Monday, February 8, 2010

Cold Coffee

I know, most of my post headings seem to be pertaining to beverages, but I just can't help it. At school, most of what I do is drink comfortingly warm drinks. Some other things I did today - swallow my gum in choir class. I even realise that I was chewing gum until about a third of the way through, and hopefully no one else had noticed either, and I knew that I would probably be in major trouble if I ran to the dustbin to spit it out, revealing that I had - gasp! - had gum in my mouth while singing, so I just swallowed it right then and there. That's innovative thinking for you right there, ladies and gentlemen. I also got the oil changed in the van. Valvoline is wonderfully professional, but the nice people come with a price. A pretty fat price, at that.

Anyhow. To business! As it happens, I watched the Superbowl last night. Don't ask why, because I don't know myself. I'm not interested in football and never have been, so I guess I was just curious to watch the allegedly great Superbowl commercials (most of them ended up being subpar) and the halftime show (painful). While the football was on, though, I finished my book, which is called The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. It's a book that was written for a younger audience than myself, I guess, but I had tons of fun reading it and found the prose really clever. It reminded me of a cleverer, more cheerful version of A Series of Unfortunate Events, happy ending included. There are sequels, but since the first book didn't set up for them or end on a cliffhanger or anything, I don't think I'll worry about reading them. My next project is to retrieve my half-done Dune from Mor Mor's house.

Every time I think of the word "cliffhanger", this song pops into my head from Between the Lions where Cliff Hanger is hanging from this cliff with one hand, trying to find a way to save himself, and a chorus of flight-attendant-looking people flies by on a helicopter singing "Cliff Hanger, handing from a cliff/And that's why he's called Cliff Hanger!" I always wondered why they never tried to save him.


1 comment:

  1. I thought A Series of Unfortunate Events was actually a little more clever. But I did like the cheeriness.

    People say swallowing gum is bad for you because it take 7 years to digest, but only 12 year olds have ever told me that so I don't believe it. A lot of people must, though, because they seem to think that putting it under their desk or on the sidewalk is the best bet. Not so, kiddos.
