That is a pretty cute little boy. I would enjoy having such a little boy in my life, but alas there are none. I am alone in a wasteland of dull young adults.
They are not really dull. But there sure are a lot of them.
I got stood up today by the Korean person I was supposed to meet. I suspect there was a failure in communication or something of that sort. Ah well, I suppose these things do happen.
Due to my recent Educational Resolutions, I finally achieved the coveted A on a test in Geology. Up until now I have always gotten Cs and Bs, but finally I wised up and breezed right through that test like it was a jar of peanut butter, and I was someone who really likes peanut butter. In fact, I did so well on it that I actually got 101%, thanks to a couple of suspiciously easy extra credit questions. I feel like extra credit questions should always be harder than the rest, so it takes extra effort to get a few more points.
Not that I'm complaining, though. I have the sneaking suspicion that I aced the lab test as well (the extra credit question on it did turn out to be too hard for me to do, though, because it required the use of a calculator that I didn't have. Apparently the teacher assumed that everyone had a calculator on their phone and didn't think to tell anyone to actually bring one. Hah! watch me disprove your convictions that every lazy, snotty college student is joined at the hip with a cellphone that has such capabilities).
So I have a sort-of job interview this Friday. I am one of the first people being interviewed, so I hope I can make a good impression. If I get this job, I will sign up for any hours I'm not in class, even ones late at night, because I want to fulfill the 20-hour-per-week maximum and wring as much income as possible out of minimum wage. Here are my goals for what to do with that income:
1. Buy my own meal plan and food
2. Get back to paying my own insurance
3. Have enough money left over to get a phone plan
You may not realize this, but having a phone in college is much more important than having a phone in high school, because not only is it essential to a lot of social interactions, it's also important for academic and business reasons. Since I don't have texting, I've had to pass up a lot of opportunities to stay in touch with people because their preferred method of communication is texting, especially international students because they have a hard time talking on the phone. So when I have some money that I can call my own, that's one of the first things I'll get, so I can actually keep friends.
Last night, I willingly left a large portion of my homework for today because I had the express intention of enjoying my Tuesday evening with no distractions of the academic sort. Sometimes you just have to schedule that sort of thing, and I needed to reward myself for kicking my own butt to get an A on that Geology test. Anyway, I sat down with a bowl of ramen and a bottle of sriracha (not kidding, best college purchase I've ever made besides peanut butter. DELICIOUS PAIN) and watched a couple of episodes of that show Rooftop Prince that's airing right now. Okay so turns out one of the villains is played by the actor who played my absolute favorite character in Playful Kiss (kdrama law dictates that my favorite character is almost always the one who doesn't get the girl in the end despite confessing his love and also being awesome, wouldn't you agree?). As a villain, he is delightful. He doesn't look much like one, but he murders someone in like the first scene. So I guess actions speak louder than appearances, or however that saying goes.
So then, just when I was really starting to like the show, I realized that the main character is Micky from JYJ. Weird, right? It's actually pretty cool to start watching a drama and then realize that one of the characters is a world-famous musician (odd fact of the day... JYJ is for some reason wildly popular in South America).
Since you mentioned a Korean word of the week, I'll raise you one and give you a Korean word of the day. Mine is 너무. For a long time I had assumed that it was one of the words for "you" because it had 너 in it, but today I saw it in a sentence that didn't make sense until I looked it up, and turns out it means "too", as in "too much" or "too many". So SHINee was really saying "Noona, you're just too pretty" after all.
I have to go do a lot of reading. In Literature for Adolescents we are reading Slaughterhouse-Five. It is a little strange but it became more enjoyable after I realized that it seems to have quite a few stylistic similarities to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. After that I only have three literary analyses to write for tomorrow, and I'm good to go.
There is an Egyptian guy watching a Taylor Swift music video in the next row of computers (I'm in the computer lab). It is interesting.
P.S. There is a flier on my desk advertising a country Western night on campus, with line dancing instruction and contests involving such things as "cow head roping" and "best country outfit" (I am not sure what that entails). I guess there is a market for that sort of thing out here, but it still made me laugh a little inside.
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