there is the senario before, but also sometimes the mondays is something that you wake up with. Its like you wake up and you're like: Ugh. Its monday. The first day of five days of hard work/school. The first day of five days of going to bed early and getting up early.


And do you know why?

BECAUSE ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING and BOY does it feel like it! I jumped on the trampoline today and changed into summery clothes and I got an AMAZING night of sleep last night.

YOu know how that is when you just...can' eyes... Well, that actually happens to me like every morning, but this was worse, and my eyelids were oh-so-much heavier, but when I finally did wake up all the way (I have this alarm on my phone and I set it to a fun peppy song that makes me happy) I was happy and I cleaned my room just listen to that sentence. When in the world does Michelle clean her room on a MONDAY, RIGHT after she woke up?

It really is crazy. Keeping my room clean for a week is so out of reach that its on my bucket list. Along with punching someone in the face and riding a narwhal.

Did you hear that before? Yeah, people (not you, Amy, you already know this. I mean, I know this is technically like a letter to you, but since I've been with you all week its like you already know everything that is happening in my life) I gots a phone.

A small flipable talking device. I can't or do anything like that but I've decided to be happy with what I've got, because the original plan was for me to get a phone when I'm sixteen, and this is like eleven months early! Its great!

-Stay Classy

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm glad you liked my post. I'm glad it made you laugh.

Heres something else to make you laugh.

You've probably seen it before, but it will make you laugh anyway because its funny.

How does Moses make is tea?


Well anyway. I called this post "Sonni" because on the drive home last night, Sonni said many a funny thing.

They included, "When I grow up I'm either gonna be rich or a farmer...."

What? What? Who says that? Thats like saying, "When I grow up I'm either gonna be a butcher or a vegetarian....."

She is just so elohel funny.

I just spelled out LOL so that people would say it 'lul' like angela does.

Kind of like Eminem. Hehe.

Then she said, "I want to be rich so I can help people out."
"Who would you help out?" -mrs. Larson.
"Oh everyone. I'd help out you guys." She was talking to the larsons when she said this.
"Oh how would you help us out?" - mrs. Larson.
"Um...a maid and stuff. Whatever you need."
"Thats really nice."
*Sonni turns to me* "Don't worry, I'll help you too, Michelle."

Ooooh funny funny.

On other news I am making a collage of awesome things on my door. I got a poster and on the back of it I'm putting pictures of cool stuff I like and then I'm going to put it on my door and it will wow millions.

And in OTHER news. Veronica mars is happening. Its pretty good. Pretty awesome. Pretty cool cool cool.

Also It would be really cool if you would think about driving to harrisonville on saturday to drop off a child. Katie, is her name.

We don't have many chances to hang out because she lives a million miles away AND has soccer every weekend. Just a thought, I don't know if its going to work with her yet. I thought I'd ask ahead because I'm that kind of kid.

Today I got some hair dye. I hope it works this time. If it doesn't I'm going to feel really bad for my hair but I'm going to keep on dying it until there is no red and no roots.

Also it would be cool if you came home today. Just sayin'....

It would also be cool if you came home tomorrow and brought me something as an apology for not coming home today.

Also I need to know what the youngest Knight boy's name is. The one that is my age. He's younger than Isaac, right? I can't remember his name and its SO annoying.

I already tried creeping around on facebook, but they all have protected accounts so I can't see who their friends are or how old they are or any of their pictures.

-Stay classy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Caffeine Is Bad For Me

I just want you to know that I read your post and lol'd. For serious. For whatever reason, I'm in a pretty good mood today. Or maybe it's just a slap happy mood.

Don't sweat your permit picture. You don't have to show it to anyone. Not even me. The only time you conceivably would have to show it to someone would be if 1) you got pulled over, or 2)you're traveling and they demand some form of picture identification and you happen to not have your passport on hand. Neither of these things is likely to happen, so don't worry about it. My permit and first license pictures were both horrible. I finally got the hang of it by the time I got my intermediate license, so it's okay. Or maybe not, because I renewed my passport around that time, and I seriously look like I'm about to be sick.

tl;dr - don't sweat your permit picture.

I feel bad because the guy sitting on the computer next to me in the WC is really good at typing. He's got the home row thing all down, and here I am hen picking my way around this blog post in an ungainly fashion. It doesn't help that he's obediently writing a paper while I'm just having fun over here, giggling at you talking about people all around you getting shot.

It's okay that you don't like needles. At least it is now. Later on you'll have to deal with them a lot more often, so I suggest you do away with your fear as soon as possible. They're not all bad, even the gigantic ones that they shove into your arm when you give blood (that thing is like a bamboo shoot, friggin HUGE).

Last night I had Creative Writing. The thing was, I had a four-hour wait between Western Civ and Creative Writing where I didn't have anything to do (except watch 24, don't hate). I contemplated going to Mor Mor's and coming back, but gas is getting really expensive so I didn't. So there I was, sitting in front of my laptop in a dim hallway, beginning to nod off, so I decided to go get some Mountain Dew to wake me up (critiquing poems is no fun when all you want to do is sleep). MISTAKE. I hardly drink Mountain Dew, and never past lunchtime, so I wasn't prepared for the resulting tragedy. My hands started shaking. I got dizzy. I couldn't keep still. And when we're talking about the metaphor of fog in poetry, none of these things are beneficial. I hope no one noticed that I wasn't very forthcoming with helpful feedback.

I was devastated when Beaver turned out to be the villain. He was one of my favorite characters for a long time.


P.S. I have to write a paper, three sources, 625 words, that can be about anything pertaining to the art and skill of asking great questions. I want to make it something interesting in order to spice the class up for myself a little bit (we watched the same scene of Dead Poets Society THREE TIMES in class just so the teacher could illustrate a point). I would like ideas from you! Should I write a narrative paper about a troubled couple with communication problems? Methods to mend a friendship with an erstwhile companion? Committing identity theft? (like that episode of Psych about the leprechaun and his wife asking people obscure questions so they could get past security precautions?) Any ideas you could shoot my way would be appreciated. I have all spring break to work on it, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Churches should always be unlocked

Thats my thought for the day. It annoys me when I hear people going out of their way to get the key for the church, or leave before someone locks up. Its a church, gosh!

So yesterday I got my permit.
I went to the armory feeling very confident. I went in the room and she gave me my test. The chair was comfortable. There were three other people in there.
One kid finished his test when I got in there and he watched me until she was finished grading his. It was awkward.
So I'm doing this test, feeling confident, except about a couple questions, and I go up there and give it back to her and she says, "You got eight wrong, do you want to try it again?" and I was like, "WHAT?"
So I looked at the test that I got wrong, and all the questions that I got wrong had to do with license suspension and drinking. All of them.
So I took it again and it was a different test, but I was feeling pretty good about it, mainly because there were less questions about drinking and more about how to deal with road rage.
And I took it up to her when I finished and I only got three wrong. I was very happy.
So then I took the vision test and then had to sign some thing, and I signed it with pencil, and the lady pursed her lips and looked annoyed and said, "Next time sign with a pen" and I was like, "Ok"

So then I went to the license place and they asked me questions and then they took my picture, and I was feeling pretty confident about it.

Its like those camaras take everything that can possibly be ugly on you and magnify it by twelve.

Its a HORRIBLE picture, I can't even believe it. And on top of all that mom was like waving around her arms all crazy so I looked to the side for like a very split second, and so in the picture I'm looking to the side like a creeper or something.
Its the worst thing that ever happened to me.

And then mom went to go give blood, and I had to sit in the room, people getting shot all around me, for a whole hour. An hour.

I hate needles. I used to not hate them so much, but ever since I've watched heroes I've hated them worse.
Which is weird, because after you see stuff a lot your supposed to become like immune or something, right? But it just made it worse. Why were there so many needles in that show? Its crazy.

I still haven't driven. At all. It rained like a billion buckets times ten to the power of a popped collar, so I don't think I'll be driving for a while.

In other news, I finished the second season finale of Veronica Mars. It was pretty cool and stressful and super sad.

I liked Cassidy. And I like him and Mac. They were cute.
But then he turned out to be dumb, so I don't like him any more. Even though he and Joaquin Phoenix share a nose.

-Stay classy sistah

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sicky sicky

Kind of like Picky-Picky from Ramona and Beezus. But not, because I'm sicky, not picky.

I'm not too sick to go see Beastly. I'm srs. I'm so excited. I'm also excited to see you. I'm pretty sure that nothing ever happens around here when its just me. Its like a coffin.

Last night we watched the old Parent Trap. The girl was a good actress, but I like then new one better. Some of the scenes were like exactly the same as the scenes in the new one.

Vicky, the bad lady, is better in the new one.

I made tortilla soup for dinner but it wasn't as delicious as I would have liked. Also I wasn't feeling so good so that probably had something to do with it. I had some canned soup for lunch yesterday, can you believe that? It was crazy good, which is weird.

I decided last night that I'm going to have a sweeeet graduation. I like graduations, especially if you've known the person who's graduation for a long time. I like watching those slideshow things. I can't believe you didn't have a graduation. I mean, sure, your little thing at the Packinghams house was great, but it just didn't do the trick for me. I'm pretty sure what I was wearing was nicer than what you were wearing, then I took pictures of me and Elise the whole time. Gosh, sometimes I can't even believe that I survived six months without her.

And now I can't believe I'm getting sentimental about it. Well thats no good.

I think what I missed most was how shes the only person who is just between you and me personality-wise. So whenever I really wanted to do something, she would kind of want to do it, and then we would convince you to do it too.

Just like how I'm about to try and convince you to NOT go to Belton to watch Beastly. I know what you're going to say,

"I already drove down from the city today, I don't want to drive up there again," And I'm going to say,
"GOSH, Amy we've been waiting for this movie for more than a year!" right? "We need to have the experience. We should totally go to the palazzo so we can see it on the opening weekend screen!"

And then you'll do that whine/grumble that you do when you're about to be persuaded,
and the Elise will be like, "Amy, come on, its Beastly. I mean, this is Alex Pettyfer."

And then you'll be like, "Fine."

I'm really smart about this stuff.

And no I will not buy your ticket if we make you go to somewhere beside Belton or Harrisonville.
But I will give you a hug.
And maybe a piece of candy.

-stay classy guuurl

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eating the Bead out of the Crust: The way I like to look at life

Do you know what I'm doing right now? Well Elise made this wonderful bread for us and brought it over tuesday night, and We've gotten to the last inch or two, and the crust is kind of hard and un-tasty, but the middle is AMAZING. so I decided to just eat all the good stuff out of the middle, and so now I'm left with a crust rind/bowl.

And I realized, as I got an AMAZING amount of crumbs on the table/laptop/my lap, that this is one great analogy for the way I take on everything in life.

I just skip around all the bad stuff and eat the mushy delicious middle.

In other news, last night we drove Sonni home and she told us yet again how much she loves the movie Oh Brother Where Art Thou, and how shes seen it a million times, which means shes been watching it since shes like seven, which is weird because I've never actually seen that movie. I think its kind of like Groundhog Day and The Man Who Knew too Little. Everyone in my family is always talking about those movies, but I've never seen them.

She also sang us "On the big rock candy mountain" which I happen to know because we like have that soundtrack or something, and then she told us how she likes the version that says "whiskey" rather than "lemonade", which is funny, because I'm pretty sure I thought whiskey was a bad word when I was 5-9, just like I thought it was bad to say "my bad". Like, where did I get that? Sometimes Little kids are just the weirdest.

Um, YES we're going to see Beastly this weekend, I'm TOTES excited!

Haha, I don't know if you saw this on my facebook, but when we got to the Harpers house last night we were driving down the driveway and Sonni was like, "Don't run over the cat, I think shes out tonight. Shes a maggot. A real maggot. Literally. Her name is Lovey. Yeah, shes....not a bad child."

It was the funniest weirdest thing that I have ever heard her say.

Also I'm listening to this song, and its got pitbull in it, and I'm pretty sure he does some Spanish talking, because the song is Spanish. I'm pretty sure its Spanish, at least....

Anywho, nothing has really happened and you need to come home.

Oh, Yeah, weevil is not awesome. Hes not nice to Logan.

Meg is pregnant. That is all.

-Stay classy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Sup, Homeskillet

I totally knew that Weevil was in Heroes. The only problem is that I can't actually remember what part he's in. It's been too long. But Weevil is the best ever, right?

I'm sorry your 21st-century eyes have no tolerance for blocks of text. I won't humor this! Once you get to college, all you'll be doing is reading tl;dr paragraphs. All day long. I'm just preparing you for a life of misunderstanding and disappointment.

I'm totally jealous that you got to see Elise last night. But she's coming over to Mor Mor's tomorrow afternoon, so that's cool. I need an Elise fix, because without her I have become a cold, cynical shell of a human.

In other news, this week has been good. In fact, it has been rosy. No reason really. Yesterday actually started out pretty horribly because I'm an irresponsible girl and I leave my homework to the last... the very last. In fact, I leave it so to the last that I have to skip other classes in order to finish it. Yoga took the hit this week. But now, as a result, I am intimately acquainted with the themes of Romaniticism, Newtonianism, and the lame storyline of Frankenstein. I really didn't like that book and I especially hated coming up with discussion questions for it. The discussion was okay though. Everyone's finally starting to warm up to each other. It's the same way in Creative Writing. I never thought I'd say this, but I think that this class is going to teach me to appreciate poetry. Last night we talked through several poems that my classmates had written, and some of them were really good. There was one about lying that was pretty awesome. All the people in that class are really diverse so we get a lot of cool stuff going on. I like it, even if there are one or two slitty-wrist poems in the mix.

So are we on for Beastly this weekend? I need to be busy not thinking about the Communist Manifesto, and I think a crappy romance will do just the trick.


P.S. Someone put a picture of a horse handbag on the tutor table and named it Sarah Jessica Parker. Sometimes we get bored. Obviously.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Its all behind me now, like a long night after a bad taco."

Wait...Is it just me or is that the funniest thing I've ever heard come seriously out of Sylars mouth? (That and, "Are you going to eat my brain?" *leans in and whispers* "Claire thats disgusting.") I dunno I just thought it was hilar.
Well I did a lot of school today and I still don't have my permit. Was that meant to be one sentence? Yes. I'm blaming school for me not getting my permit because if I blame mom then I probably won't ever get it.
So I have this picture as my desktop picture on the laptop and every time I see it I laugh really hard and then cough really hard.
Oh, didn't you know? I have a really weird cough. I don't feel bad and my throat isn't scratchy or sore, but whenever I breathe to fast or too deep I cough cough cough. It kind of sucks.

I framed a picture of all of us girls plus Elise on my wall. Its the one where we're in the garden and we're all spread out and looking into space with deep thinker looks, except me.

Its nice and makes me feel more connected.

Amy the way you write posts makes them hard to read. The long paragraphs just kill me.

Elise is coming tonight. I'm not sure if I should make a sign or what. I'm kind of spent right now because I've been cleaning my room and it is hot hot hot up there. ( sometimes I say things three times so I can feel like Nanny. Now all I need is newspaper in my skirt that rustle when I walk)

Isn't it cool how I connected what I was saying about Elise to Eloise? Their names are kind of the same....

So, I need to tell you something. You know Francis Capra, Weevil from Veronica Mars? Well you know that part on Heroes (You probably forgot) where Sylar goes to Claire's house to get her healing power, and he sees the files on all those people, and theres a picture of some guy, and I was like "Hey, Mexican!" and then I was like, "Hey Weevil!" and then I was like "Hey Francis Capra!" And then I was like, "On heroes?" So then I looked him up and turns out it really is him, and hes on three episodes.
He better be a pretty cool character or something. At the end of the episode I'm pretty sure he was claiming to be Peter Petrelli (I spelled that all by myself) I don't know what thats all about.

And don't you agree that if Mohinder Suresh were going to have a superpower it would be mental, not physical? Hes a geneticist, gosh.

Just sayin'. I can already tell this season isn't going to be nearly as cool as the first, or even the second. Its sad. But Peter, Matt and Sylar are still around (so far, but I've only got one episode in) so I'm happy.

Stay classy.