Monday, April 2, 2012

I was going to talk about Mom being on the you-going-to-Korea train in this post, but then I felt inadequate so I won't.

Thank you.

I was starting to miss Daesung anyway, because basically everything Big Bang has done between May of last year and their comeback has been without him, because of that accident he was in. Anyway I'm glad he's back and staying cool.

Today I went and gave blood. Every time I go it gets easier to handle, so that's good. I don't mind blood at all but needles are a little iffy. I mean, I don't mind the actual needles, but I psych myself up so much for the initial prick so that's all I can think about and that makes it hurt more. Anyway, I had good blood pressure so it was over really quickly (but I still had time to construct a paper airplane using ONLY my left hand. Swag).

(Bought some cherry chapstick. Swag.)

Your trip sounds pretty awesome all around. It's cool that you can have stuff in common with a lot of those people. Speaking of Big Bang though, last night I got to show everyone in our group the Knockout video that we're going to be using in one of our assignments, and they all thought it was hilarious. The bubble-popping scene was everyone's favorite. ^^ Anyway, they were impressed that I could tell them what some of the lyrics were, so that's good. I feel validated as a language learner. That reminds me though, I saw a little clip of one of those Real 2PM videos, and part of it was Nichkhun talking about how a lot of fans bought Korean language learning books for him, but he'd recently bought a textbook for himself called "Survival Korean" and he was all excited about it. But he was talking about it in Korean, so really what's the point? It depressed me anyway. Jaebeom was on too. Sometimes I feel sorry for the subbers, because he seemed to be constantly saying the wrong words and then pretending like nothing happened.

My roommate keeps telling me about how I talk in my sleep. According to her, so far I haven't said anything horrible, but you can never be certain. I feel like sleeping is like being drunk - you're so uninhibited that you'll say anything. I think about a million horrible thoughts every day, so I don't know what I would do if some of them slipped out while I was fighting cancer.

Seriously though, My Color is like my favorite song. It's fantastic, and then you get to Taec's part and it's outstandingly fantastic. There's a line that I think is "I'm so scary/sometimes I even scare myself" that cracks me up every time.

So I think in Cinderella Girl Taec likes the girl but the girl doesn't like him. So in a way he's a love interest I guess, just a tragic one. In case you're still interested.


P.S. Here. In case you're partial to watching Taec putter around in the kitchen for seven minutes discussing the finer points of making ddokboki.

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