Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer Swimming: Day One and Two

Well, WELL. Would you look at this: blogging in the summer. Its unheard of!

So swimteam started yesterday. My feelings toward it in the days approaching were not mixed. They were very simple.

 I'm a simple person.

And then the day before it became more of a unhappy acceptance. 

And by the time I was in bed on Monday night, slightly delirious with dread and sleepiness, I remember thinking, "Yeah its no big deal, I LOVE swimming."

HA. I was such a silly child.

Because by the time I woke up, 

I forgot why my alarm was going off. "Why is it dark outside? Why am I supposed to be awake?"

And then I remembered. So we're babysitting this little kid, and he's staying in Amy's room, so she was staying in my room. (So Amy, how do you feel about getting kicked out of your room by a 19 month old?" "Same way I feel about getting kicked out of my room by anyone") So I couldn't turn on the light or anything.

As a matter of fact I DO love stumbling around my room in the early early morning before its light!

All I could really think about was, "What was I thinking last night? This is HORRIBLE."

So then I go through that same range of emotions as I wake up and eat and drive to practice.

So its pretty much exactly the same people as last year, just less. I'm in the top two percent of girls, (as far as height, age and even speed goes.) not to be cocky and stuff, but all the old fast girls left. So I'm kind of suddenly one of the oldest people.

So I thought about this a lot "Get into lane four, because if you get into lane one you will be stuck there forever with no friends, and the rest of your summer will consist of you hitting peoples feet."

So I, you know, TAKE OFF MY CLOTHES. Do you want to know how cold it was Tuesday morning? It wasn't actually that cold, compared to today, but t was pretty chilly. It was the kind of chilly where I would normally go outside with a jacket on and just chill and think about how not-cold it is, but everything changes when you're wearing a swim suit with the prospect of getting in equally chilly water.

So I get in the water and swam some backstroke/freestyle drills for about an hour until some ice cold water got stuck in my ear and I got this headache that was like the most painful thing I've ever felt. Ever. So I went and stood in the 200 degree showers until it passed. Let me tell you: there is nothing like a 200 degree shower after a 60 degree pool to make a headache get ABSOLUTELY WORSE. But it passed.

So then I got back in the pool and swam for another hour and then got in the showers for another 20 minutes and then went home and slept for like two hours.

Anyway, I got up the next day and it wasn't quite as bad. I got ready and ate and stuff, and then I was walking out the door when mom was like, "Michelle, do you have a shirt?" Uh, kuduur, I have a shirt. A tank top. In my bag.
And she was like, "You might want a shirt cause its kind of chilly."
Kind of chilly....KIND OF CHILLY??
"What? Its cold?"
"No not cold. Just chilly, its 62."
..... Celsius?
What part of 68 is "not cold"?
68 SCREAMS cold.

So I drive to swim team and I'm one of the first people there, so I walk in, and my coach is on the other side of the pool with two swimmers and they're trying to pull the giant lane line holder out of the water.

Now, last year, in the last few days of swimteam, my coach got so annoyed at the lane line holder that he threw it over the fence. (the lane line holder was metal, and probably like seven feet wide and five feet tall. And the fence is also seven feet tall.)

So they got a new one. Its just as big, but its plastic and apparently pretty hollow, because it filled with water and was pretty heavy, I guess. It took like four guys to pull it out.

But anyway, I know what you're thinking. Why, oh why is the lane line holder in the pool? And in the deep end for that matter? (13 feet or something crazy like that)

But here's a better question. Why is there a trashcan in the water?

And an even better question, Why is the life guard stand at the bottom of these 13 feet? When I say life guard stand I mean life guard STAND. Its like eight feet tall, and made out of metal.

So there were like 13 boys trying to get it out for about 20 minutes.

And all the girls were standing on the other end of the pool, like,

They succeeded and in the end coach said that it was probably just some "ridiculous hoodlum" who did it. Solved that.
Girls: "Das right 20 less minutes of practice. Thank you ridiculous hoodlum!"

But then we had to get in the water.
Thats pretty much the most accurate depiction of anything I've ever seen, using animals.


Everyone was freezing the entire time. But then we got into breastroke and these two girls that have been faster than my my whole life were both like, "You're faster than me, go ahead."

Life goal: ACHIEVED.

So I led the lane for a short time and it was glorious. I looked behind me at one point (Every 25 or 50) and,

And then it was OVER (after I died from butterfly, but lets not go into that). And I was like, "Yay hot showers!" So I went to the showers and the went from 200 to 80 in about three minutes. Apparently the boys were having a shower party or something.

I've always kind of assumed that boys don't really have any interaction in the bathroom. Like, even though the bathroom is like completely open, I can never hear them talking. But today they were making a ruckus and having a party or something, and using up all my precious hot water.

But anyway, since I'm saying all the negative stuff about swimteam, it makes it sounds like I like absolutely nothing about swimteam, and then people are going to be like ,"Then why do you do it, Michelle? You want to torture yourself?"

There are things about swimteam that I like. I like swimming, and thats the biggest thing. I like the coach, I like most of the people, I like competition and I like winning. So its not all depressing.

Anyway. Hopefully I'll get to blerg some in the near future and tell you more about my incredibly interesting life.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In Which I Take Hypothetical Things to a Whole New Level and Then Question My Sanity.

Ah, well, Touch Korea sent me an E-mail that told me to tell them all my personal information.

Not personal, don't worry parents. Just like my name and my blood type and my height and my eye-color and my address.


I guess now that you, Amy, signed up too, you got all this information too. Everything changes now! Ahahaha, Well, I guess I can include you in my wonderings.

So, I got the tour dates, And its pretty much goes like this.

1/3rd and 1/6th of the cool and an AWESOME tour.
3/3rds of the cool and a pretty awesome tour.
1/3rd of the awesome and a not so cool tour.
I saw this and my reaction was like, 

( His hat says "trust your instincts." I can understand that on a shirt, kind of, but why is it on a hat?)

If I ever have to choose, I think...bad things will happen. I'd almost them rather just, pick one for me.

How do they expect the winner to pick? Fan girling doesn't work like that. We have bias's but not like that. I'm pretty sure there's not a single person whose like, "That's what I want to tour AND those are the three people that I want to meet." Good for them, if that happens.

And where is Nichkhun this whole time? Probably hanging out with Victoria or something laaame like that. What, are these people too busy to meet crazed fans?

When I'm rich and famous, I will always make time for crazed fans. Unless they're like Jonghyun crazed fans and cause you to go to the hospital and miss like half your tour.

First world problems.

Last night I attempted to count how many people had under 100 views on their videos but I got bored around 400. There are still those crazy people who have like 3,000. What are they, famous? Cheaters? I don't get it.

I know its not going to happen, but it'd be pretty cool if we both got picked. I can still dream! I would be, like, the coolest thing ever.

Also, I like CN Blue. Mainly because they're happy and their album is called Ear Fun.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Let's Go Back To Prehistoric Times...

I have a funny story. So do you remember those times when I would recommend a book to you and you would read it (I remember this happening with the later Harry Potter books as well), and then when you were finished, I would be all, "Remember when this plot point happened, and it was so funny/horrible/sad?", and you would be all, "Wait, that happened? I completely missed it because I don't know how to read."

Well, you didn't say it like that, but you really used to have a habit of skimming over things if they had too many big words or something. So the reason that this is relevant to today is because I've realized that you don't read my blog posts very thoroughly, which I wouldn't mind only you get mad at me for things I've explained in previous weeks. Let me direct your attention to this post I made over a week ago. It is even tagged appropriately. See how easy that was?

I don't really remember what you said in your talking video. Come to think of it, I don't really even remember what I said. I just sat down and spouted off whatever came to mind.

And I'm truly sorry about that Dream High debacle. I thought you would be mad if I watched the episode before you did and I reasoned that if I just didn't say anything it would all pass without incident.

However, your drama queen gifs warmed my heart.

Today in my Literature for Adolescents final, the three Korean girls in the class made a little speech about what a good time they had and how much they'll miss everyone now that they're returning to Korea, and then they handed out boxes of Pocky to everyone. I was already in love with them, and that made me love them more, but they also hand-wrote a personalized note on the back of every box in Korean and English. Let me share the joy with you.

Basically, it was the sweetest thing ever. I'm just sad that their Korean handwriting is virtually unintelligible.

The other thing we did for the final was show each group's final video project. I had an inner debate as to whether or not I should link this, and I decided that I should, if only to show you a little bit of the shenanigans I partook in this semester for that class. Basically, it is the corniest thing I have ever done (I have done a lot of corny things. For your viewing pleasure. Just know that the reason I'm only in it for about two seconds is because I was holding the camera most of the time. You probably don't know this because you never watched Crocodile Hunter, but Terri was always the voice of reason. I'm a method actress.

It isn't all that hot today, but it is so humid that I got all icky and damp when I was carrying things out to my car. The quantity of stuff I own seems to regenerate and when I've taken a load of it out and return to my room, it's like there's not even a dent in my possessions. I think I need to swear myself to a life of poverty, like the monks do.


P.S. I am in love with this guy's voice and I am in love with this song.

Park Bom and SECRETS.

I watched both of those LEDApple videos. I like them. I'd seen one of their videos before, but I didn't really like it because the main guy had bad hair and it was a rock band, and their always kind of weird.

Though they seem to have figured their stuff out. The first video was really cool and that girl is super cute. SUPER CUTE. I didn't understand the end, though.

The second video was really fun too.

Ok so I have to talk about something pressing....

and here it is:

Ok, this girls name is Park Bom and shes arguable the cutest the world.

I have a picture of her on my wall and sometimes I just stare at it and think, wow. Seriously?

OK, in other news, today is May 1st, and the 2PM-miss A contest thing ends on the second.

So here it is again. case you want to be awesome and give me like ten views. I know what you're thinking,
Ten views?

But just to put things into perspective, there are about 1300 videos now. Obviously a majority of these don't have a chance because they added them like, today or yesterday. (there were quite a few with 0 views. How is that even possible?) But anyway, I have 260 views, and every one counts. Thank you for supporting me. If I have just twice as many views as I have now, then I will have a much better chance of being one of the finalists.

But I came across the strangest thing while I was trying to figure out just about how many videos had more views than mine, and it triggered a de-ja-vu that went something like this,

"Unnie, are you going to submit a video?"
"Eh, I thought about it, but I'm not going to."

Well. WHELL. 
(I had to reach into the deep recesses of the Network's memory to retrieve this little treasure.)

I found, not one, but two videos by my own twinsie.

I am also having another de-ja-vu that goes something like this:

"Unnie, can I watch the next Dream High without you since you won't be around very much and I have time right now?"
"Yes, you may."
"Thank you!"
*almost an hour later*
"Oh unnie, this episode is just incredible, you must watch it as soon soon soon as possible."
"Oh yes?"
*about four hours later*
"Oh unnie, please watch that episode, its so amazing. Watch it when you get home."
"I have a confession, Michelle. I watched that episode before you did, last night, while you were gone."


Its not that you watched it without me or that you entered this contest, its that you didn't tell me. Or that you thought I was too sensitive to know or something.

The song you sang was pretty legit, I like the song, and I like you singing it. You have a good voice even though you abuse it by being a cheat and backstabb--

And the other video was pretty much exactly like mine, just executed better. You were even wearing glasses like me!

That's all for today.
