Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brooding Betty

Not to be a total pooper, but today hasn't been what I would call fantastic either. I committed a big no-no by submitting a paper in Personal Comm that was all rebellion and no teacher suck-ups. I usually suck up to the teacher in my classes because I want to get a good grade, but as you know I've been pretty fed up with PC altogether, so I wrote this paper that was a bit unconventional. Even though I freely acknowledged that my paper was rife with moral turpitude, my teacher handed the paper back with a long lecture on it explaining just how awful it is that I would write a paper like this (she may not have used the word "awful", but it came across that way). Eventually I had to stop reading her extensive notes, because 1) I'd already anticipated what she was going to say, 2) it was getting really long-winded, 3) I had better things to do (like study for Western Civ! AAAAA-), and 4) I was trying really, really, really hard not to care. At all. Not even kidding, through half a semester of not caring in that class, I still have a good grade in it, which is a pretty amazing amount of fail on the teacher's part.

There is a long display cabinet on the third-floor passageway between OCB and LIB that I pass almost every day. The display cabinet belongs to the fashion department, and the sheer amount of stupid displayed within it is, at times, very surprising indeed. The display changes in some way almost every week, so I get to witness an astonishing amount of lack of judgment on a frequent basis. For instance, a few weeks ago there was a display of designer mascara, with words written on the window: "THY GIVETH AND THY TAKETH AWAY."


At the moment, there's a display of twenty or so bras that have been altered in some way, "altered" here meaning slathered with glue and encrusted with cheap craft glitter, rhinestones, and synthetic feathers in garish colors. How these people have the nerve to call themselves a fashion department is beyond me, especially when their idea of acceptable advertising involves dressing a mannequin in a Cavs cheerleader uniform that's about four sizes too small for it.

I'm really mean today, aren't I? You should post something wonderfully placating and kind to balance me out and cheer me up.

I have to get back to work.


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