Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Michelle the reason I didn't write a blog post today was because I'm doing nothing. I always think that blog posts about doing nothing are boring and dumb. All I did all day was watch Roswell with Angela, jump and scream about the snow with Angela, walk to Henhouse in the blowy snow with Angela, and eat junky food with Angela. Maybe you noticed that I did a lot of nothing with Angela. She had a snow day too so we spent the majority of the day hanging out which doesn't really happen at all. Tomorrow we'll probably shovel the driveway. Hooray.

I didn't like Midnight Sun, or at least what little I read of it. I thought Edward sounded really pretentious. Then I realised that that's probably what I sound like in my head, got depressed, and stopped reading. It's a sad world.

I don't really mind being stranded here, especially since I get paid for snow days. Hopefully you don't mind too terribly much since you've got all the peeps over there. I'm just trying to make you feel better because I know you're probably ready to go do semi-extracurricular activities with your extended circle of friends. I hope Cloudcare is treating you all right. It sounds less rigid and legalistic than Bsafe, so that's good. But not very reassuring, because really, how secure can clouds be? Clouds can be well-meaning, but can they really protect you?

6000+ words is a lot for one day. Good going, Today I wrote a little bit too. I only wrote about 1000 words though. Maybe not even that. I'm not very inspired unless I'm at school or somewhere. That's why sometimes I feel like I won't be able to survive as a writer, since a lot of the time I get writer's block if I'm not in a public place. I get inspired by people watching. I also eavesdrop on interesting conversations sometimes, too. So if I ever do decide to support myself with my writing, I'll have to get some studio apartment somewhere in a town or city where I can walk to the nearest coffeeshop and investigate the locals in a very non-conspicuous way. Sound good?

School's out tomorrow too. I'll drink tea and make a checklist of things I absolutely can't forget to take to college with me in the fall. Sometimes I believe in planning ahead. Waaaay ahead.


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