Thursday, October 20, 2011

Warm Things Like A Boss

So you know know I left you a message last night and I said that I was going to go to bed? Well I had this headache that was really annoying and I was super tired, but when I tried to sleep I guess I was too aware that it was only 9:20 and I wasn't able to drift off. So I was like, I need something to distract me to sleep, and it had to be something fun, so I decided to watch some Merlin. Now I vaguely know what happened at the end of season 2 even though I didn't really watch it (the dragon got out, Merlin's dad was around for a while or something and he died maybe, something about Morgana being missing), and I was hoping there would be some kind of recap at the beginning of season 3, but there wasn't. Good thing the plot's wonderfully easy to follow. Anyway, I watched the first two episodes while I was trying to get to sleep. It wasn't as fun as I was hoping. Mostly it was scary or awesome. Those dead people that Uther kept seeing were pretty scary and since I had all the lights off it was kind of terrifying. Anyway, I'm still under the impression that Morgana (seriously, what is up with her flashy outfits? Do we really need any more hints that she's a dark temptress of sorcery?) is under some kind of delusion and eventually she'll snap out of it and be incredibly grateful to Merlin for not killing her the millions of times he had the chance to. And then they'll hook up or something. I'm still hoping for it even though I know Morgana is the villain in all the King Arthur stories.

So yesterday I finally went and bought a warm thing at Wal-Mart because I have a jacket/coat but it is very thin and flimsy and not enough for any weather below 40 degrees. So I got this boy's thermal jacket that is so soft on the inside that it gives me little shivers of happiness whenever I feel it. Angela says that I look like a lesbian in it, which is probably true, but I don't care because I'm pretty confident with my sexual orientation and if anyone thinks I'm batting for the other team (or am I?), I don't really care either way (or do I?). Anyway. So today I'm wearing this warm thing with my awesome boots and an orange scarf and no one is warmer than me. I love it when I can cheaply purchase a piece of clothing that I know I will use constantly through the entire season and probably next year too.

Every now and again a tour of high school students looking at UCM as a prospective college comes through here (the computer commons) and the tour guide tells them all the wonderful things about it. Anyway, there was a tour just now from a private school, and frankly I was kind of thrilled by their uniforms. It's not very common to see schools that still do uniforms (usually private schools just have a dress code or something), but these ones are really nice looking. They've got a white button-up shirt, a dark blue blazer, khakis, a red-and-blue striped tie for the boys, and a red-and-blue striped bowtie for the girls. I'm sure it would get really annoying after a while to have to wear the same thing every day, but it sure looks nice.

There is a venging machine in here that sells scantrons, blank CDs and DVDs, flash drives, kleenexes, Advil, and Tylenol. It is possibly the most depressing vending machine ever.


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