Ah, for the good old days of burning through shows like firewood on a midwinter night (my sleep-depreived analogies are great, right? Right?). I sadly don't really have the time to watch five/eight episodes of Lost on end like I used to. Those were the days. I hope you're not shutting out humanity like I used to. I've been watching a little bit of 24 though. Turns out ZQ is actually pretty cool after all. He may hate women but he knows how to be awesome in a crisis. Does that sound horrible? Yes!
Last night, I kid you not (I hate it when people say that), I painted my nails. The only nail polish Angela had was this really light green-blue stuff, which suited me. I feel pretty now! There's a first.
This week I wrote a long reflective essay about myself for Personal Comm. It was what I'd call a really dumb assignment. Maybe that's just me. As you probably know, I spend the majority of my time in self-reflection, so an exercise like this is extremely inane (I've been using that word a lot lately. It's just so appropriate!). I'm afraid I got a little snide around the middle, after I'd gotten tired of writing exaustively about the workings of my own mind.
Gotta go to yoga now. Laters.
Yeah, isn't it cool that you wanted to paint your nails and then you asked me if you could borrow my nails polish and I was like " you don't even have to ask, sweet sister of mine!!" Remember that? No? Probably because it didn't happen.