Monday, February 20, 2012

I have much more important things to be doing this afternoon. And yet I still blog.

What's up, homeslice.

Today while I was furiously trying to ignore what has quickly become the class which I detest with a most direly smoldering, restless fire (Geology), I started a list of super important words that I want to learn in Korean as soon as possible. The trick is covering the bases of extremely basic conversations you might have to have on a daily basis while still keeping the list of words managably short (for now). The reason I'm doing this is that a lot of the time my study of Korean is done on a whim-by-whim basis, and I would probably be much better served if I have a wider goal in mind. Here is what I have so far, grouped loosely by situation. I already know a lot of these and you probably do too but I figured why not list them anyway? They're important.

  • hair, face, hands, eyes, clothing items, laundry
  • house, apartment, building, market, room names
  • school, test, class, college, verb, noun, adjective, book, subject names
  • chair, couch, table, bed, blanket, pillow
  • time, hour, minute, months, weeks, days
  • car, bus, subway, map, city, countryside, directions, near/far, fast/slow
  • weather, colors, seasons, hot/cold, some food items
  • run, walk, stand, bow, play, work
  • eat, drink, sleep, see, say, hear, feel, breathe, listen, wake (up)
  • wash/clean, dress/wear, buy, sell, rent, make/create, send, plan, study, build
  • read, write, dance, sing, rap, date,
  • want, grow, need, live/die, come, dislike, think (about), know
It's a start, I guess? Knowing about a third of these makes me feel better about myself but then again, it's only a third. More work.

I am at the library. I was going to use my superior (read: rudimentary) knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System to find this book for Adolescent Lit. on my own, but it has proven to be very difficult. I may have to give up and ask for help.

Later - turns out the book isn't actually here, so all my searching was in vain. Will I have to go buy it at the bookstore? I hate it when that happens. I can't even count the books I have had to buy this semester. Three literature classes in one term wasn't the best idea I've ever had.


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