the more I do you,
the more I'm wrath.
Remedial math, remedial math,
you let me go,
them pluck me back.
remedial math, remedial math,
When I do your problems, its sucks.
You send me into spiraling mucks.
The more I see of you,
the more I am mad.
The more you're around,
the more troubles abound.
Remedial math, remedial math.
Ta-da. There it is. I hope that round aboutly gave you the news that I totally failed the placement test. Apparently they gave me the wrong test anyway, but it was still horrible. Being homeschooled I've never really had to endure the humiliation of being told that you failed by thirty six points, by someone who is not your mom. The worst part of this whole thing would be having to actually be in a class that pretty much said, "Michelle has taken Algebra one and two, but she is bad at testing so she had to spend a year and hundreds of dollars paying for it."
So I'm going to study and take the test again, because I don't want to take two creditless classes, and I don't want my brain to spill out of my ears from taking pre-algebra....again. I can only imagine the sort of bored and un-inspired and horrible person I would become if it came to that.
On another note, while I was walking to the school, I saw three white kids, three black kids and literally eleven Asans.
Usually I stay away from saying anything that could be interpreted as even close to racest, but I have to comment about this: There are so many Asians.
So anyway, I saw all these people and I was like, "This place seems pretty chill." There was some group kids on the hill and one of them looked JUST like David So
("I'm a little French, buddy, a little Irish, a little Scottish." to which David So says, "You just three types of vanilla.")
And he was playing guitar and singing some songs. His voice was very loud and very beautiful. And then we walked past some kids that were speaking, THATS RIGHT, Korean.
Sometimes its hard for me to tell if they're speaking Korean or not, because if they say a word like "nehga" (I), I'm pretty sure that's also a word in Japanese. They didn't look Korean though, and I'm pretty sure it was Korean anyway because my Korean senses were tingling. Just kiddng...kind of.
Here's how I tell the difference between Asian languages:
Chinese: If its really fast and sounds kind of like mumbling and is so incredibly fast that you really can't believe they're saying words, its Chinese.
Vietnamese: If it sounds like they're not saying many different words but lots of different tones and words that sound like "hay" every other word, its Vietnamese.
Thai: If it sounds like a tonal language but it isn't as incredibly fast as it could be (Chinese) and there are more "ow"s "oh"s and "wha"s, than its probably Thai.
The only way I can tell Japanese and Korean apart is because I know some words in Korean, and they're pretty easy to identify.
I'm hoping to meet some cool Koreans when I got to this school and get them to tell me how to speak Korean. Yeah buddy!
P.S. I logged onto your youtube again and watched five incredibly random videos just to throw you off.
P.P.S. Today I had shrimp made by my mother for the first time in my entire life.
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