Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm glad you liked my post. I'm glad it made you laugh.

Heres something else to make you laugh.

You've probably seen it before, but it will make you laugh anyway because its funny.

How does Moses make is tea?


Well anyway. I called this post "Sonni" because on the drive home last night, Sonni said many a funny thing.

They included, "When I grow up I'm either gonna be rich or a farmer...."

What? What? Who says that? Thats like saying, "When I grow up I'm either gonna be a butcher or a vegetarian....."

She is just so elohel funny.

I just spelled out LOL so that people would say it 'lul' like angela does.

Kind of like Eminem. Hehe.

Then she said, "I want to be rich so I can help people out."
"Who would you help out?" -mrs. Larson.
"Oh everyone. I'd help out you guys." She was talking to the larsons when she said this.
"Oh how would you help us out?" - mrs. Larson.
"Um...a maid and stuff. Whatever you need."
"Thats really nice."
*Sonni turns to me* "Don't worry, I'll help you too, Michelle."

Ooooh funny funny.

On other news I am making a collage of awesome things on my door. I got a poster and on the back of it I'm putting pictures of cool stuff I like and then I'm going to put it on my door and it will wow millions.

And in OTHER news. Veronica mars is happening. Its pretty good. Pretty awesome. Pretty cool cool cool.

Also It would be really cool if you would think about driving to harrisonville on saturday to drop off a child. Katie, is her name.

We don't have many chances to hang out because she lives a million miles away AND has soccer every weekend. Just a thought, I don't know if its going to work with her yet. I thought I'd ask ahead because I'm that kind of kid.

Today I got some hair dye. I hope it works this time. If it doesn't I'm going to feel really bad for my hair but I'm going to keep on dying it until there is no red and no roots.

Also it would be cool if you came home today. Just sayin'....

It would also be cool if you came home tomorrow and brought me something as an apology for not coming home today.

Also I need to know what the youngest Knight boy's name is. The one that is my age. He's younger than Isaac, right? I can't remember his name and its SO annoying.

I already tried creeping around on facebook, but they all have protected accounts so I can't see who their friends are or how old they are or any of their pictures.

-Stay classy.

1 comment:

  1. Joshua, I believe that is his name.....

    Who the heck is Sonni?
