Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stupid Technology

So you know how you were talking about how you have no way to edit your videos because Windows Movie Maker won't open them? Well I downloaded it because I heard that you can do split screen videos in it (two videos playing side by side), and I was stopped up completely by the fact that it's not compatible with .mp4 videos. So I looked around FOREVER online for a free video file converter that actually worked, and when I finally found one, it took forever to convert the videos I wanted to use, and by the time I was able to open my videos, I was so frustrated that when I couldn't get split screen to work I gave up completely and went to watch a movie instead. I might try to make it work again today, but it was essential to the video I was planning all week to make so that may be slightly postponed.

Anyway. That said, I highly recommend for you to download Windows Live Movie Maker, because it opens any video file and it's about a billion times easier to use for simple things like trimming and adding titles and words and things. It just doesn't do split screen, which just really is not cool.

So That list of things to do before you have kids was pretty cool, but I've already done most of those things. Everything except 6, unless my own room counts, 8 because it's impossible, 11, 12, 13, and 14. My list of things to do befor eI have kids is probably a mile long, and most of it has to do with traveling, writing, and the crazy and eccentric things I'm going to do when I live alone. Stuff like that. I went to this career fair yesterday (it was lame, the only people there were corporations like Honeywell and insurance companies. I guess it was sort of like a career fair for people who are about to graduate), and the only interesting booth there was one looking for people to teach English in Japan, all expenses paid. It looked like a pretty sweet deal. It would be pretty cool to just set aside a year after I've graduated to go teach English somewhere, not to get money but just to enjoy another culture. The cool thing about speaking English is that it's a global language, and there's always somewhere in the world that's going to want someone to teach it to their kids. So there's another thing I'd probably want to do before I have kids.
So the other day I read The Hunger Games (in one day). It was awesome. It brought me back to the Percy Jackson/Alex Rider/Redwall days when I would regularly gobble up a book in one day just because I could. Anyway, Hunger Games was really, really cool and I think you'd love it. Lately I've realized that I'm a reactor. When I watch things or read things, I outwardly react in a way that my roommate probably thinks is really weird. I can't help it! I did a lot of laughing, sounds of dismay, etc while reading my book, so you know it's good. It's my dream to one day be able to write a book like that, that gets people so involved with the story and the characters that they don't want to put it down. It'll probably take me a while to get there. I think the first step will probably be to find someone who will read my writing and be willing to get down to the nitty gritty of what's wrong with it with me. Someday.
Anyway, I have to go to Environmental Sci now and get an A. I only got 88 on the last test which is inexcusable because it really is an easy class, so I've got to step up my game and take better notes this unit.

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