Monday, February 1, 2010

Better Late Than Never

...the saying can be quite subjective. But it's good enough for my uses, since I'm pretty late with my picture of the Finished Jayne Hat! As you see, the colours are very bright, due to my failure with teastaining. Elise suggested that I wash it with a dark load of clothes to dull the colours a bit, and I was going to try it, but I'm sort of paranoid about some of the knots unravelling in the wash. It could shrink as well, and we don't want that.

Anyhow! As Michelle has said, we're all at odds lately with the recent addition of a blocking program to our computer. Though we've issued a few petitions with the Higher Authority, the paperwork apparently has not all been got through, and the twinsaurus will have to continue to find the wherewithal to post on other computers when the opportunity arises. Meanwhile, we're watching Robin Hood and eating Jelly Bellies at our leisure, and hoping all of you are having the same amount of fun.


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