Thursday, October 27, 2011

School Beans

I think my only real problem with learning Korean verbs is that they're simple where English is complicated (the sheer number of conjugations in English versus only four in Korean) and complicated where English is simple (English has no levels of courtesy in the verbs or anywhere else, while Korean has about a million, and they're all extremely important). So it's hard to wrap my head around it all.

Today it's cold and damp and I really want to just stay in and drink tea. Instead I am in the library, with the taste of hazelnut-flavored coffee still lingering in my mouth from breakfast. I can't believe I keep forgetting to bring a little bit of coffee from home so I can make myself the odd actually good cup of coffee when the mood strikes me. Speaking of home, I can't remember if you're coming up here tomorrow or Saturday. Either one's fine though.

The other day I picked a song to learn and I went to the music building yesterday to try it out. It's called Powerful Stuff by Sean Hayes. It's a really fun song but I don't think it's going to work. Not because I have to translate guitar to the piano; I guess me and the song just don't really vibe. I'll have to find something else. Usually I have to be really excited about a song to be able to learn it. I learned that Adele song in like three days. If you have any ideas hit me up.

The other day I watched a really fun and awesome movie called Castaway on the Moon about a guy who tries to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge but ends up surviving and washing up on this little abandoned island right next to a city, but he can't get back because he doesn't know how to swim and he ends up being stuck there for like five months while civilization is only like half a mile away. It was funny and a little sad too and I think you'd like it even though it's a foreign film and I know you don't like subtitles.

Now that the end is in sight for school (my Foundations of Education class ends on the 3rd... that's only a few days away!), I'm starting to think about Christmas for realzls. They already have some Christmas decorations up in the cafeteria which seems extremely premature since Halloween isn't even here yet, but since I'm planning on pretty much making everything I give, I have to start thinking about it right this minute. I have some good ideas but some of them are going to be pretty hard to carry out. We'll see. I'm excited.

À demain (je pense),

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