Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yeah, Language

Dear Michelle,

You are pretty set on this whole party thing. I think it's cute that you know any party I throw would probably be pretty lame but you're still sticking by me.

In Korean, W is like Y, it's just tacked onto the front of vowels. I didn't give you the W vowels at first because I didn't want to overwhelm you and to be honest they aren't used as much as the other vowels. W vowels are just two vowels put together, and the W sound just happens. Anyway, I will list them out for you here just in case you ever need them. I put the silent ᄋ in front of all of them just because there always has to be a consonant in front of vowels. That's just the way it is. If you can't see them, make sure you're using Chrome.

와 - wa
왜 - wae (this is also the word for "why" or "what")
외 - weh
워 - tall woh
웨 - weh (pretty much the same sound as 외)
외 - wi
의 - uei (this is the suffix often added to names, etc. to make them possessive - much like 's)

There you have it.

I have free time all of a sudden because my history class has been cancelled twice so I'm a little low on homework, so I am watching Iris. TOP is a seriously small character, but when he is there, he is basically the best. He sorts of flits in, shoots someone discreetly (or holds hapless Japanese people hostage for a while), and then flits out again, and no one's the wiser, except everyone is probably jealous of his totes classy taste in clothing.

We are talking on Facebook though, so I will end this madness now. Peace.


My Birthday Party (cause I know you've forgotten)

Dear Amy.

I hear that the hardest hardness of your school ends on the 16th of February and I would like to inform you that that is a Thursday and also two days after my birthday. Now, I know that it will be hard for you to plan a surprise party for me when you are absolutely swamped, but you may enlist the help of Phoebe, and also you may have the party a weekend after (or any weekend after) my actually birthday, that will be fine. Now I realize that you may not know all the friends that I would like to invite, and that too is fine. If you're having any trouble deciding, just ask me or the Weeb. I would prefer not ice skating  since I will dominate everyone and that gets tiring after awhile. Also if this is a co-ed party (which is preferred. I don't want this party to turn into anything like the ride back from Oklahoma or a baby shower)  its best if we don't go shopping. And as much as we both may want it, no this may not be a Korean Drama themed party. Though I would not be opposed to K-Drama/K-pop merch of any kind. Speaking of the K's, what is "w" in Korean?

Anyway, back to my surprise birthday party. Please make sure that it is not at an inconvenient time where I don't want to see anyone/look like "a dirty trash can full of poo" (name that movie: SURFS UP. got it before you!). Also I would prefer it if the house/place of party had some streamers or a sign or any way for people to tell that it's a party, because I know our family doesn't usually do that stuff, but this is my sixteenth birthday, and I don't want the house/place of party to look like it does every other day. Its not every day that you turn sixteen, am I right? AM I RIGHT? I am. You only turn sixteen one day of your entire life. YOU'RE ENTIRE EXISTENCE.

OK, well. I'm doing this to make it easier for you, just to let you know. I hope it helps.

Your loving sister,
Michelle Awesomepants Sullivan.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homework-Induced Procrastination Which I Cannot Afford

You're in Oklahoma now, where they probably don't have internet (I know nothing about Oklahoma. How am I to know if they have even a primitive social structure to their name? Do they even speak English?). I, however, am in Warrensburg, a utopian educational society where the residents dutifully see to the betterment of their minds at all hours of the day and night.

No wait, that's just me.

I am going to be up late tonight, again, because I have a lot of writing to do for tomorrow. I have most of the reading done, it's just that I have to write these papers. They're only a page, single-spaced, which doesn't sound like much, but both of my teachers are absolute sticklers for conscientiousness and if you don't ponder every word and thought exhaustively, they'll know. Land sakes, they'll know. I can't just BS these things like I used to. College: it seems easy at first, but then you get teachers who actually care.

Luckily, I have had all afternoon and I have the rest of the night to do said homework, and I'm maybe halfway through it. The reason I'm not further is because I'm really good at keeping my mind off of the utter monotony of it all by doing things like looking at facebook, reading about the cultural reasoning behind the differences in mindset that America and Asia have towards cosmetic surgery, listening to 2PM just being swoony in general, wondering if I should cut my hair again, and, of course, writing this blog post. I also tried to take a nap, because my sleep has been, to put it mildly, absolute crap the last few nights, but it didn't work for some reason even though I'm desperately tired. I don't know why my sleep's been weird, but I suspect it is connected to stress, because I'm stressed out, and also I am losing weight. And that's just stupid. I'm sure things will get better after I'm done with this whole teaching thing (the 16th), so I'll put it on the calendar, and make sure to have biscuits and gravy for breakfast whenever possible.

I realized about a week ago that I've reached this amazing place in my quest to learn Korean - I was watching Iris (though I haven't had the chance to watch anything for a while, except when I was home with you all) and for some reason there was about a twenty-minute segment where the subtitles just cut out for some reason. And you know what? With context and the verbs I know (I made sure to learn the most common ones first), I was able to figure out roughly what they were saying most of the time. And it was awesome and exhilarating. Obviously I have a ridiculously long way to go, since I've hardly scratched the surface of this whole Korean thing, and actually formulating a sentence that makes sense is still a huge challenge, but this small, happy reward was beautiful and motivating.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Place

What wonders lie beyond the world so gray,
An incredible place, where you would like to stay.
Don't wait too long, to find The Place,
Why wait, when you can be flying in space?
Don't wait until you're old and lost,
until your body and soul are covered in frost.
Don't wait until death has come and taken you away,
Far away from the wonders of night and of day.
Don't cry, my child, sleep tight, my child,
Dream of a place where imagination runs wild.
Its lovely and wonderful and ever so right,
and not a care, nor a person nagging, in sight.
You don't have a need to sort through
your emotions, for they're all gone too.
Run, run, my child, don't ever look back,
I promise you, there is nothing you will lack.
Don't get too caught up though, for one day,
you will hear and unwanted voice say,
"Wake up, wake up, come back to the light,"
And you will say no, you'll want to fight.
But go, go, go back from where you came,
for you shall come again, it will be the same,
and if every night you dream of The Place,
life on earth will no longer be an losing race,
It will be easier, with something like this.
I will leave you, good night, good night with a kiss.
Go, go, but don't be too long,
Go to the place where there is no wrong.

-Michelle Sullivan

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

100 Pictures Carrying Me to Fame

Yesterday I counted all of the pictures/drawings/paintings/posters that I have on my walls and it came out to the grand total of 100!

I put the pictures up in little collages, and there are four main collages: The Wall of Fame, The Selena Gomez Shrine, the Logan Lerman/Percy Jackson Shrine, and two random dandom collages with pictures of animals and me as a kid and my grandpa at my dads age stuff like that.

So heres how it all added up, in case you were wondering, (because I know you were.):

24 Pictures of Selena Gomez. Now, some people might think this is totally crazy and fan-girly of me, and it is, but heres the deal. I don't just like Selena Gomez because she is like the prettiest girl on the planet and because she's dating Justin Bieber (of whom there are no pictures in my room), but because I like her style and her legacy inspires me. You know the title of this post? Yeah this is what I was referring too. Stuff that inspires me.

18 Asians. Because, ya know. Asians are cool.
12 pictures of Animals/ scenery. I used to cut up animal calendars and save the pictures.
11 pictures of me/ friends.
8 movie posters. Three Harry Potter, Ramona and Beezus, Lightening thief, Iron Man, Spider Man, and Avatar.
7 Movie pictures. Pictures. From movies. Like The Emperors New Groove and Psych.
4 book covers.
4 drawings by Amy/me.
4 Drawings by Kristin
and last but not least, 2 maps. one of the world at night, with all the lights, and one of the USA. because I like America.

Now I know what you're thinking right now, "Michelle, thats not 100 pictures, you totally lied to us" (actually I know you aren't thinking that because you aren't the kind of person to ever do that kind of mental math when you don't have to) "well now, don't jump to conclusions, I didn't lie at all. There just aren't categories for the last six pictures."
Which are: a picture of a quote from Neil Patrick Harris, a picture of Michael Phelps swimming butterfly, a drawing of some memes. and a logan lerman picture from vogue.

Also I wanted to say, since we were talking about Selena Gomez and all, I helped choose what her perfume would smell like, on this site, like months ago, and I'd forgotten that it said that the first 100,000 people to help would get a free bottle sent to them. The only problem is that sometimes I put in bogus zip codes to websites because my mama taught me good. So I spent like half an hour trying to figure out if I'd put the real zip code on here.

I didn't find it. So, I guess I'll know when I get the perfume (or not). but its going to have some flower and some fruit flavor, I don't remember,  but the base smell (the one that stays) is vanilla, which is what I voted for, because its scientifically proven that guys are attracted to the smell of vanilla. Eh hah!

Ok. Peace out people.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars

Dear Amy
There are a few parts to this blog post. Some of it is funny and some of it is serious and some if it is John Green.

The Relatively Funny Part:
So you showed me some songs the other day that I would like to think changed my definition of beat-tastic. I've found that I have become sick of the simple boom-clap-boom-clap that rules american pop as the singer wails about 'oh no she left me again' or 'oh yes we're gonna party tonight' or 'oh yes I love that girl' or 'oh i cheated but when I'm rich I'll give you material things to make you feel better about it, so please don't leave me.'

And I'm not saying that a lot of K-pop isn't boom-clap-boom-clap, but not knowing what they're saying really helps. I'm not the kind of person to listen to a song because I relate to it. The only song I've ever listened to because I related to it is Sexy and I Know It.

So what I'm saying is I can respect a song more when I'm not thinking, "oh my GOSH, I've heard these lyrics a billion times. 'somebody to love,' are you kidding me?"

I can definitely rock out more to a song when I'm not thinking, "oops he just cussed, oops he just cussed again." I don't listen to songs because I like what they're saying, I listen to them because I like the way the way they make me feel.

I don't know if this is how it is for you, Amy, but when I listen to an incredibly beat-tastic song for the first minute or thirty seconds of the song I'm just thinking, "wow. wow. wow. wow." and then I'm literally thinking about nothing but dancing. I feel like I need to express the way the song makes me feel and the only way for me to do that is not in words, but it movement.

So there are two songs that I listened to yesterday where I had the exact same thought process listening to them. The songs were "Love Ya" by SS501 and "Keep Your Head Down" by TVXQ. (also Digital Bounce, but that was a few days ago) Heres what I was thinking:
Someone needs to be doing acrobatics right now.

And here's what that means: almost nothing I can do can express how extremely and incredibly awesome this makes me feel.

The Serious Part:

I wait a lot to listen to k-pop and dance. The main reason I'm waiting is because I'm doing school. This semester I've kind of realized how hard school can be, and I don't mean challenging. I mean hard to make myself do without having some kind of breakdown because I can't stand how uninspiring and futile it is. Nothing that I want to obtain I am getting through school. Math mainly just makes me feel stupid, as I try to get my mind around concepts that are too confusing for me to understand, and therefore to profitless for me to care about.
In History I relearn things that I've learned a billion times, maybe in hopes that, for the kind of things you usually forget, "this time it will stick," and for things that you already know, "this time it will be drilled so hard into your adolescent brain that the foundation will shatter and you'll forget the difference between 'what actually happened,' and 'what my textbook thought I thought happened.'"
I'm still doing handwriting, since mom still wants to shape the kind of human I already am. Handwriting is just one of those things, you know?
I guess I'm just now realizing that the real challenge in school is not "remembering things just long enough to get a b on the test" but "remember to care enough to actually get a b on the test."

John Green:

Probably part of the reason I came to that conclusion is not because I'm a teenager and the I play the devils advocate and I have to disagree with everything everyone tells me, especially my parents; but because I'm reading a book about a girl with cancer and whenever it acknowledged that she was not going to school and just sleeping a lot and not really doing anything, I found myself thinking, "Doesn't she need to do something, so she can....you know...know how to do stuff when she grows up?" and then I realized two things:
1. She has cancer, and things like school and productiveness and doing-things-now-so-she-can-know-how-to-do-things-in-the-future, are not really relevant to her.
2. Do I really think that the only reason I do school and anything I don't want to so that I can do it later in life when my parents aren't around doing it for me?

And therein, I suppose, lies the problem. I guess I'm just now realizing that I'm just doing school to do school, not to learn about the Vietnam War and not to learn about distributing and factoring.

But on a happier note, I am reading a pretty incredible book by John Green called The Fault in Our Stars. Its funny and it makes you think about things, obviously. It also brings back my fear of having cancer. I'm really scared of getting cancer. I don't think its that irrational either.

But the book has some pretty incredible quotes, my favorite of which, I will leave you with:
"Look, let me just say it: he was hot. a nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy....well."


Monday, January 23, 2012

One of Those Weekends

Dear Michelle:
Basically it is the coolest thing ever that you are learning all these dances. I agree, though - girls don't look too good in blazers, so if you want to look sharp I would suggest going for the Janelle Monae look. She seems to wear tuxedo-type things exceedingly well.

That reminds me though, last Sunday (a week ago, not yesterday), I went jeans-hunting because the two pairs of jeans I have don't fit me very well any more and they're faded so they look sort of crummy when I try wearing them with a nice shirt. Anyway, so I was out looking for jeans, and I had this idea that I would go to Maurices because I've heard good things about their jeans, but they're closed on Sunday, so I went to Factory Connection. They sell mostly jeans, but the thing I noticed the second I walked in was that almost every single pair of jeans in there was really low-rise and really flared. I don't really know why stores insist on carrying mostly flared jeans when they went out of style about four or five years ago. Maybe it's a small-town thing. I also don't really like super low-rise jeans because they don't work too good on my body type and when I wear belts to remedy the problem, they cut into my hips uncomfortably. Anyway, I was in Factory Connection for upwards of an hour before I found a reasonably high-waisted pair of skinny jeans. I like high waisted pants because they're pretty worry-free as far as bending over and belts and everything goes. Plus if you tuck a blouse into them they look really sharp.

I had kind of a weird weekend. On the surface it looks like pretty much every weekend I spend here (homework, sleep, maybe eat, finally finish homework, spend the rest of my free time doing something fun that doesn't require me to leave my room). On Saturday I spent the whole morning listening to music and studying Korean, it was pretty good (You know in City Hunter where Kim NaNa called the prosecutor her Daddy Long Legs? Well I wondered what she was really calling him in Korean, so I looked it up, and the words, pronounced "kidari ajusshi" literally mean "waiting man." I wonder if there's a story behind that). Then in the afternoon I did homework, deep-cleaned my side of the room and folded all my clothes. Stupidly, that evening I sat down and decided to look at a kdrama to watch, because I felt like an all-around productive day deserved a fairly entertaining end.

So what I did is I watched the whole thing in a weekend. It wasn't too ridiculous, I mean it wasn't nearly as long as BBF, but it was a pretty similar story arc and it was ranked just above BBF on that dramacrazy place, so I thought, what the hey, why not. And the truth is, it was pretty unforgettable and tons of fun. There's something about sitting down to a good story and a steaming cup of Earl Grey that's just one of those things that I never want to be too busy to enjoy every now and again. The real problem with watching it so quickly was that it was quite an emotional rollercoaster, so I've spent all Monday sort of emotionally exhausted. Getting invested in stories like that is pretty cool, only afterwards, as you well know, there's a while where you're just really sad it's over, or you're still mulling over the story in your head and you don't want anyone or anything to interrupt you. I had that also with this book I read since I got here, it was called Little Brother, and it was really cool. Really cool stories don't exactly litter the street, so there's always a sense of deprivation after they're over. I think that's why I read my favorite books over and over again. I like to revisit good times.

I don't know about coming home this weekend. I would really like to, but the thing is that I'm probably coming home the next weekend to make sure you girls don't burn down the house while Mom and Dad are gone or something. Wouldn't put it past you. I might come home two weekends in a row anyway, just because.  Then there's always the possibility that Mom and Dad don't go, if the weather doesn't permit it. Anyway, I'll think about it and we'll talk again on Thursday or something when I'm more sure about my homework situation and stuff. I like having empty days in the middle of the hecticness just to get all my thoughts in a row (something about spending a morning alone is really good for getting things into perspective), but after a while even that gets pretty lonely. I need a little ridiculous in my life. Well, I guess there's a lot of ridiculous here, because college students in general just pretty much defy the sensibility of society, but that's just the normal garden variety of ridiculous and nothing like a good weekend in your company can come up with.

This was a pretty long post thing. It's probably because I like talking to people who understand me, and out of all the people here, nobody understands me like you. People. What a bunch of bastards.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm your man

Wondering about the title? Thinking about six well dressed men? I'm learning the dance. its going to be legit except for the fact that I'll have to, like, buy a blazer, and I personally think that 99% of the time girls look horrible in blazers.
Speaking of songs, one of my friends linked a Katy Perry song on facebook called Who Am I Living For? that is surprisingly good.

So as I may have said before, I am in an incredible amount of pain, but here's the deal: I thought it was pain before, but that was before I'd had to take off the old rubberbands and put in new ones. I can't touch my teeth without it hurting, but I had to push and pull and go through something that I assume is close to childbirth until I had unhooked my and rehooked the torture device.

Now, here's something fun for you to try: reach your lower jaw out as much as you possibly can, then reach it about twice as far, then imagine it being held there by rubber, and its jamming into your upper, also completely lose-feeling and totally-sore, teeth.

And then imagine never ever being able to say a single word or bite down or stuff anything into the small crack that is created if you stretch your mouth open as much as it can go (about 1/2 inch). Not being able to brush your teeth, or eat that delicious thai dinner that you made, while your family sits around you eating it, telling you how great it is, while you eat canned cream of chicken soup, and the only thing you want to say, if you could talk, is (beside lots of really mean things) "I bet its great."

And then imagine never being able to sing along with anything, and imagine not being able to laugh or lick your freaking lips. I can't lick my lips. I can't do it. And if I try, my tongue usually gets stuck between my teeth. And you know how when you swallow, you bite down, or at least bring your lower jaw back a bit? Yeah, can't do that either.

Ok, I'm done. For now.

Is there anything in this house that IS swimming in gravy?

Well today i went to the orthodontist, so you can imagine the kind of pain I'm in right now. OH WAIT. NO YOU CAN'T. So I go in and she takes off the power chain (the colorful thing that stretches all the way across,) and then she leaves me there for like half an hour, and it was really warm and comfortable there, laying down, so I may or may not have fallen asleep a few times.

Then she came back in a took out my wires and put in a wire that was significantly stronger, and she tried to push it into the depths of my jaw with a large medal tool. 

And by "into the depths of my jaw" I mean into this tiny little hole on the last bracket on the last tooth. So the difference is the same. Just thought I'd specify.

It was like my tooth was being pushed in a way that it couldn't be pushed, similar to the way someone tries to push you into splits when you're no where near that flexible. 

The nerves of that tooth were crying out to the innermost part of my being, where my soul got down on its knees and begged for the horrid pain to stop. But it just kept going.

And then the wire was in and the pain was gone, but if I touched the tooth at all, it was like being struck by lightning. Because yeah, I know what that's like.

So then she puts another power chain in, which is essentially a inch long piece of elastic with little holes in it that she stretches all the way across all of my teeth. It was like my teeth were being ground into each other. It was like someone had taken my teeth and sawed through them, glued them back together, then drilled through them and bolted them together, seven hundred times closer to each other than they had originally been.

I wasn't crying, and I don't know what my 'almost crying' symptoms are, but my eyes may have been tearing up. (good thing I'm not Lee Min Ho or any Korean, for that matter, or my waterline would have been redder than blood and thats a dead giveaway)

And then she tells me, "now I'm just going to put the rubberbands in."

"What?" says the only part of my brain left sane. "what was that you said?"

and then it happened. She attached the 1/8th of an inch rubberband to my back lower molars and my canines on the top.

Suddenly, I know what real pain.

They say that the most painful thing in the world is breaking your pelvis, and then childbirth (sometimes the same thing), and then its definitely getting rubberbands installed in your braces after getting your power chain put in after getting a new wire put in.

My lower jaw is being pushed (understatement) toward (and past) my upper jaw. It only took me about one attempted word for me to understand three things:

1. I would not ever be able to eat with these rubberbands in
2. I was almost completely unable to talk.
3. I had a total and complete overbite.

It was like Michelle Obama and Michael Phelps got together and had a baby.
It was like Kristin-Stewart-Determination-Face and Pain and Hate got together and decided to make my life a horrible thing.
I don't look like this: though, its in between regular-michelle and severe-overbite-michelle.
 I don't even look like this, though we're getting closer. This is the look I get when I open my mouth.
Its not even really like this, though sometimes I wish I could rock an underbite like Seth Rogan does.
This is the closest thing I could find. and its ironic for two reasons.
1. I'm a swimmer.
2. Back in the day, and by that I mean the 2004 summer olympics when my boy Michael was a wee rookie, Elise had a totally crush on him and it just so happened that I could do his underbite-smile really good, and she made me do it all the time.
If only back then I'd know the mess I was going to get in nearly eight years (oh em gee I'm old) later.

 When I got back in the car after my torture session, I definitely shed a single tear out of each of my eyes about ten or more times.

So that's my story.

I'd rank it in Awesome somewhere between Brendan Fraser's profile picture on IMDb and Michael Aranda's story of how he got stuck in France.

Also there is nothing soft in this house..... great.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Can't Put a Price Tag on my Childhood

So I have a little dilemma. This week, I found myself academically in need of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a book which I own and which I have read at least three times, but which is very far from me at the moment. I went to Wal-Mart, which literally had every Harry Potter book except the second one, and then to Hastings (buy/sell/trade book, movie, & music store here, pretty awesome actually), but the only Chamber of Secrets they had wasn't used, and it was hardback, and it was $25. You kidding me? With $25, I could buy ten wash/dry cycles, or at least four full meals at Taco Bell (probably five), or 250 printed pages, or 25 boxes of Sour Patch Kids. There are a lot of other things $25 could buy, but at the moment the only things I can think of are things that you could probably get for free anyway, like a cat, or a bouquet of flowers, or a couple albums worth of kpop (Pretty sure Grooveshark is the best thing that's happened to me in the last couple of weeks). All these things give me joy, more joy than I would get from reading a Harry Potter book again. Instead, I think I shall take advantage of the library, and try to resist writing in the margins (we are teaching from it, after all).

My roommate is watching Law and Order: SVU. Usually I tune it into the background, but on the episode that's on right now, Robin Williams plays the creepy bad guy, so I couldn't not watch. Even though he's a bad guy, I still look at him and hear him talk and wish that he was my grandpa or something. He's just so cool.

Even though I don't feel great today, I'm still on this high from doing that poem today. I didn't tell you this, but about a half-hour earlier, I had done another presentation in a different class about Impressionist painter Childe Hassam. So by the time I got up to do my poem I was already in the zone. It was good. I censored some of the poem, because I thought my instructor might not be a huge fan of the cussing or whatever (even though this is college, you've got to curb your vulgarity sometimes for the sake of making your professors happy), but there were still a couple of bad words in it, so I think that made it a little more memorable, maybe? Yes, I am a horrible person.

I got up early this morning to do homework, so I think I'm going to go to bed early, too. Who knew going to college made people less interesting?


P.S. btw, I totally agree with your #1 reason for our blogging slackerness. I'm not exactly ashamed of our common interests, but they can get a little weird and honestly I don't need more people thinking I've gone off the deep end a bit (who am I kidding? Everyone already does. even my roommate thinks I'm crazy). I've said this to Angela before. We used to bond a lot over shows like Prison Break and Veronica Mars and stuff, especially when we lived at Mor Mor's at the same time. They were good times.

Pain. Lots of Pain.

Amy, here's the deal. So I did that dance in a day, yesterday, and it was awesome and great and I was very proud of myself.

And by the end of the day, I was really exhausted. Not the kind of exhausted you get after you get like right after you've run seven miles, and you just want to collapse and drown in a puddle of sweat, I was, at times, that kind of exhausted, but it passes very quickly and is replaced with a kind of exhaustion that I don't experience  very much, and I kind of imagine it being like what it feels like to be old.

I had literally no energy, I wasn't sore (yet), but I didn't want to move. At all. And it wasn't the kind of "I don't want to move" that you get when you've done nothing all day and you're just really lazy, this was the serious business. This was like, "I don't ever want to tense a muscle in my body again. ever" kind of exhausted, and I can't even tell you how happy I was to go to bed.

So I woke up this morning (actually I woke up like seven times. I used to not be a snooze kind of girl, but lately...), and I laid there for a minute, trying to wake up, then I tried to get up, and...

Oh my gosh, I'm sore in all these places I've never been sore in. Like, my stomach, my thighs, and my calves are the places that get sore for real a lot, and then my arms get sore sometimes, so this was really weird: my back was sore. like, so sore I couldn't even move for a second. And the right side of my neck. oh my gosh. And left shoulder.

I don't even know how this happened, I mean, I know I was dancing a lot yesterday, but my back? I didn't even know I had enough muscles back there to get sore.

I will now.

I don't mind being sore that much because it means that when the soreness is gone I'm going to be freaking ripped.

Back rippage, just what I've always wanted.

Anyway, beside not being able to move, I wanted to tell you that I cleaned out my Grooveshark, which was really really hard, and now I have like half the playlists that I used to. I'm listening to the playlist you gave me, and its so awesome, I can't even tell you. K-pop makes me super happy.

Also I saved a lot more pictures to put on my wall of fame. I just need like 500 more thumb tacks....


Oh, hey!

So today Angela asked me why we don't blog anymore, and I was like, "...I don't know...."
But that was like two hours ago and I've come up with at least four reasons why we don't blog anymore.
1. The first, and biggest reason, why we don't blog anymore is probably (Amy you might not agree) because the things that we now share in common are so weird that we're afraid that if we write in public letters to each other that all of our family (and some of our friends) to see, everyone will suddenly realize how strange we actually are.

For example: Amy and I spent more than four hours talking about nothing but K-pop yesterday.

2. The second reason that we don't blog anymore is because we both have youtube accounts and when we aren't getting ready to/actually filming a video (which is like never) we're watching videos. And I also got a tumblr so I can share wonderful pictures of wonderful things in a place where one-picture-posts-with-no-words are accepted. You just can't do that on a blog.

3. We just spent a month together, and when we're together, we don't blog. And this also means that in the last two weeks I've been in severe Amy-withdraw mode, so when I want to tell her something I have to tell her right then. And facebook is incredibly convenient for that. Also sometimes private conversations are necessary (see reason #1).

4. We're both really busy this semester. Last semester I was the busy one, and now Amy is, and...I am too. I have to admit, it was really weird when I found out that my sister who  goes to college had at least twice as much free time as I did. This semester I'm just about as busy as I was last semester, but Amy is also busy. Not too busy to talk to me for hours on facebook, but too busy to come home and too busy to have fun. (lawls. Not true at all)

So I guess I'm just going to use this blog now to tell Amy stuff, and she doesn't have to respond I guess, since shes so busy.

I mean sometimes I just feel bad about writing on her wall four times, and sending her about seven private messages.

So get ready! I'mma be bloggin' up a storm!