Friday, October 14, 2011

This Weekend

I'm sorry to hear about all of your horrible problems with video editing programs. I've never been alone in the house so I haven't made a video yet. There's something weird about talking/singing to yourself when people can hear you. Well, actually, its weird no matter what, but I'd rather be weird with no one witnessing it.

I don't know about an XP's ability to run Windows Live Movie Maker, but I'll look into it. If it can't, I can download it on dads computer, which I'm actually using right now. I like it a lot except its huge and really light weight like it COULD be smaller, but it just isn't. Also, the keys are really loud. The reason I'm using his computer is because our laptops power cord broke, ONCE AGAIN. How many times has it broken? Like four times? I say we should just get a new computer, Its been like five years, but they don't this that. Even though sometimes when you turn it on, half the screen is black.

Anyway I made something awesome for you last night Amy, and you need to come back today to see it and take it back with you.

I know you're just dying to know what it is so here's a hint: I can't promise that it has nothing to do with something that has to do with Asian people.

Tehehehehe, you're never gonna get it (I realize that you might think that "teheheh" is another clue but its not. I will tell you outright that it is not anything that has anything to do with "TEE HEE")

You should also come back this weekend because Sydney might becoming over, but other than that we're going to be doing nothing ALL WEEKEND!!!! Beside church. And Sonni's baptism.

I might make you cookies if you come home today. Or I might make you a bagel.

"Glass of water, crust of bread." Name that movie.

"Yeah, I know," CHESTER KNOWWWS! You can name that movie too.


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