Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kaitlyn is the Coolest!

I'm writing this for Kaitlyn, because she is the coolest. She came to my house to give me about five amazing presents, including an amazing picture book that she wrote that is 63 pages!

Kaitlyn is like the fur of my cat,
the doctors pinstriped suit,
the cart of the Mario,
the super of all heroes,
the wool of every cloudsheep,
the color of every hot air balloon,
the red of every heart,
the happy of every birthday.
You're the happiness in every story,
the every sound of Yoshi,
Thank you for being my friend,
thank you for the presents,
Happy Valentines day.

That was not meant to sound like a "Heres a poem for valentines day because I love you,"thing, I hope it didn't.
It just happens that my birthday is on valentines day, and you happened to give me those awesome things.



1 comment:


    it didn't. but it definitely made me love ya tons more.
    hope you don't minddd.
    &THANK YOU~!!!!!!!1/you're so welcome!!!!1
