Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wow, you're crazy with the references lately.

I promise that I will watch Roswell and only Roswell today. Really. Basically I'm watching 24 because there are no good action movies on Netflix, and I like an action fix every now and again. There are lots of shows that I feel like watching instead of 24, like Heroes, only we were sort of doing that together or something.

I'm impressed with your organisation skills. I wouldn't be any good at that because I can't even organise my own clothing. Do tights go in the underwear drawer or the pants drawer? Cardigans with long sleeves or hung up?Socks with underwear or tights? Undershirts with t-shirts or underwear? There are a lot of questions. So far my answer to all of them is "throw it on the bed and deal with it later."

Anyway. Today at work I have to fill out a sexual harrassment training form thingy. Not sure what it's all about but the bureaucrats are threatening "decisive punishment" if I don't do it quickly. Maybe I should file harrassment charges on them.

I'm tired today. When I'm tired I become a little mean. I feel bad. There was a Russian woman here who asked me if I was Russian because she thought I had an accent. I said no, so she asked me if I was Ukrainian. I said no, I'm from here, and my family's from Ireland. I think she thought I meant that I myself was from Ireland, and went on to say how much she loved the accent. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I have an American accent just like everyone else.

Nicole's in the WC today with someone working on like homework or something. I met Brooks today, briefly. He is cute but I didn't get much more than that. He had a nice leather jacket.

The title of this post made me think of this one time when Mor Mor was telling me about how she was reading the sunday comics and one character said "Zup!" and she didn't know what it meant. It took me a while to realise that she was saying 'sup. Then it was funny.


P.S. I had a two-hour break today but I didn't watch Roswell or any show at all because I had lunch with one of my coworkers and we ended up chatting for the entire two hours. She recommended a series of books called The Hunger Games to me. Have you heard of them? I'm excited to try them because she said she liked them more than she liked Harry Potter. We shall see.

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