Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear Amers

So, yeah about the self esteem thing. I can't bring a dictionary because that is way too much of a Jack thing to do.
Last night they DID talk about self esteem and Mr. Dearing said that esteem is when you lift something/someone up in appraisal.
And I was like, nuhhuuhhh!
Just because someone said they "Highly esteemed" something doesn't mean that the word esteemed by itself means high regard too.
I just looked at the definition of esteem by itself and it says, "The regard in which one is held, most commonly used positively."
And it annoys me so much because every single week we go there and they're like, "Do you think self esteem is a bad thing or a good thing?" and I'm like, "Its necessary," and they're like, "But self esteem means you think a lot of yourself," and I'm like "NOOOOOOO it is what you think of yourself. Positive or negative! GET IT RIGHT!" and then Jack always says something like, "Can you define some words for me? Because Self-esteem means you think highly of other people and you put other people before yourself, but selfISH-esteem means you're selfish." and then everyone looks sideways at each other and them Mr. Dearing says, "And thats a great point." and then moves on.

I presented my Island thing, it was totally awesome and everyone loved it. Some of the other ones were really funny and cool.

Me and Angela watched camp rock 1&2 back to back and it was like the best thing we've ever done together.

Can you believe it, we're actually BONDING without you!

And she has hardly said anything about how dirty the bathroom is ALL WEEK! Its a miracle or something.

Yesterday I drove to peculiar with Angela. It was awesome except on that curve on that hill in freeman we past A HOUSE. YEAH. A trailer house. ON THAT HORRIBLE CURVE!

I almost died! Thankfully there was a driveway that I was able to pull over into a little bit, but HO my gosh it was horrid. It was like he was driving on my side of the road, and then the house was like overhanging the trailer by like five feet. It was so bad, and then Angela was laughing because the guy driving was on the phone and she thought it was like the most unfortunate funny thing to happen to me.

I, personally, was scarred for life.

On other news, Joseph got some of those little magnetic balls that the Packinghams have, and after working at it for like three hours over the span of like three days, me and angela BOTH made cubes and its totes awesome.

And on OTHER news, you haven't called me enough. I want you to know that you can call me anytime because I never do anything.

Unless its on wednesday any time after 3. But ANY other time I am completely free, and you should call me because I never know when you're free, and I'm always like, "Oh I should call Amy! Wait shes probably at work, or school or something equally horrible that has to happen."

Angela is leaving early early early on friday, so you need to rush back home because I will have no one.

Stay Classy


  1. I totally had no idea that this whole conversation was occurring last week. And now I feel callous. And now I want Amy to know that I totally have spent so much time at MMs without her. She must buck up and have more courage and happiness. I totally just make happiness up. Imma Be doesn't hurt either.

    So this description of youth group makes me laugh a lot.
    And also I want you to know that the only thing that kept me from talking a lot about how much I was afraid of germs ambushing me from all directions every time I went into the bathroom was that I felt that I'd need to actually clean it myself and I didn't have time/energy/sufficiently steely immune system.

  2. I thought I'd mention that my word verification was 'forkate' which is the best not-slimy-but-sounds-slimy word I've ever seen.
