Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Michelle (wherein I write a post that for once is shorter than yours)

I wrote that title to keep myself in check, because I am fully capable of writing a post that is long enough to also wipe something up, like my sweat after I go to the gym this afternoon (can you believe it?)

I get that school is just one of those things. I go through cycles of thinking that school is the easiest thing ever and I hardly even have to try to breeze through it with all As to feeling like I'm being swept mercilessly against the cold forbidding rocks of academia by tidal waves of dead-eyed cynicism. That analogy kind of got away from me. Without school, however, I will become a pretty useless excuse for a person. Well, with school it's entirely possible that I will still be useless, but my chances at succeeding in life are at least a little bit better.

I really like dancing but the truth is that I have little coordination, so sometimes I look at a dance and I'm like, I can do that, and then when I actually try it it turns out I can't even move my hands at the same time as my feet. It's pretty humbling. But I can accept that dance isn't something I have natural talent at. But the way you were describing dance and what it means to you reminded me of how I feel about language, sort of in a lot of ways. I mean, I'm really linguistically oriented, and anything that relates to linguistics really fascinates me. And the thing is, I have an alright aptitude for things like that. Like, I can actually have a completely autonomous desire to learn things about language and linguistics. I don't think I've ever had that kind of motivation with anything else. Like with writing, I did all the research and work and exercises and the worldbuilding without anyone else telling me what to do or how to do it, and it was actually fun. The same goes with Korean. I frigging love deciding to undertake something on my own and then it turning out that I'm perfectly capable of doing it well. Which reminds me that my next question for the Korean girl in my choir is what the difference is between 이용하다, 활용하다, and 사용하다, because everywhere I look, they all mean "to use". I need to know this because that's a really important verb and I don't want to say the wrong one at the wrong time. I'm so paranoid about that kind of thing. It pretty much goes without saying that I'm going to end up offending a lot of people when I speak to them in Korean just because I've never had to think this much about customs and propriety before.

It's pretty awesome that you got that part in Beauty and the Beast. Initially I wrote that as "Beasty and the Beast", and I'm suddenly realizing that that could be a pretty good story. Anyway, I know what you mean about feeling like being put into mezzo soprano is somehow an insult to your singing skills. I feel like I could be a pretty awesome alto, but I, too, am a mezzo soprano and we seem to get overlooked a lot. It's okay though, because if there's one thing I'm good at it's staying in the background. And that's important in a choir. Anyway, about sounding operatic, a lot of it comes down to really good breath control, which is something I've never been good at but I'm sure with practice you can totally kill it. Plus you were always better at swimming so your breath control is probably better than mine to begin with.

I could be your piano teacher. I don't know how good of a teacher I'd be, but we seem to see piano playing in sort of the same way (play what you want, when you want), so I guess that could be pretty good. But I'd have to turn into a bit of a slave driver because, not to be mean or anything, your musical motivation is usually at a pretty low ebb.

I should like go do school or something. I just had to pause this whole post-writing thing for a little while because I was listening to "Breath" by Beast and basically every time I listen to that song I have to stop everything and wait for the moment when YoSeob does this incredibly strong sustained note that has exactly the perfect amount of vibrato at the end of it and I think it brings a tear of admiration to my eye every time I hear it.

Anyway that's my story. I really failed at the whole writing a short post thing, didn't I?


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