I don't know about you but I can name at least four seperate occasions where I was watching a show and I was like, "Oh, this actor is cool/really familiar, I think I'll look him/her up", so I do, and I inadvertently happen upon a spoiler... usually a really huge one. It happened with Jericho, Doctor Who (multiple times), Harry Potter (okay, it's a book, but still), Dexter, 24, and many others that I won't try to think of right now because they make me sad.
Anyway, all this to say that it happened again today. With Merlin. I didn't even know there was definitely going to be a season 4, I was just looking to see if it was a possibility, and on the first google result, the spoiler just jumped out at me. I was powerless to stop it! I'm... I'm sorry.
So, yes. There's a season 4, and it's airing right now. And let's just say intense things happen. I'll be nice and not spoil it for you. But the tagline is "The darkest hour is just before the dawn." And it's supposed to be much more gritty than the other seasons. and there's going to be a 5th season, too. Excited?
My quest to understand Korean verb conjugations has come to a place of stagnation. Maybe I'm looking for answers in the wrong places. After I've exhausted the abundance of confusingly-worded and heavily accented YouTube Korean tutorials, I think my last resort is going to be one of the Korean students here, even though I don't really know any of them and they've probably never tried to explain Korean verbs to a English speaker before. Reaching dead ends like this is depressing sometimes.
Ah, first-world problems.
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