Friday, February 25, 2011

Your Sister is a Snow-Driving Superstar!

Yeah, I put up posters. Aaaall over. They say, "Amy Wants You To Read Her Blog" and has a big chariacature of me pointing at the reader, Uncle Sam-style.

I found out where the student lounge is and I might go over there later on today. The only problem is that unless they have free food, there's not really anything over there to draw me in. Arcade games? TVs? Air hockey? Not really my thing. Maybe they have really comfy couches. All I need to survive this really long break is a comfy chair and an outlet so I can plug in my laptop. And there's free food at the Writing Center anyway. At the moment it's honey mustard and onion pretzels, which are surprisingly delicious. And coffee, which is good too. So I'm sitting in a hallway on a comfy chair next to an outlet and some vending machines (and a lady who's been sitting here staring into space for the last fifteen minutes, kind of starting to weird me out), and I'm all set.

Today I read a paper that was submitted online that was a high school student's reinterpretation of the phrase "all's fair in love and war". I thought of you. The only problem was that it soon became obvious that she didn't understand the generally accepted meaning of the phrase and she had no idea where she was going with it, ultimately BSing something about romance during wartime and covering up her BS with flowery language. I wasn't fooled. But how do you tell someone that they need to restart their entire paper from scratch? Let me tell you - it's a lot easier to do it over the internet. We tutors don't even have to sign the emails with our names, so we can bluff if any wronged students come to the WC looking for blood.

You know how last night it snowed? Well I'm here to tell you that I AM AWESOME and was able to slip and slide my way to school in a half-hour (which is what it generally takes on a normal snow-free day). Just thought I'd let you know. However, you'll probably be hearing from me after work meeting because I'll need to know if it's safe to drive on Nelson and whatnot. Since it's probably pretty soupy down there.

When I get home we need to party with Kristin and that one guy because they'll be leaving sometime. Sunday? Monday? Anyway. We should make them a card or something so they don't forget about us.


Thursday, February 24, 2011


What, is our blog famous or something? Are you putting up posters around the school that say, "Go to this blog, ITS TOTALLY AWESOME!" or something?
As true as that may be, that's still weird.

Is he looking at your history on the computer? Ehh! Sneaky. I admire a sneaky man. He is a man, right? I think Brendan sounds like a man name. Is be Brendan Fraser? Is he the one that looks like Michael Cera?

Speaking of Brendan Fraser, go to his IMDB, his profile picture made me laugh (on the inside) for like ten minutes.

That means I'll be laughing for the next nine and a half minutes inside.

Uhh, I don't think its cool that all that personal "Comm." makes you mad. It shouldn't. And don't fume in your journal while you're around people. If you're going to be mad let everyone know, but if its a dumb reason keep it to your self and suck it up.

Joseph got me Bolt.

And I'm going to watch Ramona and Beezus.

Sooo... stay classy.

Don't get in trouble.



Yeah, it's kind of sad how Heroes gets not so cool after the first season.

Guess what! I SKIPPED A CLASS. My first time this semester. Here's how it happened:

So I was busy busy, rushing around the campus doing things that were arguably productive, like work and yoga, and then I went to Personal Comm. So I was sitting there in the classroom before the class started. It was really hot in there, and the teacher was writing out all the things she was going to talk to us about after we finish this film (Bend it Like Beckham, only so-so). This has gone on for three classes, where we watch a part of the film and afterwards we go into exhaustive (and I mean exhaustive) detail about all the relationships in the film and the communication of it and the culture of it, all of which is readily evident and only really warrants a passing mention in class. The inanity of it and the time being wasted was making me so mad that I would end up writing inflammatory things in my notebook to keep myself from listening or talking (or else I would become even more mad). So today, when I sat down in class and saw the teacher preparing for another round of this, I suddenly thought, "I don't even have to be here!" So I got up and just left.

You might not think that's a very spectacular story, but skipping a class is really major for me. I'm supposed to be a responsible tutor! But I'm actually not a very good example. You can be certain that tomorrow I'm going to be obsessively checking Angel (the online part of the class) to see if the teacher assigned anything while I was pooped out. I don't know why I even skip classes if the stress of skipping makes me so jittery.

There is a guy here (I'm in the Writing Center, did I mention that?) who's wearing a newsboy cap with rhinestones on it. Whaaat?

Last night, I went to Angela's play with her. I can see why she didn't want Mom and Dad to see it since it's pretty crude or whatever. I didn't really mind. I kind of liked it. Some of it was funny, and the rest of it was just horrible. The story, I mean. It was depressing. UMKC is pretty nice, as far as I could see. Probably nicer than UCM, which is a little depressing, but I can handle it. I think the real problem is that I have had this mentality all along that Warrensburg is a small town of similar ilk to Harrisonville or somewhere sad like that, and that's the reason I've been dreading it a bit all along. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I'm pretty sure that we would be a really boring family if Mom had never made us cook and clean together. Food is like the centerpiece of our relationships. And I'm okay with that.

I think I've vomited up enough words for today.


P.S. Elise gets home on Sunday. We should go to the airport with Auntie Ann.

P.P.S. One of my co-workers found out about this blog through no fault of my own. If you're reading this, Brendan, BUGGER OFF.



Don't be a chicken.

Chickens are ugly. Chickens are noisy and dirty. Chickens are the bane of the birds existences.
You know at family reunions theres always that one really weird really drunk uncle (I said uncle because whenever anyone says anything about weird or rich relatives they always say uncle. I didn't say that because we have a few of them, I just said it because its what most people can relate to) that everyone is always kind of ashamed to be related to?

Thats what the entire bird family thinks of chickens. Chickens are the dumb ones that have no brains and after four weeks their legs are too weak to support there meatiness.

Chickens are like the extra who gets killed off before the opening credits of the show. That guys life is always way too short for him to have a name, he's just there to get the point across of how dangerous the villain of the episode is.

Chickens are like that because their lives are so short that no one cares enough to genetically change their legs to support their genetically changed fatness. The chickens are not there for their life, they're there for food.

So don't be a chicken Amy.

Yesterday I made my awesome cookies for youth group, but they didn't really turn out awesome because they were kind of dry. Heres what I hate: dry cookies.

Heres what else I hate: popcorn.

Mom made me bring lots of popcorn, but no one really ate it, and then I got Jack take it all home. The cookie dough for these cookies was like heaven, and Kristin was in the kitchen doing something on her computer.

I had put heath pieces in, and she was talking about how she needed at least one cookie because she was watching me make them.

Then I told her she could have the mixer things, and she pretty much said she would do anything for me. She was so happy. I don't think I've ever seen her so excited about anything. Ever.

She kind of got high and I was making fun of her being sarcastic, and we were both giggling (but mostly just her) and then she said,

"Vitamins should be made with toffee."
And I was like, "I'm pretty sure the planet would implode."
and then Joseph came in and was like, "Everyone would die from vitamin overdose."

I don't know why I told you that story. I guess I just wanted you to know that your poem is very accurate.

Everything happens in the kitchen.

I don't think I would know Joseph at all if we didn't clean the kitchen together. Like at all.

I'm still watching heroes. I'm still on the second season. Its pretty good. I didn't like how Hiro went to the 1600, that kind of seemed like a really weird side story for a really main character. It reminded me of Inkheart, in the second book when all this weird stuff happens to all the main characters, and its like every chapter is about someone else in a different time and place and planet. Yeah.

Peter is still awesome, which is good. His Irish girlfriend is out of the picture, lets hope forever.

Sylar is just not in it enough. I don't like that every time I see him is when I see those dumb Mexicans.

I know how racist that sounds, but they really are annoying. That Maya girl is all like, "My eyes can turn black and I can cry tar, and I can make everyone around me pass out....or something....."
and then Alejandro is like, "I can counteract her creepy non-power by holding her hands and looking in her eyes...kind of...I think...."

I like that Adam guy. I kind of think I've seen him in something else.

Micah is awesome, his mom is not. And DL is dead. Why don't they just call him Daniel? thats an awesome name!

Claire still has that boyfriend or something. Her dad just got killed and then before that episode he got healed.

I kind of felt like thats happened before.....LIKE TEN TIMES.

It happened to Claire, it happened to him, it happened to Sylar and it happened to Peter a couple of times.

Everyone is dying, and reviving, but now even the non hero people are reviving!

I kind of hoped that would be the end of Mr. Bennett. I really can't stand him. He's annoying and weirdly over protective.

Matt is being awesome. I liked the whole thing with his dad.
Now he has mind manipulation. I hope it doesn't turn him into a bad guy.

Stay Classy,
-Mitchy Ray

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm calling you a slacker! Basically sometimes at work I have nothing to do so I go and obsessively check the blog, even though the amount of times per week that anything happens on it is like three. And I feel dumb getting on Facebook here because it makes me feel like all the other college students who come to the WC to get on Facebook. Besides, this is work. It's just not a good idea. So I'll write a blog post to pass some time.

I was going to do this in the other room (LIB 307) because it's more out of the way, but I got in there and realised that the entire room smells like a cat peed in a corner. You know that stale cat pee smell. I have no idea how the smell got there (unless there was a homeless person sleeping there recently), but it's strong enough that I don't want to walk in there to help anyone any more.

So I shared my poem in Creative Writing last night (I changed it up a little bit since posting it here, but it was essentially the same) and even though Angela thought that it was a little too harsh of a representation of our family life (probably was), a lot of the people in the class liked it and a couple of them came up to me after class to tell me that they really liked it. I feel affirmed! However, this doesn't mean that I'm ever going to enjoy writing poetry. Some of the people in that class crack me up. Creative writing people are never quite normal, you know? We've got everything in there, from cutting-my-wrists poems to poetry about the military and patriotic duty and suchlike. I would find it all very interesting if I weren't this close to falling asleep the entire time. Six to nine at night is not a very good time for a writing class.

I'm in the slow process of editing (i.e. making readable) my story so I can send it to you. I feel bad about it because there are "thematic elements" (really, what does that even mean?) in it that you probably won't like or I won't like you to read because I wasn't thinking about readers when I wrote them and suddenly it all seems very risky to me. In short, I'm starting to chicken out but I must force myself not to! At the moment I'm writing a section of it that includes a little backstory of the anti-hero and his little sister who tired to commit suicide. I don't like it at all, but I don't know where to go to get the info I need to make it convincing. Sigh.

Okay, my shift starts in a couple of minutes. I'll see you later honey bun (sounds delicious right now).


Monday, February 21, 2011

Poems are dumb, yeah, poems are no fun. See what I did there?

This is the kitchen, where we bicker about everything;
past transgressions and fresh wrongdoing.
In the kitchen, nothing we do is ever right.
The dish is never clean enough,
and you should wipe the counter again
because you were too lazy the first time around
and I can still see crumbs.
We point fingers with secret smiles;
we twist the knife and laugh.
We confess our affection by causing strife
and with dissent, commit love.
But in the end, someone has to scrub the pot;
the one that's encrusted with dried, melted cheese.

I'm finished with that. FINISHED, I tell you! I shall never touch it again (except to print out 22 copies. dumb). I don't care if it's the worst poem you've ever read, or that it's not a poem at all. I don't care!

I've decided that we need a poetry tag, so I have created one. Capiche?

Friday, February 18, 2011

The poem response

So I'm writing this blog post, as a response to yours, I'm also timing myself.
I'd say its more of a rap though...

Gimme a beat, here.

Yeah, its totally cool when people check you out,
its like the care and feel like you know what you're about
Yeah but most the time they just checking out your hair,
or trying to tell you your fly is unzipped, like you care.
No I care about my fly,
But the amount of material there is unreal,
So if you don't care, thats all right,
just go on thinking they're checking you out, thats tight.
I could really go somewhere with this rapping biz,
I'm good so good, like the coke to the fiz,
and no I'm not talking about drugs,
why does everyone assume that?
If I were talking about drugs I would use drug lingo,
not the name of a classic yummy brown soft drinko
Did you know they found the secret ingredient in coke?
Its got alcohol in it, isn't that crazy? I don't know if I believe it,
but what the heck, I don't drink coke cause it makes me want sneeze-it.
I'm pretty sure I'm a rhymin fool,
I pun like a rapper and I work like a tool,
Did you get that one? Not surprised you're too slow to keep up
I'm going places with my rappety name,
I got cars and money and boys and fame,
Mitchy Ray goin' to the top in this game,
I probably own your house so don't you dare say this's lame
I got the works, yes I do, I got style and glam,
On the weekends I go out and hang with the fam.
You shouldn't be surprised that I'm a down to earth kid,
I've got talent and I'm worth it and I know what I did,
I've got people and homeys and lots of bling bling,
I got silver necklaces and a big gold ring,
I got fame and fortune and a little o' errythin
Confidence is key and looks are the lock,
So do what you do and don't forget to let it rock!

14 minutes. Yeah.

-stay classy.

I may rap this to you when you get home.

Cool Beans

Yeah, you pretty much just listed like every super power ever there. I would have a hard time deciding between telekinesis and telepathy. It used to be between flying and breathing underwater, but not so much any more. It would be cool to be able to move things with my mind just because it would be cool. But it would probably be cooler to read minds because then that would eliminate social awkwardness and I would be able to be a super interrogator. I would go work for the CIA and become a secret agent because that's been my ambition in life since the beginning of time.

There's a guy checking me out in the WC. I can't be sure if that's really what he's doing, but he keeps on looking over at me (I'm off-duty at the moment) and it's nice to imagine that someone checks me out every once in a while. Good on the self-esteem. But still creepy. Why am I even writing this?!

I'm excited about coming home too, except I heard that it is supposed to rain this weekend which means that I will have to spend $7 on a carwash on Monday instead of $4. My car is already really encrusted in mud from last weekend in the sticks and I was waiting for the opportune moment to clean it. The opportune moment has moved from today to Monday. Until then, I practice boondocks pride. But what's the use of boondocks pride if no one writes snide comments in the dust on my car in the school parking lot? Everyone here is just too well-mannered.

The WC is hopping today and I sort of feel like stepping in to help even though I'm not on duty because Ruth "Beyonce" Knowles couldn't make it to her shift. Nah. These kids can handle themselves.

Yesterday I wore sandals to school BECAUSE I CAN. The only problem with this was that it's been so long since I've worn sandals that I wasn't careful with the door of the Carlsen Center and I opened it on my foot. Two of my toes started bleeding immediately. However, I took the pain like a man until I could get to a bathroom, where I rummaged around in my bag and found my last two band-aids! I keep band-aids in my bag because there was this one time last semester where I had a shoe emergency at school and had to run to the convenience store there to buy some. Anyway, I had two left and I used them on my poor toes and the disaster was averted (I hear they charge you for using the first-aid kits at school if it's not an emergency). Anyway, that's my miracle of the week!

My Personal Comm class is going to drive me insane. Not even kidding. Yesterday when I was in class I could feel my brain starting to get drippy around the edges. Any more of that and it would have started oozing out of my facial orifices. I'll risk your sanity and tell you all about it when I get home today.


P.S. for the tutor meeting today I heard that someone's visiting us from another department to do "strengths training" with us. Still no word on what that actually means, but Ehsan figured they'd set out some dumbbells and have us all lifting weights. I'd rather do that than talk about how my strength is that I'm so good at making people feel horrible about themselves. I'll keep you posted.

P.P.S. It's true, I borrowed Angela's nail polish without asking her and then forgot about it. It's sad because she's never at Mor Mor's anymore. I think I saw her a grand total of like three times this week. Unpaid jobs that suck up your entire life are dumb.

"I wouldn't nuke the dog!"

Wouldn't it be horrible to have nuclear power as your superpower? Yeah. It would.

I don't cut off all human contact when I get into a show. I am not like you in that way. Really.

Usually I don't spend that much time watching shows, and not that much more time than I usually would have already been on the computer.

I'm happy because you're coming home today.
I'm sad because I'm afraid you won't remember all the stuff that I'll be obsessing about. You know how that is? You just remember like two things that happened on a show that you watched in like one week? I think you're like that. I'm like that. I did that with buffy. But there were 7 season of buffy, so it was a little more unhealthy.

Beside Heroes, nothing has happened. At all. Literally.

I went to literature class and then youth group, for like the second time this year. We played a fun game and we ran a lot and I fell a lot on the ground and my knees are bruised like crazy business, and my thighs hurt. Also I showed my bruise to nicole (it kind of turned yellow, and there are two dark dots on it. Its gross and weird and its a really good battle wound) just to make sure she realized how much pain I'm in all the time. I made sure shes sorry:) I'm so good at that.

Then yesterday I went to the orthodontist and something really funny happened, but it wouldn't be funny if I told you on here, because nothing is as funny when its typed.

Then I got a driving book, and I'm totes going to get my license of permit or whatever next week.

Also I had a lot of weird dreams. The kind of dreams where when you wake up you remember it, and you totally think its real, and then later you remember thinking about it, but you don't really remember what it was, and you figure out it wasn't real.

I'm pretty sure that the one I had last night involved me in an interrogation room with Matt and Peter. We were on the same side, we were fighting crime together. We were like the FBI or something awesome like that. I just remember we were like...friends...and it was

Also I know I dreamed something else, and I dreamed something the night before, but I can't remember either.

I have weird dreams about meeting/being friends with famous people or characters from movies or shows. One time I had a dream I was dating Jake T Austin and I was singing with Justin Bieber. In the same night. Yeah.

Another time I had a dream that I was doing a music video with Willow from Buffy and Allan Rickman, who had on real moose antlers with big wasp nests at the end of them. It was weird.

So if you had a superpower what would it be? I'm pretty sure I would want teleportation or something.

Healing would be cool too I guess, but only if you were in death situations a lot.
Flying would be cool, but I feel like I would have to keep it secret, and it would be REALLY hard to keep it secret and still have fun.
Being able to find anyone in your mind would be cool too I guess.
Reading minds would be AWESOME but only if you could control it. Like only be able to read people when you want.
I think that the whole water/ice/fire thing would be pret cool too. Like Billy! or Bobby or whatever his name was. And Pyro. ( I just switched superhero movies, did you catch it?_
I might just want to teleport because thats what did. tehe.
OOh Ryan Reynolds power was cool too. The one he had before he came mute and creepy.
Telekinesis would be cool too. Thats moving things with your mind, right? Yeeahh..

See you lata sista.

-stay classy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What.... have I done.

Ah, for the good old days of burning through shows like firewood on a midwinter night (my sleep-depreived analogies are great, right? Right?). I sadly don't really have the time to watch five/eight episodes of Lost on end like I used to. Those were the days. I hope you're not shutting out humanity like I used to. I've been watching a little bit of 24 though. Turns out ZQ is actually pretty cool after all. He may hate women but he knows how to be awesome in a crisis. Does that sound horrible? Yes!

Last night, I kid you not (I hate it when people say that), I painted my nails. The only nail polish Angela had was this really light green-blue stuff, which suited me. I feel pretty now! There's a first.

This week I wrote a long reflective essay about myself for Personal Comm. It was what I'd call a really dumb assignment. Maybe that's just me. As you probably know, I spend the majority of my time in self-reflection, so an exercise like this is extremely inane (I've been using that word a lot lately. It's just so appropriate!). I'm afraid I got a little snide around the middle, after I'd gotten tired of writing exaustively about the workings of my own mind.

Gotta go to yoga now. Laters.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There are three Most Awesome Villain awards in the world that I have given out.

1. To Hedes for Hercules
2. To Liev Schreiber for Wolverine and Salt.
3. And the last to Snape, but I took it away from him when I read the last book, so its been floating around, and now it is Zachary Quintos.

Yeah. Yeah. He's awesome.
So cool with his under cover southern accent. So cool with his killing people while wearing perfectly clean sneakers.

And Matt? He's so awesome.
Peter is pretty cool too. He's kind of going crazy.
And I'm glad Isaac decided to shave and get clean. See how I did that? like...clean? thehehe

And oh my gosh Hiro is so fuuunny!


I've watched a lot, BTW. I just can't stop.

The guy who plays DL plays a REALLY annoying guy in buffy, and it made him that less awesome.

He plays this guy who is Riley (Buffy's boyfriend) sidekick and also secret agent along with Riley. It didn't help that Riley had another side kick who was TOTALLY AWESOME his name was Graham, and I had a little Graham dance for whenever he came on the screen, just like I had a Spike dance.

Yeah well got to go watch some more, sistah.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This Dumb "Poem" That I Wrote

Nothing is natural here,
Not even the people.
Especially not the people.
We walk like dancers;
We avoid things on light feet,
Suspicious and protective.
This place is my second home
Its secrets comfort me.
The coldness is like a mirror,
But everything it reflects is shut.

Every time I look at it, I like it less. But I don't care about poetry enough to change it, and I feel like as it is, it'll appeal to the angsty sensibilities of my creative writing peers, so why bother? I promise my next poem will rhyme. Probably. It might even be funny.


Happy Birthday!

That's right, it's your birthday! Guess what! It's everyone else's birthday too! For some reason half the people over here have a birthday on or around Valentine's day. There are donuts and cake and coffee and e'erthing. I just had a donut with lemon creme filling. It was amazing.

So far this week, nothing has happened, because it's only 9 on a Monday morning. It's warm outside though. I need to do homework. Speaking of homework, I still haven't watched the last episode and a half of 24. Even I am impressed with my own restraint. Especially since Hume, at the moment, is so crushingly dull and dry.

I drank a ton of coffee last night at D&K's without really thinking about it, so after I got to Mor Mor's I didn't get to sleep until about 1, and then I tossed and turned and woke up every hour or so for the rest of the night. When I get back home today, I'm going to take a nap, homwork be darned.

I wrote a poem yesterday. I felt sort of dumb because it didn't rhyme, but then again I'd feel dumb if it did rhyme. Writing poetry makes me feel dumb. I don't like it. Maybe I'll send the poem to you before I hand it in so you can tell me how to fix it. The next poem I write (there have to be 5) is going to have the same meter as Psalm 23 because if I'm going to write a poem I probably need some sort of template.


P.S. Happy Birthday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little Rivers.

Thats what I call Brooks. Actually I call him any kind of body of water. Usually puddles or streams, but lately its just been lil rivs.

I saw Nicole today and she said you were in the cafeteria or whatevs with a person. A real, live person.

Yeah I've heard of the Hunger Games when Havilah and Esther came Esther told us all about them. They sound pretty good I guess.

Nicole told me that you weren't being very extroverted when she was sitting next to you and brooks for like an hour or however. Remember when I told you how to start a conversation with someone? its not that hard, especially when you have a mutual friend, especially when that mutual friend is right there trying to get you guys to start a conversation.

Tut tut, Amy. You have so much to learn.

Nicole thinks that he's super shy and it really annoys her. That wouldn't annoy me very much. I think he might be coming to my party, because she wants him to meet people and be more extroverted and stuff, and he sounds pretty cool, and you know, the more the better, amiright? Yeah, I am. I always am.

My birthday is going to be sooo much fun, I can't even believe it. Mor Mor said I could pick out an outfit at the mall and she would buy it. I'm debating weather to do that or get some pants and have her buy this jacket. Isn't it so awesome???? Yes.

stay classy

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wow, you're crazy with the references lately.

I promise that I will watch Roswell and only Roswell today. Really. Basically I'm watching 24 because there are no good action movies on Netflix, and I like an action fix every now and again. There are lots of shows that I feel like watching instead of 24, like Heroes, only we were sort of doing that together or something.

I'm impressed with your organisation skills. I wouldn't be any good at that because I can't even organise my own clothing. Do tights go in the underwear drawer or the pants drawer? Cardigans with long sleeves or hung up?Socks with underwear or tights? Undershirts with t-shirts or underwear? There are a lot of questions. So far my answer to all of them is "throw it on the bed and deal with it later."

Anyway. Today at work I have to fill out a sexual harrassment training form thingy. Not sure what it's all about but the bureaucrats are threatening "decisive punishment" if I don't do it quickly. Maybe I should file harrassment charges on them.

I'm tired today. When I'm tired I become a little mean. I feel bad. There was a Russian woman here who asked me if I was Russian because she thought I had an accent. I said no, so she asked me if I was Ukrainian. I said no, I'm from here, and my family's from Ireland. I think she thought I meant that I myself was from Ireland, and went on to say how much she loved the accent. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I have an American accent just like everyone else.

Nicole's in the WC today with someone working on like homework or something. I met Brooks today, briefly. He is cute but I didn't get much more than that. He had a nice leather jacket.

The title of this post made me think of this one time when Mor Mor was telling me about how she was reading the sunday comics and one character said "Zup!" and she didn't know what it meant. It took me a while to realise that she was saying 'sup. Then it was funny.


P.S. I had a two-hour break today but I didn't watch Roswell or any show at all because I had lunch with one of my coworkers and we ended up chatting for the entire two hours. She recommended a series of books called The Hunger Games to me. Have you heard of them? I'm excited to try them because she said she liked them more than she liked Harry Potter. We shall see.

Cold to the bone!....geddit?

Last night I had a dream about you,
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long.

Thats a daft punk song. Its stuck in my head.
Along with,

Should I do classic or vintage or plaid,
I think this tux is to baggy, to tight, it makes me look weird.


We can go nowhere but up from here, my dear.

Yeah so today we're still doing everything that we were going to do, but theres a ton of snow. Its snowing like crazy heck. I hate it.

Snow is cool for like a week. Then I run out of clothes layering combinations.

And socks.

I actually really love layering, but about the middle of February is about when I first resign myself to doing it every day, and then when spring comes along I find myself thinking my clothes are....plain.. Like, a t-shirt and some shorts. And some flipflops. Summer is just so simple.

In the winter, it goes more like this, tanktop, long sleep shirt, another long sleeve shirt, a hoodie or sweater, a scarf. A hat. Tights, tights, leggings, leggings, jeans, leg warmers, socks, socks, knee socks, boots.


Wow. I can't hardly remember feeling hot outside.

Amy... I can't recall the taste of food...nor the sound of water...nor the touch of grass.

Did you get the reference? I thought you might.

Keep brainstorming about the list, Amers.

Stay classy

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Organizing movies

This is a short post, I know, and the last one was too, so you can just pretend like they're one post.

I organized the movies today, like mom asked me. Wow, tell you what, its times likes these where I hate rom-coms and action comedies.
I was like, ok I'll make a couple of catagories,

Musical and dance
trilogy, chronicles
Time Period

But then I was like, what about the rom-coms, or Superman, which is a superhero movie, but its not in a series, so it goes with the adventure movies, and not with superman and xmen, like it should.

And then there were movies like Oceans 11 and 12 which I kept switching from action to comedy because I just didn't know, and same with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, except that was even harder because thats a romance too. I ended up putting it in romance, because after all thats pretty much what the movie was about.

I was going to make a fantasy section, but there were too many movies that were already in like four categories.

Then there was princess bride and October Sky, like....what? I don't know. I ended up putting October sky in 'adventure' and Princess Bride in 'comedy' good?

I hope it stays that way. I'm sure it will, with just the parents and the married units here. They don't watch anything except pilates videos, so I put those on the side so they wouldn't disturb everything else when people move them.

I put all the period movies on the side too, and they took up the whole side. there are a lot of them. It looks very good. I should go national with my skills.

I watched this movie called Cow Belles the other day. Its a disney channel movie. The main girl was good but her sister wasn't. They played sisters and they were actually sisters. The guy that the main girl go together with was cool. Turns out hes from vampire diaries. Ha. He started on Disney channel and then went to that? ha.


Thats what we are. Nerds.

24? Really? I feel like thats the ultimate show. And when I saw ultimate show I mean, no one actually watches that show because they want to, they just watch it because they've already watched Bones, CSI, NCSI, Buffy, and all the other millions and billions of action/cop mysteries, and they've got that post-show empty feeling.

Speaking of shows, I've watched a lot. I started making a list, but I knew that I was forgetting a lot, so I just stopped.

Can I have that Mall list? You can email it to me. I'm adding to it. Slowly, not very surely.

I think I'm going to watch 101 dalmatians tonight, add to that list, add to my birthday list, eat snow ice cream and lounge around while I wait for myself to no longer be sore. I might get in the hot tub to help that, but for now I'm stuck in the house doing school school school. Its quite a bore.

I watched High School Musical (one) for the first time yesterday. I got into that mood. I like that mood. Its the same mood that I get when I watch Star Struck, Step Up 1, 2, and 3. And any dancing singing movie ever.

I decided if I ever want to be in a good mood for something, and I'm not really, then I'll just watch one of those movies and I'll be good.

You wear a tiara at work? Like, you're supposed to? wow. ha. thats funny.

-stay classy

Monday, February 7, 2011


Doublepost! Not even kidding. This is like an historic event. And even more historically, it's Monday and I'm making a post, even though I'll be seeing you in a couple of hours up at Oak Park. Why am I posting, you ask? No reason! Only I'm at work with little to do (not really, I'm actually not on duty. There's an off-duty tiara that we're supposed to wear when we're here but not working so no one will bother us, but I never wear it because it's made for a six-year-old head), and I figured I'd make a post because 1) I'm free, and 2) I'd rather not do homwork instead.

Last night I watched the season 1 finale of 24. 24 is one of those shows that you absolutely have to commit to because if you don't then you won't like it at all. I didn't like it at all at first, because nothing interesting happened, or everything good that happened was frustrating because there were still 20 hours/episodes for it to go wrong again. And everything did go wrong, up to the very last minute. And I cried and carried on about it for a while, and then went ahead and watched the first episode of season 2. Here are my thoughts, whether or not you're interested in them:
1. Gingers should never have beards. There is something about a ginger with a beard that is just so wrong.
2. There's no way you can seperate from your wife in the middle of your Presidential campaign and still become President.
3. Charlie was in it. Here's the real tragedy: I didn't even know it was Charlie at first because he was an abusive husband and father and he didn't have his super crimefighting mustache. I felt a little like crying.

So that's the lowdown on 24. It was sad and I'm still a little depressed about it. I will fight my depression by doing homework. I will fail. Did you know what I found out today about Galileo? Not that he pioneered the idea of a rotating, revolving, non-universe-centric earth, not that he treated Aristotle's research like gold, but that Galileo was one corny guy. Not even kidding. So there's your lesson of the day.


Friday, February 4, 2011

So It's Friday!

So I wrote out the title and pressed enter by accident (old chat habits) and it posted an empty post. Just a title. So I'm writing this post as fast as I can in case you check the blog and find that I let you down.

It's Friday! I don't have very many weekly woes because I had two snow days this week. Not much to whine about there. Especially because I get paid for snow days.

So a little-known fact is that not only is Friday my day to vent my woes, it's also a day for me to sit in JavaJazz and people watch. I have been doing so for the last half-hour (and will be for the next two hours or so) and my conclusion, as always, is that people are interesting. College people doubly so. There's something about college that is really, really colorful. A lot of people are like "sweet! high school is over, now I'm free to make any statement I want to make!" A lot of other people are under the impression that this is still high school. Then there's me. There are only a few other people like me. I like to revel in my individuality, but really, sometimes it's just lonely. I sit in the coffeeshop alone with my tea and cinnamon roll and watch other people living their lives, then write fantastic things about them, like how I'm pretty sure that guy over there is cheating on his girlfriend, and by the way she talks to him I can tell that the only reason she hasn't found out is because she desperately doesn't want to. And that person walking past? Totally androgynous. Sometimes it's really hard to tell with Asian people because they always have fantastic hair and cute asses. I did not just say that.

Yesterday after school I went to Target because I suddenly realised that I was almost out of all my toiletries. Shampoo, q-tips, toothpaste, razors, deodorant... the most important things. Let me tell you a secret: buying toiletries may be the funnest shopping experience I've ever had. Not even kidding. And the satisfied feeling after I'd bought them all for under twenty dollars (okay, I admit, I bought the really, really cheap razors) was super amazing.

There's a guy who comes into the WC sometimes who reminds me a lot of Daniel. Mannerisms, attitude, everything except looks (yeah, he's Korean). Anyway, I like to think about him because it makes me feel good as a tutor because I help him almost every time he comes in and his writing has shown a marked change for the better over the last semester or so (poor kid took a writing-intensive psychology course before Comp I). Anyway, every time I read one of his papers I'm reminded of the way that Daniel talks about things, in this like totally earnest, transparent way. It's crazy! I have to talk about the students who I feel like I've helped in some way because it makes me feel validated as a tutor. Most of the time I don't feel like I've helped at all, especially when I'm doing an online tutorial and I can't think of anything nice to say. But there was this one girl who told me she was really impressed with me, and another lady who said I'd make a totally great English teacher. YES. Those are what I think about when I'm having a bad shift.

I feel like a total slob today. I got up and decided that I just wanted to be warm, so I put on a couple pairs of leggings, a dress, a sweater, another sweater, a scarf, boots with holes in them, and my coat. I didn't really do anything with my hair either so I'm pretty sure it looks the same way it looked this morning after I slept on it. I'm especially insecure today because I'm sitting next to a girl with really short hair like mine, except hers looks awesome and mine is sad. I always get insecure who I see one of the like three other girls at school with hair as short as mine. I imagine I look a bit orphaned, since this sweater's huge and sort of ratty and my hair's very sad and everything I'm wearing is black (okay, I put on a blue scarf. Happy?). Honestly I feel a bit orphaned as well. When I get home I will be ready for some kind of family activity.

HIPSTER MUSIC. Someone is out in the cafeteria making some sort of awful ruckus. It sounds like someone is blowing on the top of the world's biggest glass bottle and yelling some tribal chant, so I'm pretty sure there's some sort of Aboriginal didgeridoo band out there. Maybe I'll go investigate. I'm pretty sure I'm not feeling it.


P.S. I'm not really all that lonely. At first I thought I was, but then I thought about how I would feel if someone came up and started talking to me, and I decided that I'm better off where I am.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow snow go away, don't come back another day.


I'm pretty sure that everyone is pretentious in their minds. Except me. Baha, just kidding.

Yeah, clouds can't be very safe. They're just like misty watery stuff. If I were falling from space, and I fell onto layers and layers of clouds, I bet they wouldn't slow me down at all! I'd just get really wet.

How come in movies whenever they're falling in the sky they never fall through clouds?

Wow your life is way too easy. You get paid for snow days? Thats pathetic!

Heres what I get paid for: working

Heres what I don't get paid for: doing nothing.

My existence is a sad one.

Its snowed a whole lot here. I'm guessing about a foot, but theres really no way to tell. Some places the drifts are like three or four feet.

I guess snow is pretty cool but only because of snow ice cream. Other than that its not cool. It just ruins all my plans. Its waaaay too cold out there to go and or anything.

Last night mom wanted to get the mail so she got all bundled up, and I told her it was pretty miserable, and it was horrible with the snow blowing in your eyes, so she put goggles on. Like, legit goggles. It was possibly the funniest and most awkward thing I have ever seen.

Kristin took a picture and said it should go on awkwardfamilyphotos. I agreed.

Its only about ten degrees out there right now. I really hope it gets warmer. I told myself if the snow isn't gone in a week I'm going to go out there with a hair dryer. I'm convinced that will do the trick.

Theres nothing wrong with getting your inspiration from people. I mean, people watching is kind of weird, and eavesdropping is even weirder, but all writers are really weird, so people will hopefully excuse you. Or they will throw coffee at you. Either one. I say its worth the risk.

Yesterday I got annoyed at how messy my room is, so I made my bed then I put all my clothes that were on the floor (the majority of all the clothes I own) and put them on the bed, and then I got all the empty hangers and put those on the bed too, and started putting shirts on hangers and stuff. Then I got annoyed about my shirt situation, and how I have quite a few shirts and skirts that I will never wear again, so I started making a skirt that is very cool and very Ragz like. Have you ever been to that store? Well this skirt will fit in there perfectly. But it won't go in there, it will go on me. And everyone will think I'm totes cool. Totes migotes.

Well, no yesterdays snow day was not amazing. I did school down stairs all day and then I went out to feed the birds and put something in the dumpster, and the snow was above my boots so I almost died. I almost died anyway, because it was windy and freezing and snowing. Then we played like minds and I made really good snow ice cream. With milk. And Vanilla. And sugar. And a dash of salt. You should try it, its good.
Then I went to bed and froze to death, even though Ali was on my bed all night.

I should let you know that Sheba is just getting crazier and crazier, and yesterday she tipped over a glass of beer on purpose (that was thankfully pretty much empty) and started licking it up.

Also I wanted to tell you that today while reading Acts with mom, sometimes she stops in the middle of a chapter to explain something to me that I already know about. Sometimes she stops in the middle of a chapter to re-read something I just read with more power and weird emphasis on the wrong words.
But today while she stopped to explain she used the phrase "coming out of the closet" I didn't think I would ever hear her say that. Turns out she was talking about people who did magic, but it was still weird.

Stay classy,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Michelle the reason I didn't write a blog post today was because I'm doing nothing. I always think that blog posts about doing nothing are boring and dumb. All I did all day was watch Roswell with Angela, jump and scream about the snow with Angela, walk to Henhouse in the blowy snow with Angela, and eat junky food with Angela. Maybe you noticed that I did a lot of nothing with Angela. She had a snow day too so we spent the majority of the day hanging out which doesn't really happen at all. Tomorrow we'll probably shovel the driveway. Hooray.

I didn't like Midnight Sun, or at least what little I read of it. I thought Edward sounded really pretentious. Then I realised that that's probably what I sound like in my head, got depressed, and stopped reading. It's a sad world.

I don't really mind being stranded here, especially since I get paid for snow days. Hopefully you don't mind too terribly much since you've got all the peeps over there. I'm just trying to make you feel better because I know you're probably ready to go do semi-extracurricular activities with your extended circle of friends. I hope Cloudcare is treating you all right. It sounds less rigid and legalistic than Bsafe, so that's good. But not very reassuring, because really, how secure can clouds be? Clouds can be well-meaning, but can they really protect you?

6000+ words is a lot for one day. Good going, Today I wrote a little bit too. I only wrote about 1000 words though. Maybe not even that. I'm not very inspired unless I'm at school or somewhere. That's why sometimes I feel like I won't be able to survive as a writer, since a lot of the time I get writer's block if I'm not in a public place. I get inspired by people watching. I also eavesdrop on interesting conversations sometimes, too. So if I ever do decide to support myself with my writing, I'll have to get some studio apartment somewhere in a town or city where I can walk to the nearest coffeeshop and investigate the locals in a very non-conspicuous way. Sound good?

School's out tomorrow too. I'll drink tea and make a checklist of things I absolutely can't forget to take to college with me in the fall. Sometimes I believe in planning ahead. Waaaay ahead.



Amy you aren't doing anything today and you haven't written a blog post.

I was going to write one earlier, but I have a really good excuse: school.

I've been doing lots of school and I had to write this dumb report about how when the Soviet Union dissolved what its effect was on one of the East European countries. I haven't actually written the whole thing yet. I'm kind of putting it off.

Instead I went to my room and read the rest of New Moon.

Actually, I didn't finish it, but I'm tricking myself into thinking I finished it because I don't want to read where Bella gets mad at Jacob and his awesomeness, and she goes back to the vampires. The dumb vampires.

I read like two chapters of Midnight Sun.

Heres what I like about it, compared to Twilight

1. I like how its not from Bella's perspective. I kind of have a thing against Stephenie Meyer, but when I started reading this I realized that it wasn't her writing style that I hated so much, it was her characters. All of them except Jacob and Emmett and Jared. Well really I like all of them except Bella, Billy, Edward, Sam, Jessica and Mike. ( like Jessica and Mike in the movie, they're great)
2. I like how he reads minds. Its pretty cool.
3. I like how he reads Emmett's mind.
4. I like how Emmett has had like three or four paragraphs in just the first two chapters. Thats more than the whole three first books of Twilight ever gave him.

What I didn't like about it.
1. Edward isn't as bad about is explanations of everything, but he thinks way too much and he never talks. The dialogue to thoughts ratio in this book is like 1 to 100.
2. He makes characters that I thought were cool before seem not cool. Like Jessica.
3. Its the same story, and hes still a conflicted vampire. Its dumb.

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. I need to read some Harry Potter or Percy Jackson and get my mind off this. Its annoying.

I wrote 6,233 words yesterday. I was in a real writing mood, but I didn't really have any stories, so I just made one up in my head. Its pretty horrible, but it took up a lot of time which is good, I guess, because what I would have been doing in that time is getting annoyed about twilight, getting on facebook, or watching netflix.

Actually I wouldn't have been watching netflix because its blocked here. I'm dying to know what Claire's dad is up to, but I guess I won't know until this weekend when you come home.

With all this snow I don't even know if you will be coming home. I hope it gets really warm really soon. If its not completely dry and moderately sunny and warm in a week an a half I'm going to bite someones head off. Probably my own.

We got a new blocking system. I think my ode to bsafe opened mom and dads eyes to the real program. Now we have something called CloudCare.

I will write an ode to it also about my feelings toward it so it doesn't feel left out in ode land.

Cloudcare you look happy and care-free
I haven't yet had time to see,
if you're anything horrible like bsafe
I think your name and logo
are like the beautiful colors of the venus fly trap.
you suck us in with your comforting looks,
then you eat us up like helpless little flies,
I will give you time to prove yourself to me,
but I'm very wary of your every move.
I hope you don't give annoying pop ups
when you think adds might be bad
Bsafe was worse than the adds
if you do that then it might just be
the las thing that you ever do
so watch yourself, cloudcare

You better write a blog post.
Mom said its snowed eight inches but I don't know how she can tell.

I think I'll make snow ice cream and think about how my birthday party is not going to be awesome because of cold weather.

I'll also think about heroes, but I won't watch it, because of cloudcare soft billowy white clouds of comfort, care and BLOCK.

Maybe I'll write some more. I already wrote like 2000 more words today. I'm like a cat with my fast writing skills! Too bad this mood only comes about once a year.

I'll see you this weekend. Or maybe not. :(
Thats right. I made an emoticon. And I already regret it.

Stay classy,