Friday, January 14, 2011

Home Alone. Doing Chores.

So far the list is like this:

Feed cows (5 buckets)
Feed birds
Feed cats
Bring wood down and put some on the fire
Take out trash
Take out recycling
Take out compost
Call school and schedule piano lessons
Write blog post
Make sure Michelle practices the piano
Make a snack to take to a party today

It's pretty intense over here. Good thing I don't have much to distract me. I finished Bones last night, at least what's on Netflix. Overall I'd give the show something like 4 out of 5 because it's fun and interesting and there are cops and science. And Hodgins. Also I'm much better at naming the bones in the skeleton (though it still beats me what the lateral epicondyle is).

I got back to Mor Mor's on Tuesday, work on Wednesday, and school on Thursday. I CAN'T WAIT even though my work schedule is what I would call a complete trainwreck. I need to get back into the swing of things or I'll go crazy with sitting around doing nothing. Well, not today. Today I'm not doing nothing. I'm doing chores.


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