Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow snow go away, don't come back another day.


I'm pretty sure that everyone is pretentious in their minds. Except me. Baha, just kidding.

Yeah, clouds can't be very safe. They're just like misty watery stuff. If I were falling from space, and I fell onto layers and layers of clouds, I bet they wouldn't slow me down at all! I'd just get really wet.

How come in movies whenever they're falling in the sky they never fall through clouds?

Wow your life is way too easy. You get paid for snow days? Thats pathetic!

Heres what I get paid for: working

Heres what I don't get paid for: doing nothing.

My existence is a sad one.

Its snowed a whole lot here. I'm guessing about a foot, but theres really no way to tell. Some places the drifts are like three or four feet.

I guess snow is pretty cool but only because of snow ice cream. Other than that its not cool. It just ruins all my plans. Its waaaay too cold out there to go and or anything.

Last night mom wanted to get the mail so she got all bundled up, and I told her it was pretty miserable, and it was horrible with the snow blowing in your eyes, so she put goggles on. Like, legit goggles. It was possibly the funniest and most awkward thing I have ever seen.

Kristin took a picture and said it should go on awkwardfamilyphotos. I agreed.

Its only about ten degrees out there right now. I really hope it gets warmer. I told myself if the snow isn't gone in a week I'm going to go out there with a hair dryer. I'm convinced that will do the trick.

Theres nothing wrong with getting your inspiration from people. I mean, people watching is kind of weird, and eavesdropping is even weirder, but all writers are really weird, so people will hopefully excuse you. Or they will throw coffee at you. Either one. I say its worth the risk.

Yesterday I got annoyed at how messy my room is, so I made my bed then I put all my clothes that were on the floor (the majority of all the clothes I own) and put them on the bed, and then I got all the empty hangers and put those on the bed too, and started putting shirts on hangers and stuff. Then I got annoyed about my shirt situation, and how I have quite a few shirts and skirts that I will never wear again, so I started making a skirt that is very cool and very Ragz like. Have you ever been to that store? Well this skirt will fit in there perfectly. But it won't go in there, it will go on me. And everyone will think I'm totes cool. Totes migotes.

Well, no yesterdays snow day was not amazing. I did school down stairs all day and then I went out to feed the birds and put something in the dumpster, and the snow was above my boots so I almost died. I almost died anyway, because it was windy and freezing and snowing. Then we played like minds and I made really good snow ice cream. With milk. And Vanilla. And sugar. And a dash of salt. You should try it, its good.
Then I went to bed and froze to death, even though Ali was on my bed all night.

I should let you know that Sheba is just getting crazier and crazier, and yesterday she tipped over a glass of beer on purpose (that was thankfully pretty much empty) and started licking it up.

Also I wanted to tell you that today while reading Acts with mom, sometimes she stops in the middle of a chapter to explain something to me that I already know about. Sometimes she stops in the middle of a chapter to re-read something I just read with more power and weird emphasis on the wrong words.
But today while she stopped to explain she used the phrase "coming out of the closet" I didn't think I would ever hear her say that. Turns out she was talking about people who did magic, but it was still weird.

Stay classy,


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