Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sock Monkeys


His name is Jason and hes smarter than all the other sock monkeys.

For literature class we have to write a terza rima, which is what Dante (A-L-I-G-H-I-E-R-I) writes in. They go A,B,A. B,C,B. C,D,C. D,E,D. I wrote mine in class. Its about how Jason is smarter and cooler than everyone. Its good. I will read it to you when you get home.

Speaking of which, mom and dad are going up there this weekend, and I think I'm coming with them, maybe possibly. I might come up and then all of us girls will stay up there, and have a party.
I might also have a party and watch all three step ups. again. Mahahaha.

Arg it happened again! I was in my gmail, and then it turned into yours when I signed in here. Don't worry no creepers opened chats with me, because you were invisible.

Today I am all alone. Kind of like every other day of the week. Except this week. I was with people this whole week. I played the piano for a long time today. When you come home this weekend or whenever I see you, I can almost play the whole Hey Jude for you.

Theres a really funny Julien Smith video that I have stuck in my head. I would totes give you a link or something but youtube is blocked on here. So is everything else. Except my school program, grooveshark and this.

Today I saw a failbook that made me lawl:

Status: I'm so frustrated I just want to rip my hair out.

Comment: Don't rip it. Whip it. Back and forth.

It made me laugh a lot, but not enough to forget how I want a phone really bad so I can listen to grooveshark anywhere I want so I can be a cheap person the rest of my life. I think fifteen is a good age for a phone, don't you? I know you don't. It wasn't a good age for a phone for you, but it is for me.

You really weren't doing anything when you were fifteen, so it wouldn't matter. And you still don't ever use your phone. I could steal your phone for a month and you probably wouldn't notice. And if you did notice, you wouldn't worry about it. You were born in the wrong century.

Speaking of centuries, and Whippin' your hair, Willow has a new single called 21st century girl. It hasn't actually come out yet, but I heard part of it.

You know that XKCD where he suggests not buying techno music but just playing the sample over and over and over again? I was thinking about doing that because I feel like it just wouldn't make a difference.

Speaking of techno and stuff like that. I got the Tron soundtrack and it rocks my socks offs.

Me and mom just figured out that next year I'm going to do a new program for school to help me with math. I'm going to do two hours of math every day, and so by the time I'm a junior or senior, I'll be farther than I'm supposed to and I'll be way smarter. I like being smart but I don't like working for it. Thats why I like hanging around people who have no common sense, because they think I'm smart and I don't even try. Ha. Juust kidding. All my friends are way smarter than me.

That hot chocolate is still in my room.


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